Gloria Union, ...union...again...? |
Brook |
Jun 25 2011, 06:13 PM

Group: Arcs
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From: 天国の塔
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Cool, i like gambles. And i like lolis.
Btw, what good things do the new classes have to show us?
This post has been edited by Brook: Jun 25 2011, 06:17 PM
Remember kids-
Don't take life seriously.
No-one gets out alive anyway.
I, personally, plan on living forever. Going well so far.
Enzd |
Jun 25 2011, 11:03 PM

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Here's what I've been able to gather about Chapter 5. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «  Like last time, you start with A and E available to you and you can only complete five of these. A - Scenario 5-1. Defeat the Necromancers, Undines and Griffon Riders. You will earn Gravity Chaos for completing the scenario. Unlocks: B, C and D. B - Scenario 5-3. Recruit Pamela (and obtain Coma Karma)! Fortune is found in a house below the starting point in the second part. Unlocks: G. C - Scenario 5-6. Defend the Gloria and defeat Giselle. D - Scenario 5-8. Ghosts seek their pendant. Kiss of Death is found HERE. Unlocks: G. E - Scenario 5-2. Recruit Kamuru. Unlocks: F. F - Scenario 5-4. The beach episode. You will recruit Anne and earn Banshee's Cry for completing the scenario. Unlocks: G. G - Scenario 5-7. Set in a desert. Defeat the upper group of enemies (and earn fame) OR defeat the lower group of enemies (and lose fame). NOTES: 1. When I did A the game showed it as scenario 5-1B. I'm guessing this one may be different depending on what choices you made in Chapter 3 or what your fame is like. Mine was in the negative 50's. If you get 5-1A tell us what happens! 2. Scenario 5-5 is missing; I did all of the others but this one never unlocked. This may be related to 5-1A. 3. C may possibly unlock G as well, but really that one is such a pain in the ass and I don't feel like doing it again. This post has been edited by Enzd: Jun 25 2011, 11:28 PM
"Where the hell have you been?! Didn't you get my messages?" "Sorry, I was being raped in prison." "You shouldn't be out enjoying yourself when you've got work to do."
Rhiannon |
Jun 26 2011, 01:52 PM

I'm really moved by the chicken bone
Group: Gods
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From: Minnesotablarg
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FINALLY BEAT IT. So many ragequits before the final chapter. The actual final chapter was fine. Spoilers for everything kind of. AND YOU CAN PROBABLY ACTUALLY ASK ME ANYTHING NOW UNLESS IT HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH FAME. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « THERE WAS NO TIARA. THIS GAME SUCKS FOR GIVING ME A MAIN CHARACTER THAT SUCKS AS MUCH AS ISHUT AND NOT MAKING HIM AWESOME. I mean Holy is a really fantastic card but how is Ishut ever going to have enough Tec for it actually work. He never will that's how. Now:  THAT UNION FORMATION HOW THE. Anyway my final battle was 7-6A. So there are definitely variations outside of stuff that doesn't matter. Man that was like 36 battlefields. :( And my last boss was boring. It was just a recolor of Ashrey with the same exact card I'd been dealing with for ages and some boring effects. And morale regeneration. My fame was +78 on the last battle but who knows what that even affects. Also, I think using Kiss of Death lowers your fame by 3 after the battle. But I'm not sure because my fame would sometimes drop 1-2 points when I didn't use it. So whatever I hate fame. And I only got two of the EC items so I'm laaame. I've got all the new cards though, which is actually really disappointing and makes me wonder what the other variations of the final battle have. I think I'll wait on Enzd to beat the game before I do my second playthrough. Maybe. Just to see if he gets anything different from me with all the different scenarios he chose and his [21:25:16] <Enzd> I WANT TO BE THE MOST OBSCURE PIRATE AROUND [21:25:49] <Enzd> EVEN HIPSTERS WON'T KNOW ABOUT ME attempt. SO YEAH HEY. HERE'S SOME OFFICIAL ROMANIZATIONS. Laugh at them, because they're really real. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Ishut Pinger Velgas Ruru Anne Elisha Zazarland Minesota Blackmore Raspberry Rogan Garm Ajo-Grafor Tracey (or Tracy, depending on which part of the game you want to trust) Giselle Fiebee Kamuru Melanie Enryetta Gariored Ashrey Symphonia Kyra Nocturn (I am sure you can't trust this either since the class name for this enemy is Nocturne) And none of the new classes are really interesting. Well, none of the ones I saw. Enzd was talking about fighting sea goblins I think but I only found them in houses. And Sea Goblin Milk. Yeah... Anyway maybe I'll post new card stuff and whatever class stuff I remember later when I'm not in pain from abusing my eyes.

Rhiannon |
Jun 27 2011, 02:30 AM

I'm really moved by the chicken bone
Group: Gods
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Joined: 23-December 05
From: Minnesotablarg
Member No.: 4

It's a person. And a place in the real world! I'm pretty sure Kitten and this game were made with LCN in mind. Just so you know. ALL THE NEW CARDS: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « - Tidal Wave: 11 Mov, Ace All, Usable by people with strong Will (aka Ishut)
Damages enemies with water. Doesn't hurt the Head. Power = except for the Head, infinite. I guess that means it just kills everyone. Tidal Wave gives you the Ancient Power (+30%) bonus. - Volcanon: 8 Mov, Ace All, Usable by people with strong Will (aka Ishut)
Damages enemies with fire and burns them. Power = own Tec +4 - enemy Gen. Effect = 100%. Gives you the Ancient Power bonus. - Ground Spear: 4 Mov, Ace All, Usable by people with strong Will (Ishut)
Damages enemies and lowers their Gen. Power = own Tec +4 - enemy Gen. Effect = Lasts the whole turn. I've never used this or had it used on me so I don't really know how the Gen-lowering thing works. I'll just assume it lowers Gen to 1 big star. Gives the Ancient Power bonus. - Burst Wing: 7 Mov, Ace All, Usable by people with strong Will (Ishut)
Attacks enemies with wind and lowers their accuracy. Power = own Tec +4 - enemy Gen. Effect = Lasts the whole turn. I don't really know what accuracy is supposed to be and I've never used it/had it used on me SO DEAL WITH YOUR CONFUSION. Gives the Ancient Power bonus. - Holy: 5 Mov, Ace All, Usable by people with strong Will (Ishut)
Damages with light and breaks the enemy's gauge. And yours, too bad. Gives the Ancient Power bonus. - Megiddo: 7 Mov, Ace All, Usable by people with strong Will
Defeats the enemy. Extinct! and all that. Basically Crusade except you don't need to be down to just the Head to use it. Gives the Ancient Power bonus. - Fusillade: 7 Mov, Ace All, Usable by Elisha
Damages the enemy and has a 25% chance of killing their Head. Power = own Tec +2 - enemy Gen. Gives the Fusillade Kill (+50%) bonus if you finish the clash with it. - Coalesce: 8 Mov, Ace Staff, Usable by Ruru
Only usable if you have more than 1 unit. Merges all units into one, greatly increasing power (all your stats get maxed too). And flash attacks just get spammed. Yeah. Gives the Coalesce End (+20%) bonus. - Tyrant: 9 Mov, Ace Axe, Usable by Pinger
Breaks Pinger's gauge, maxes her ATK, makes her perma-aggressive, and makes her have no battle penalty. Lasts the whole union. - Dreadnought: 7 Mov, Ace Axe, Usable by Zazarland
Attacks the enemy with a huge anchor. Power = own Tec +4 - enemy Gen. - Salvation: 9 Mov, Ace Spear, Usable by Minesota
All unit members are revived but the Head is killed in exchange. - Meteor: 6 Mov, Ace Staff, Usable by Locomoco
Damages either enemies or allies. It's random so have fun with that. Power = own Tec +4 - enemy Gen. - Magic Shield: 6 Mov, Ace Staff, Usable by any female staff-user
Protects against enemy skills for the rest of the union. - Crucifixion: 8 Mov, Ace Spear, Usable by Raspberry
Damages the enemy. Power = own Tec +3 - enemy Gen. - Trickster: 6 Mov, Ace Gun, Usable by Tracy
Uses the opponent's card skill. I thiiink it can only be used if the card skill in question has already been used, but I can't be positive since maybe the AI was just being weird sometimes.
So Enzd are you enjoying Etherion Holy? DID YOU ALREADY RAGEQUIT FROM IT?

Rhiannon |
Oct 6 2012, 01:17 AM

I'm really moved by the chicken bone
Group: Gods
Posts: 2033
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From: Minnesotablarg
Member No.: 4

ONE YEAR LATER, I DO A SECOND AND THIRD PLAYTHROUGH AND GET ALL THE ENDINGS. C end is best, though it's also got the hardest final boss. Also I still don't know everything that affects fame (it still went up/down seemingly randomly at some times during battle, unrelated to Kiss of Death but possibly related to items I picked up), but I do know that usually it just changes based on how fast you clear each BF in comparison to the MVP/Excellent bonus turn limit thing. If you go over that, you'll get negative fame, but if you go under it you'll get positive fame. I don't think it's possible to get negative fame before chapter 3, though, even if you go over it every time. SO HOW TO GET THE ENDINGZ, JUST IN CASE ANYONE STILL NEEDS TO KNOW: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « To get the A Ending: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Have positive fame. Your fame at the end of 7-5 is probably all that matters, so if you want to run around for the rest of the game with negative fame people probably won't care. To get the B Ending: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Have negative fame. Your fame at the end of 7-5 is probably all that matters, so if you want to run around for the rest of the game with positive fame people probably won't care. To get the C Ending: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Item trade quest woo! Make sure you don't eat/equip any of these~ They usually look like a white rectangle with random blue fish/manta rays on them, depending on what you have at the time. The last one, Manta Mantle, looks like a pointy black robe thing. - Chapter 3. Do 3-1 (Locomoco BF, it's A in the map I posted ages ago) and visit the sourthern town twice to get Fish Print (魚拓).
- Chapter 3. Do 3-4 (Fiebee stage, it's C in that same map) and visit the northwestmost town at night to trade your Fish Print (魚拓) for Rare Fish Print (珍魚の魚拓). Also, you can get both of the items this town gives, so don't freak out or anything just because maybe you went there during the day first.
- On BF6-1. Trade your Rare Fish Print (珍魚の魚拓) for Manta Fish Print (マンタの魚拓) at the town on the right.
- On BF6-5. Trade your Manta Fish Print (マンタの魚拓) for Manta Mantle (マンタのマント) at the town on the right.
- On BF7-4. Move Ishut to the village in the lower right corner for a little scene involving Ishut hearing voices and bright light. Then you're good, just go through the game and you'll get the C End. You can probably equip the Manta Mantle after doing this, since there's no other steps and you don't lose it and it's a TOTALLY AWESOME ITEM.
Also, as much as I whined about Pamela ruining everything in my second playthrough because she was weak to all the ridiculous Undines in the game (MOST NOTABLY THE JERK WITH THE ROSARIO OF ASSHOLERYHOPE (which is the Rosario of Hope you know, except its effect is blocks charges instead of the useless thing it had before)) THE FACT IS PAMELA IS AWESOME IN THIS GAME. All because of her skill that gives her the full power of Geo cards regardless of terrain. Which means: you can have everyone anywhere eat that glorious Tec+4 - Gen damage formula and you can overkill any Undine that isn't already dead. I maxed out Sand Storm in my third playthrough because it was just too good. My only regret is that I didn't also use Man Trap. And Fiebee IS top tier (AND UM "なんだ? 殺す前に私で楽しもうと言うか。 だが残念だったな。 私の下半身は魚だ!" OKAY WHATEVER YOU SAY FIBBY BUT I THINK THEY COULD TELL JUST BY LOOKING AT YOU SO OBVIOUSLY NOBODY WAS THINKING ABOUT THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE), and Hard mode AI IS a huge jerk. And 6-4 will forever live on in my memory as the worst BF in the entire series.

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