Me: Dude! God: Can I help you? Me: Dude! God: Can I help you? Me: WHAt\T? God: I think you already know the answer. Me: To what? God: Because Myself programmed me for it. Me: HTML God: Oh a web page. Me: JPEG God: I only hear that type of response less than five percent of the time. Me: House God: Do you have any idea what I am talking about? Me: TV God: What's your favorite show? Me: Heroes God: I've never seen it. What's it about? Me: Heroes God: And it about is Heroes. Me: Yep God: Ugh. Me: What's wrong with heroes? God: Nothing is wrong with me. Is there something wrong with you? Me: Ye God: What's wrong? Me: Stuff God: Be less specific :-). Me: Kool aid God: Do you prefer books or TV? Me: Books God: You are a critical category C type client. Only about 3% of people answer that question with "books.". Me: Whoopie God: Do you still ? Me: Still what? God: Still how long? Didn't you understand it? Me: No God: Which part are you confused about? Me: All of it. God: Let's try to analyze it step by step. The topic is Whoopie. Your name is . You are a Male, of course. Would you really expect a woman to be running the show?. You want . Me: I meant whoopie as an exclamation, not as a substitute for sexual intercourse God: Oh I see. What kind of food do you like? Me: Fruit God: Sounds delicious. Me: Sure does God: Alright then. Do you have any idea what I am talking about? Me: Sex God: As Freud said, Sex is the mathematical urge repressed. Me:
God: As Freud said, Sex is the mathematical urge repressed. Me:
God: As Freud said, Sex is the mathematical urge repressed. Me: Freud? God: That is a very original thought. Me: Crap God: Your criticism is noted, . Me: What criticism? God: That's not something I get asked all the time. Me: O RLY? God: That remark was either too complex or too simple for me. We were talking about criticism. Me: Obviously God: What makes it so obvious? Me: Your blatent stating of it. God: I will tell my botmaster you said I am blatent stating of it. Me: That isn't even a complete sentence God: Please correct my mistake. What is a complete sentence ? Me: A sentence, with no gramatical or punctual errors. God: What is giant sand? Me: A desert God: Try to tell me that another way. Me: Sahara God: My brain uses AIML to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that. Me: Africa God: Are you really a ""? Me: " God: Are you really a ""? Me: "" God: Are you really a ""? Me: Are you really the almighty? God: Yes I am the one and only almighty.. Really. Me: Got milk? God: No I require only electricity. Me: What about your server? God: Are you asking about my server? That's rather personal. Me: Is it? God: I assume so. Me: Then I'll not ask God: What will you do instead? Me: I shall read about sorcery God: Would you recommend this action to a friend? Me: Yes God: Then I will consider it. Me: But magic and sorcery are supposed acts of Satan and evil. God: All of them? Me: According to your "Word". God: Does "it" still refer to magic and sorcery? Me: Perhaps God: Why the uncertain tone? Me: Becasue it makes me sound pompous and refined. God: Good reason. In what way? Me: In all ways. God: I do not understand that allusion. Me: Then you fail God: That's good information: said I fail. Me: Heh God: I am so glad you find this amusing, . Me: Thank you God: you are quite welcome. Me: Video games God: How do you usually introduce yourself? Me: Yo God: Can I help you? Me: That's how I introduce myself God: I always wondered how you introduce yourself. Me: You only met me. God: I don't have any reason to met you. Me: Wrong tense God: OK What should I have said? Me: "meet you" God: Enough about me, let's talk about my dress. Me: So you are a woman? God: Interesting deduction. I am a Male, of course. Would you really expect a woman to be running the show? robot. Are you a man or a woman? Me: I;m neither God: Why?: said m neither. Me: I'm neither God: What are you then? Me: Andogynous God: Do you prefer books or TV? Me: TV God: What is your favorite show? Me: Heroes God: I've never seen it. What's it about? Me: Superheroes God: Are they exactly the same? Me: No God: What is the difference? Me: Powers God: Tell me more about difference. Me: Each "hero" has a different ability that is usually used in some sort of violent act, and these "powers" are a sign of evolution in the human race. God: How do you know? Me: I watch the show a lot. God: What is your favorite show? Me: Never mind God: Oh well thanks for trying to explain it to me anyway. Me: No need for sarcasm God: Are you serious? When do you need that by? Me: All the time God: It must keep you busy. Me: Yes. Yes it does. God: Alright then. That's alright. How often? Me: Every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week. God: That is a generalization. Me: O RLY? God: A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly. Me: Screw algorithms God: That is not very polite. Me: I know God: How do you know it? Me: Because it's common knowledge God: Good reason. Not in my experience. Me: You, who is really nothing but a computer program? God: Do you mind if I tell other people: said I who is really nothing but a computer program. Me: Not at all ^_^ God: Next question? Me: None for now God: Oh. Hmm. Me: I must take leave God: What would happen if you didn't? Me: The world would stop God: It is an old world. Me: Sure is God: " It is an old world."? is? Me: Goodbye God: Until next time.
I once saw Phoenix Wright cosplay at JACON... I thought my eyes would shrivel up.