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> Stranger than Fiction
post Dec 4 2006, 03:33 AM
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Group: Arcs
Posts: 32
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From: Yes, Hinamizawa
Member No.: 320

It's a movie that's been here in the US around for a couple of weeks I s'pose, it's about a guy who starts hearing a voice narrating his life, and when the voice tells him he's going to die, he goes to do something about it. As it turns out, the narrator is a real person writing a book and the book, and the character, are all real. Very funny movie, I enjoyed it a lot and thus I'm here, reccomending it and hoping for possible discussion.

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post Dec 7 2006, 06:22 AM
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I to enjoyed this movie. I thought it was great to start with the humor it did but I felt it got into a spiral of depression when he found out that the voice said he was going to die.

Overall it was funny and fun. I enjoyed the last line alot.

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