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My collection of YU fanart: -33 B&W drawings. -103 Colour drawings. -41 Comics. -11 Custom Sprites. -11 Pieces of hentai (all awful; don't bother requesting they're mostly for taunting.) -9 Other pictures that I am unsure as of yet how to classify.
I also have many links, including one with a listing of fans and links to their sites (most having fanart, some remixes, and a sparse few losers), and two Oekaki boards. Then some blogs of people that regularly draw YU fanart in my feeds, and one site in particular bookmarked that has a lot of fanart, but I only really wanted to save maybe ten pictures from it. I've also seen many awful pictures, such as the Yggdra one that PPA linked to- ZOMFGAD WATCH OUT FOR HER HAND OAFJNOSINR~1
And now that I've put you all in your place, everyone get back on topic. The WSC soundtrack makes me feel all nostalgic.
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