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> BF38 help..., Spoilers, naturally.
Another Necromancer
post Apr 13 2007, 01:55 AM
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Inside Ishnad. I can handle the initial Valks and Emilia just fine (Cruz is an absolute beast against Griffon Riders, battle penalty or not, but you already knew that). It's the next part that gets me, or more specifically, Eudy's bloody cannon. After the earlier battles outside Ishnad (you know, the ones where you do NOTHING but lose morale...) I'm having a morale/item crisis, so after three or four cannon hits, it's do-or-die against Baldus' units.

What I'm actually asking is: is it worth bringing Elena and Cruz onto the battlefield and storming Eudy's cannon position, or should I focus everything on Baldus and get it over with ASAP? Or is there a better way I'm missing completely?

Thanks in advance.

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post Apr 13 2007, 02:13 AM
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I'm pretty sure you have to defeat both of them to proceed, so it's best to just go after Eudy first.

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post Apr 13 2007, 03:14 AM
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Rhia is corret: You have to beat them BOTH. However, I beat baldus easy with a little Crusade action....But it's up to you what to use.

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Another Necromancer
post Apr 13 2007, 09:12 AM
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I'll admit crusade is good, but in power terms it's NOTHING compared to Steal (7000+). Regardless, looks like it's crush rush time - I'll try focusing everything on Baldus while my bowmen get ready for the cannon-w****.

Thanks for the tips.

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Suzu Fujibayashi
post Apr 13 2007, 03:40 PM
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I don't recall having to beat Eudy to finish that BF... Then again, I usually can go beat her with Yggdra and Elena (Rosary possibly) but I'm not sure if your Yggdra was as overpowered as mine (Nearly everything 6 stars <<)

Baldus looks tough, but he is kinda easy... Well he's easier when he isn't alone since then you don't have to worry about that bloody Ace Guard as much. And you totally need to steal that Grand Cross because... Well you know why.

Your Steal is pretty strong so if you can beat Baldus and steal with it and have a decent number of units left you should deal some pretty nice damage.

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Feral Phoenix
post Apr 13 2007, 05:25 PM
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Angelus Artifax

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Heck, Item Steal is a 20% bonus, so KO him with Milanor and you've got it covered.

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Dr Strum
post Apr 13 2007, 06:15 PM
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Item Break is a 20% bonus, Item Steal is 30%.

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Suzu Fujibayashi
post Apr 13 2007, 07:23 PM
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Don't forget he's on a Fort though... That -40% GEO Defense really is a pain in the rear.

And I don't think there is any item Milanor can use that gives him "Enemy GEO 0%" or whatever.

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Dr Strum
post Apr 13 2007, 07:29 PM
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Can Lead the Nation with a Microphone

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We have these pages for a reason. Milanor can equip the Flute of Deception.

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Suzu Fujibayashi
post Apr 13 2007, 11:01 PM
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Oh I forgot about that equip... My bad, sorry.

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Dr Strum
post Apr 13 2007, 11:09 PM
Post #11

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As I said, we have those pages for a reason; so that you have no excuse.

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Lord Ryo
post Apr 14 2007, 12:18 AM
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Yeah, use Steal and kill him in one hit! >_< If I'm not mistaken you get the first turn, correct me if I'm wrong *but don't over do it...* However, I don't quite remember HAVING to defeat Eudy, but I don't recall completely, but if you do, send Yggdra and whichever staff user you picked and wipe her out!
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Lloyd Seegymont the Rasier
post Apr 14 2007, 01:07 AM
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Everytime I play the game, Steal is allways my card with the highest power. I allways get it maxed out everytime i play though the game. I too used crusade on him, but mine was about a power of 4500, so it made it easier.

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(10:29:40 AM): you motherfucker
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post Apr 14 2007, 01:12 AM
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Mine was Gravity Chaos, but I didn't even have 4500 power with it.

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Lloyd Seegymont the Rasier
post Apr 14 2007, 01:15 AM
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Yes, Gravity Chaos works wonders on most enemies. Thats my 3rd or 4th most powerful, at 5500 power, give or take a few.

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(10:29:40 AM): you motherfucker
LoRdXrAsLeR(10:29:48 AM): D:
(10:29:54 AM): NO DON'T
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