I dunno. I've always saved Gordon in the past, but it's never caused too much of a problem for me in trying to beat the BF; in fact I find it beneficial to have him around, since I can swap him in and out of Unions for units who've just taken a pummeling. I fill his Morale up, leave him out of the first fight, and then have him haul ass back to the church, make my formation there, wait until Gulcasa's troops arrive, and pummel them when they get there. :D It usually takes them a while to get everyone up to fight me, so it doesn't make much difference.
If all else fails, I recommend cheating. :D In other words, purposely throwing the first part of the BF by wasting cards, just to lower enemy stats in the second part. |D The added experience is worth it if you go out of your way to kill all of Juvelon and Mardym's units in the first part.