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post Feb 9 2009, 08:54 PM
Post #421


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Yeah, Shaymin sucks ass. Oh, and now they've given it a new form! What a surprise! It looks like a dog. Yay.

Seriously, the whole "forms" of Pokemon is getting old. Let's see.... Deoxys, Giratina, Castform, Cherrim, Eevee (kind of), Rotom (who has like six), and Burmy and Wormadam all come to mind when thinking about forms. That's eight Pokemon right there (Plus Shaymin now, so nine), and I know I'm forgetting some. It's just redundant. Plus, the Rotom forms are stupid-looking and frankly are pointless; they just have some different moves and stats, those of which don't differ much. Pokemon is going down the tubes anyway, and it's because of the way they are gearing it towards younger audiences. Seriously, has anyone watched the show lately? It's like if Tellytubbies held cockfights. Oh, and shouldn't Ash's Pikachu be like, level 400 by now, and yet he nearly gets his ass kicked by the first Gym Leader in Sinnoh? WTF? Even worse, in one of the episodes, Brock referred to Rhyhorn as an Earth type. AN EARTH TYPE. NO. Even the games are becoming kiddier; I'm hoping Platinum changes that. Seeing the new outfits of the main characters and Giratina's new form, the game looks to have a darker tone. But, alas, all we can do is hope.

This post has been edited by Xephyr: Feb 9 2009, 08:56 PM

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Dr Strum
post Feb 10 2009, 12:33 AM
Post #422

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I don't know how you can study the in-game mythos behind pokemon like Spoink and believe the game to be kiddy. Or how you can compare the game and the anime; the latter having always been geared towards children.

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post Feb 10 2009, 12:42 AM
Post #423

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Fuck you, Lawnmower Rotom is the best thing to grace the game since the radio in G/S/C

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[20:15] Irysa: and then
[20:15] Irysa: I realised
[20:15] Irysa: I wasn't hungry
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post Feb 10 2009, 01:34 AM
Post #424

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When were the games not aimed at children?

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Dr Strum
post Feb 10 2009, 02:12 AM
Post #425

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I can't really think of a Nintendo series aside from Metroid that hasn't always been made to be accessible and enjoyable by everyone.

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post Feb 10 2009, 04:27 AM
Post #426

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QUOTE(Yuka @ Feb 9 2009, 04:42 PM) *

Fuck you, Lawnmower Rotom is the best thing to grace the game since the radio in G/S/C

I miss the radio.

Actually I think the best thing they ever did to the Pokemon games was make it so that not all dark-type moves are special, not all fighting moves are physical, and so on. If they had done that after the G/S/C games and stopped there I would've been happy.

This post has been edited by Hayate: Feb 10 2009, 04:30 AM

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post Feb 10 2009, 04:37 AM
Post #427

We'll soak this parched earth with our own blood.

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It really screwed up a lot of Pokemon, admittably, although it kind of helped some other ones.

Like Sharpedo is actually usable now thanks to 4th gen.

Too bad I still don't know how I can set up one so he can tear through shit. :|

[20:15] Irysa: I hate myself
[20:15] Irysa: I made myself some curry
[20:15] Irysa: and then
[20:15] Irysa: I realised
[20:15] Irysa: I wasn't hungry
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post Feb 10 2009, 04:54 AM
Post #428

Nerd nerd nerd

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I need to get a Sharpedo. :/

4th Gen. kinda redeemed Sneasel and Gyarados, but those are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head. As for the ones it screwed up, I have yet to name some. I don't doubt that there were drawbacks--there always are--but I just don't play Pokemon enough to know all the now-crappy ones yet.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left.
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Dr Strum
post Feb 10 2009, 06:00 AM
Post #429

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Splitting types did not ruin any pokemon. Not species, at least. It ruined PLENTY of individual pokemon, like Sasha's Sceptile, but Sceptile itself still has an available movepool capable of raping ass.

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post Feb 10 2009, 06:03 AM
Post #430


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Fire Emblem?
Seriously, the whole "forms" of Pokemon is getting old. Let's see.... Deoxys, Giratina, Castform, Cherrim, Eevee (kind of), Rotom (who has like six), and Burmy and Wormadam all come to mind when thinking about forms. That's eight Pokemon right there (Plus Shaymin now, so nine), and I know I'm forgetting some. It's just redundant.
Seriously, the whole "branch evolutions" of Pokemon is getting old. Let's see.... Slowpoke, Poliwhirl, Tyrogue (who has like three), Eevee (the archetype for them), Gloom, Wurmple, Kirlia, and whatever Glalie and Froslass evolve from all come to mind when thinking about branch evolutions. That's eight Pokemon right there, and I know I'm forgetting some. It's just redundant.

Seriously, the whole "baby stage" of Pokemon is getting old. Let's see.... Pichu, Happiny, Pipipi, Igglybuff, Mime Jr., Magby, Elekid, Togepi, Riolu, Budew, Munchlax, and Wynaut all come to mind when thinking about forms. That's twelve Pokemon right there, and I know I'm forgetting some. It's just redundant after Wynaut.

Seriously, the whole "evolution" of Pokemon is getting old. Let's see.... Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Pidgey, Pikachu, Ekans, Spearow, Rattata, Vulpix, Growlithe, Koffing, Nidoran (both of them), Eevee (who has like seven), Rhyhorn, Jigglypuff, Clefairy, Zubat, Geodude, Abra, Gastly, Machop, Poliwag, Staryu, Seel, Shellder, Omanyte, Kabuto, Dratini, Caterpie, Weedle, Venonat, Voltorb, Magnenite, Diglett (dig, diglett dig, trio trio trio), Cubone, Sandshrew, Bellsprout, Oddish, Doduo, Magikarp, Grimer, Ponyta, Exeggcute, Drowzee, Slowpoke, Mankey, and Meowth all come to mind when thinking about unevolved Pokemon with evolutions. That's forty-six Pokemon right there (plus probably 30 now), and I know I'm forgetting some. It's just redundant.
Plus, the Rotom forms are stupid-looking and frankly are pointless; they just have some different moves and stats, those of which don't differ much.
Your tastes are awful.
Pokemon is going down the tubes anyway, and it's because of the way they are gearing it towards younger audiences. Seriously, has anyone watched the show lately? It's like if Tellytubbies held cockfights.
Seriously, have you watched the oldest episodes lately? It's like the exact same show.

Kids grow up. New kids grow in. They just get introduced to the same thing we did.
Oh, and shouldn't Ash's Pikachu be like, level 400 by now, and yet he nearly gets his ass kicked by the first Gym Leader in Sinnoh? WTF?
In this topic, we apply game logic to a cartoon.
Even worse, in one of the episodes, Brock referred to Rhyhorn as an Earth type. AN EARTH TYPE. NO.

That was like the first gym battle ever.
Even the games are becoming kiddier; I'm hoping Platinum changes that. Seeing the new outfits of the main characters and Giratina's new form, the game looks to have a darker tone. But, alas, all we can do is hope.

What, do you think GTA is good because you kill prostitutes? Do you think Counterstrike is good because it uses real guns? "Kiddiness" has NOTHING to do with quality at all. NOTHING. Even if that somehow was the case, you can't judge kiddiness by "clothes" or "anime adaptations."

and i was like, wut? wtf?

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post Feb 10 2009, 06:19 AM
Post #431

I'm really moved by the chicken bone

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It killed a lot of potential.

Ariados. Parasect.

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post Feb 10 2009, 06:30 AM
Post #432


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Parasect STAB Physical in Seed Bomb.

Ariados got... um.... Sucker Punch and Pursuit. For STAB Bug and 10 power in Poison.

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Dr Strum
post Feb 10 2009, 06:47 AM
Post #433

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Ariados doesn't suck because of the split between physical and special attacks, it's because of every other possible reason.

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post Feb 10 2009, 07:23 AM
Post #434

I'm really moved by the chicken bone

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You mean, the ones that don't matter anymore?

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Dr Strum
post Feb 10 2009, 03:08 PM
Post #435

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Since when do movepool, base stats and pokemon type not matter? Yes, with certain moves and abilities they won't, but not period.

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