Sonic the Hedgehog: The one that started it all, sweetness to the core.
Sonic 2: Again, awesome especially with the inclusion of multiplayer.
Sonic 3: Saving was good, and this was also a pretty good game.
Sonic & Knuckles: A follow-up to 3, introduced Knux and that's all that matters.
Sonic 3 and Knuckles: The best Sonic game EVAR!! To me anyway.
Sonic CD: This was the 2nd best old school Sonic platformer.
Sonic R: Kinda stupid if you ask me.
Sonic 3D Blast- The stupidest old school Sonic game.
Sonic Adventure (DX): For Sonic's first venture into full polygonal 3D, i think it was created exceptionally well and it was great, but there to many playable characters
Sonic Shuffle: A Mario Party ripoff, which was a lot better than Mario Party in my opinion.
Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle): The best 3D Sonic game ever, graphics were above and beyond those of SA, and the first stage msic rocked.
Sonic Heroes: It was fun at first, but it got repetitive near the end, but the graphics were awesome
Shadow the Hedgehog: Worst Sonic game ever, without the inclusion of weapons, this would have been a good game.
Sonic Advance: Awesome
Sonic Advance 2: Awesomer
Sonic Advance 3: Awesomest
Sonic Pinball Party: Rocked, a lot better than Spinball, cause NIGHTS was in it.
Sonic Battle: I liked this, especially since it had such a wide variety of moves, but it was really short though.
Sonic Riders: Fun for two seconds, then you realize you can't stop, brake, or attack people with crap from item boxes.
This post has been edited by Rzul: Jul 24 2006, 01:10 AM
I once saw Phoenix Wright cosplay at JACON... I thought my eyes would shrivel up.