Posting a fanlisting isn't the same as posting actual links, Sturm.
Yes, it is.
-and you're contradicting yourself, as you've posted several links that also appear in the fanlisting in your choice seven
Because I knew people wouldn't look at it. And it's not reposting if it's in the same post; it's emphasis.
Besides, I haven't even cracked down on you for posting pairing-art sites without listing the pairings.
Why? Art is art.
and Little Rabbit has quite a few Russell/Roswell pictures on there that they might find offensive.
None of them beyond comedy or pure friendship in nature. Of course,
you would read more into them...
not somewhere they have to hunt through lines and lines of garbled text to pick out something that might have YU art
So now you consider Japanese to be garbled text? Not to mention, the fanlisting is very easy to get through; go to the column titled "HP" (homepage, for those less intelligent people here) and click on any links contained therein.
Писатель всегда будет в оппозиции к политике, пока сама политика будет в оппозиции к культуре.