Well, the WSC version had the base game, but an ugly art style. And WSC is not so yummy. The GBA version nabbed a pretty new art style, and added some voice acting. Very nice. But it was limited by the hardware. Then, in the PSP version, they added a shitton of CGs, a few new scenes and full voice acting. VERY nice, but the problem is that, while updating the battle graphics a bit, the sprites are merely scaled up and (while better when you're actually playing the game than seeing screens and such) very ugly. Then they also removed the suspend feature.
A definitive version would add more CGs (or its just a rehash ;)), redone sprites, more scenes (particular those exploring the pasts of some of the more ignored characters like all three Grim Angels and Hector), the return of the suspend save feature, and maybe a complete chapter eight, or a "chapter nine" of equivalent length... And, of course, full voice acting.
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