[22:26:54] * Gulcasa gives Ash a semicolon [22:29:08] <Ashton> Why do you keep giving me punctuations? [22:29:14] <Gulcasa> I don't know!! [22:29:27] * Gulcasa gives Ash a period. [22:29:38] <Takeru-kun> That sounds funny. [22:29:39] <DrSturm> ASH IS A WOMAN [22:29:45] <Gulcasa> YOU ALL SUK [22:29:46] <Gulcasa> I MEAN [22:29:47] <Gulcasa> LIKE [22:29:48] <DrSturm> HE HAS OVAARIES [22:30:35] <Ashton> Actually, I do have Ovaries. [22:30:57] <Ashton> They just perform different functions, hang out of my body, and are called 'testes' in scientific terms. [22:31:12] <DrSturm> Then they're not ovaries. [22:31:17] <Gulcasa> I THINK YOU MEAN LUNGS ASH [22:32:12] <Ashton> Lungs don't hang out of your body [22:32:16] * Gulcasa gives Ash a colon. [22:32:53] * Ashton gives Rhia a slash. [22:32:58] <Gulcasa> What! [22:33:01] * DrSturm calls the police [22:33:02] * Gulcasa has been slain. [22:33:32] * Ashton ATK, GEN, TEC, LUK +1 GROW UP! [22:33:37] <Gulcasa> Awww. [22:33:42] <Gulcasa> I wish that was possible in my game [22:33:44] <DrSturm> ONLY THREE STATS GO UP AT ONCE [22:33:54] <Gulcasa> Well, it doesn't matter in the end [22:33:58] <Gulcasa> My stats are always better!! [22:34:01] <Gulcasa> Unless you are Milanor! [22:34:08] <Gulcasa> Is Ash Milanor?! [22:34:21] * Ashton ATK, GEN, TEC +5 GROW UP! [22:34:39] <DrSturm> THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE EITHER [22:34:44] <DrSturm> THE MAX UP IS +2 [22:34:46] <DrSturm> FOR MVP [22:34:50] * Ashton ATK, GEN, TEC +3 GROW UP! [22:34:58] <DrSturm> NOT POSSIBLE [22:35:00] <Gulcasa> Well Ash?! [22:35:04] <Gulcasa> Are you really Milanor?! [22:35:11] <Gulcasa> Are you torn between three women?! [22:35:12] <Ashton> I absorbed Milanor into me. [22:35:17] <Gulcasa> So you sort of are! [22:35:19] <Ashton> So I have all his abilities. [22:35:24] <Ashton> Yes. Yes I am. [22:35:32] <Gulcasa> Then, Milash, I give you this! [22:35:32] * Gulcasa gives Ash an exclamation point. [22:35:36] <Ashton> Yggdra, Cierra, and... uh... Sugar. I guess. [22:35:43] <Gulcasa> Cierra? [22:35:45] <Ashton> ! [22:35:46] <Gulcasa> MORE LIKE KYLIER [22:35:46] <Gulcasa> :( [22:35:50] * Ashton goes into ALERT mode. [22:36:41] * DrSturm gives Ash an atrophy [22:36:47] <DrSturm> Apostrophy [22:36:50] <DrSturm> <_< [22:37:03] * Gulcasa keeps the question mark safe. [22:37:43] <Gulcasa> Ash~! [22:37:47] <Gulcasa> You need more tildes! [22:37:53] * Gulcasa gives Ash the tilde. [22:38:31] <Gulcasa> Ash! [22:38:35] <Gulcasa> Use your tilde! [22:39:23] <Ashton> ~ [22:39:26] <Gulcasa> <3 <3 <3 [22:39:31] <Gulcasa> Gulcasa x Ash [22:40:16] <Ashton> Is Gulcasa a female or male? I saw someone refer to Gulcasa as a she. [22:40:19] <DrSturm> ... [22:40:21] <Gulcasa> MALE [22:40:23] <DrSturm> That was swiyth. [22:40:28] <DrSturm> Swiyth said Gulcasa was a she. [22:40:31] <DrSturm> No one else did. [22:40:33] <DrSturm> Ever. [22:40:40] <Ashton> No, it wasn't Swoyth. [22:40:42] <Gulcasa> Ash! [22:40:46] <Gulcasa> I have something to tell you! [22:40:50] <Gulcasa> That you probably know! [22:40:50] <Ashton> I think it was the FAQ writer from GameFAQs. [22:40:55] <Gulcasa> YOu know what, forget it! [22:40:59] <DrSturm> Grey Fox is an idiot. [22:40:59] <Gulcasa> GameFAQs people are stupid! [22:41:01] <Ashton> WHAT? YOU'RE PREGNANT!??!?! [22:41:09] <Gulcasa> It was actually about GAL CUROSR [22:41:13] <Gulcasa> BUT SURE [22:41:48] <Gulcasa> SHE HAS THREE WISHES [22:41:50] <Gulcasa> SEX SEX SEX [22:42:41] <Gulcasa> Or wahtever [22:42:48] <Gulcasa> Gulcasa = woman now [22:42:51] <Gulcasa> Because I am Gulcasa! [22:42:58] <Gulcasa> No wait! [22:43:02] <Gulcasa> I am the gender of Seth-Rah! [22:43:03] <Ashton> And you're pregnant with my baby. [22:43:08] <Gulcasa> Gender: Ledah! [22:43:19] <Gulcasa> Why would you have sex with a Ledah, Ash?! [22:43:44] <Ashton> I had sex with you before you became a Ledah. [22:43:49] <Gulcasa> Oh, okay [22:44:16] * Gulcasa gives Ash an asterisk [22:44:18] <Ashton> It better be a girl... [22:44:39] <Gulcasa> If it's not, I'll let you have my question mark! [22:44:57] <Ashton> Okay~ [22:45:31] <DrSturm> Why do you want a girl so badly? [22:45:36] <DrSturm> For a child? [22:46:15] <Ashton> Because I have nothing but brothers. [22:46:29] <Gulcasa> But you have a lot of girlfriends! [22:46:30] <Gulcasa> Or had! [22:46:31] <DrSturm> So you're going to treat your daughter like a sister? [22:46:33] <Gulcasa> And they wear aprons! [22:46:42] * Gulcasa gives Ash an apron. [22:46:50] <Gulcasa> I know how much you like them~ <3 [22:47:07] * DrSturm models said apron for Ash [22:47:07] <DrSturm> <3 [22:47:30] <Ashton> No I'll treat my daughter like... uh, a daughter. [22:47:38] <Gulcasa> WILL YOU TELL THEM ABOUT THE THING? [22:47:45] <DrSturm> Then what do your brothers have to do with the equation? [22:48:01] <Gulcasa> YOU KNOW... THE ONE WITH BLOOD... [22:48:26] <Gulcasa> THAT HAPPENS ONLY AT THAT ONE TIME! [22:48:45] <Ashton> Uh, why? You don't wanna do it? [22:48:51] <Gulcasa> No! [22:48:54] <Gulcasa> It's too scary! [22:48:56] <Gulcasa> Traumatizing! [22:48:58] <Gulcasa> Painful! [22:50:58] <Gulcasa> SOMEONE WHO'S SURVIVED THROUGH THE EXPERIENCE SHOULD TELL HER, ASH [22:51:03] <Gulcasa> THAT MEANS YOU [22:51:42] <Ashton> I've never had that experience. [22:51:47] <Gulcasa> Yes you have! [22:51:53] <Gulcasa> You told me about it right after! [22:52:13] <Gulcasa> You were very afraid and I was telling you that everything would be okay! [22:52:15] <Ashton> Are we talking about the same experience? [22:52:20] <Gulcasa> I think so [22:52:30] <Gulcasa> What do you think we are talking about? [22:52:44] <Ashton> Periods? [22:52:50] <Gulcasa> ...Oh, no. Not at all [22:52:59] <Gulcasa> I was talking about at night when the Jack-O-Lanterns come to get you. [22:53:12] <Ashton> Oh, you mean sex. [22:53:16] <Gulcasa> What..? [22:53:35] <DrSturm> You have very disturbing fantasies of pumpkins, Ash. [22:53:36] <Gulcasa> It happens only at 4:31 AM! [22:53:43] <Gulcasa> They scratch at your window~!!! [22:53:45] <Ashton> Fine, I'll tell her about it. [22:53:49] <Gulcasa> Then PFOOOSH [22:53:54] <Gulcasa> THE WINDOW SHATTERED [22:53:58] <Gulcasa> "GROOOOOOOOO" [22:54:02] <Gulcasa> "GROOOO!O!!!!!!" [22:54:09] <Gulcasa> And then you got eaten. [22:54:35] <Ashton> Oh, THAT. [22:54:40] <Gulcasa> Yeah! [22:56:47] <Gulcasa> You must tell her! [22:57:06] <Gulcasa> Because then the Jack-O-Lantern wont try to come after her because he knows that she will be prepared! [22:57:12] <Gulcasa> He will be like~ [22:58:13] <Ashton> Sure, my little Rhia Whia~ [22:58:15] <Gulcasa> "GROOOOOO.... GROOOOAWINAGUINWEATGWEGERGHGDXG *dies*" [22:58:23] <Gulcasa> And that will be the end of him! [22:58:35] <Gulcasa> A happy ending~