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> Role-Play Madness, No, Sturm. Not like we do.
post Apr 5 2007, 02:09 AM
Post #1

The Comedy of Errors

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We're looking for more Riviera members at a Roleplaying LiveJournal game I'm in, called Island RP. It's pretty fun, if a little weird. We currently have.. a Cierra! But it'd be nice to have more of the cast. Oh, I think we still have our Malice. I'm not quite sure.

If you guys know your way around livejournal and are interested, it'd be nice to see you there. It's not an Original Character RP, it's strictly canon characters. All the information is in the link, it's actually quite a fun humorous RP. Good for playing characters you loved from a game. There's an application process and it's journaled based posts in the community. So uh, if you have any questions or comments feel free to ask me. /o/

I'm Momo (Breath of Fire 3), Ash (Phantom Brave), and Salome (Makai Kingdom) there! So. Yeah.

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post Apr 5 2007, 03:03 AM
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Group: Arcs
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Uh, hey there! You might remember me from when I was actually active here! In any case, I'm island's Cierra, and I also play Hanatarou (BLEACH), Jack Spicer (Xiaolin Showdown), Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic games), Mion (Higurashi no Naku Koro ni), and Zetta from Makai Kingdom.

In fact, speaking of my activity, this RP is in fact an enormous part of the reason as to WHY it's the only place I'm active at. It's just THAT great, and more Riviera characters, and even Yggdra Union ones, would be absolutely awesome! So uh, please to be joining and Cierra will very happily invite you to live in her cave of wonders! :D
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post Apr 5 2007, 08:40 PM
Post #3

Architect of the Great Wall of Text

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lol@topic title.

I'll join tomorrow, when I'm less sleepy. *yawn*
E-102 Chaos Gamma in Sonic, someone in Riviera. *falls asleep*
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Feral Phoenix
post Apr 11 2007, 03:31 PM
Post #4

Angelus Artifax

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Got some questions about that comm. Like... is there a YU crowd there yet?

And how do you RP in it? Like, do you post your RPing journeys in the community, or in your character's journal, or where?

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