QUOTE(Feral Phoenix @ Sep 28 2008, 12:06 PM)
Please don't direct-post Akihito's art. Put a link up to R+ if you must, but don't pirate his art like that. I've included plenty of links to his blog and website in this thread. :<
Which one is it?I just pick most of them from a random japan website.Some of them are also hentai website so that's why I didn't provide it.
QUOTE(catlandcreator @ Oct 7 2008, 06:47 PM)
Hentai warning: page full of Riviera and YU hentai. If you don't want to see Milanor get assraped, careful with the links at the bottom of the page.
Though, isn't random-flunky-from-battlefield-1 a guy?
Edit: Whoops. Link removed. Ask me for it if you want.
.....is the first four word of the website start with Rivi?
So after some time here's another Yggdra video that I found.This one is really really weird.