I once took a GBA ROM, opened it up in an emulator, looked up the stats for a monster in-game, changed those numbers into 16-bit hexdecimals, opened the ROM up in a hex editor, searched for those hexdecimals in the hex editor, found it in the ROM, copied a CRAPLOAD of hexdecimals from the ROM, spent days trying to figure out what I copied, figured out where the name for that monster was located, opened the memory viewer of the emulator, messed around with where the name was located, opened a new text document, wrote out the hexdecimal representation for each character in the name, wrote out the hexdecimal representation for each letter of the alphabet, opened the ROM in a hexeditor, copied parts of it in hexdecimals around where that name was, pasted it in a notepad, saved it, closed it, opened the file again in Wordpad, did overe 70 Replace Alls, opened the text file in a hex editor, copied it and pasted in another text document, did a Replace All looking for hexdecimal representations of a hexdecimal representation of the "Next" function of the game, pasted it back, as code, into the hex editor into the text document, saved the hex'd document, opened it, copied all of it, opened a web browser, went to a web forum, clicked on "New Topic", pasted it into the "Message" box, and posted it on the forum.
And I would've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those meddling Rhias! And their mangy Sturm, too!
Good thing I don't do that any more.