Okay, for this thread, I intend to answer the more common, more spoilerific questions. Post any that you can think of here, as well, for me to add them to the list. All answers will be in spoiler tags, however, and the questions as toned down as possible.
How do I get the sexy bath scene-I mean Faces 76, 77, Fairy Bell item and Scene 56?
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To view the bath scene, you must first grab the Elemina Mint in
BF7-2, and save it. In
BF29-5, when all enemies have been defeated, you need to move someone to where Yggdra is in this picture at Noon:

Then, the next time it is Noon, you move Yggdra to the town that is revealed. Do not equip the mint or anything stupid, you must have it in your inventory. You will receive two-three faces, scene 56 in the War Chronicles, and the Fairy Bell.
About the choice in BF10-2...
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In BF10-2, you have a very important choice. If you kill Roswell, the Necromancer, you will proceed to BF11B and recruit Rosary, the Witch. Kill Rosary, and you will move on to BF11A and recruit Roswell. You cannot get both, so you are stuck with either Rosary or Roswell for the length of the game, and your choice does have an impact on the items you can/can't get.
Where do I find the (class-changing) Stray Dragon?
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You find the item that allows Durant to change to a Dragon Knight in BF43. It will be in the top left corner, next to the water square furthest north-west on the map. Thanks to Enzd for this picture:

How do I recruit...
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A tactician? (PSP version only; BF13/BF14I/BF14II Spoiler)
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To recruit the only Tactician, Mistel, you must visit each of the villages in BF13 before completing the battlefield (Note: You cannot force your way through the last part if you want Mistel). Then, you will be taken to BF14I. Complete it and move on to BF14II, where Mistel will join you automatically.
A fencer? (BF20/BF21 Spoiler)
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To recruit the only Fencer, Russell, you must save Flone in BF20 by going left and defeating Aegina. Then, place any unit next to Russell in BF21, and he will join you. Otherwise, you must kill him in order to proceed.
A hunter? (BF23/BF23.5 Spoiler)
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To recruit the only Hunter, Cruz, you must finish BF23 without engaging any of the enemies aside from a certain hidden witch. Continue to follow the flags, and, before going to the end flag, step on the square above the village to open an extension. Step on the flag in the extension and you will be taken to BF23.5, in which you will recruit Cruz automatically.

Nietzsche is standing on the square that opens the extension. The flag that takes you to 23.5 is selected.
A mystic witch? (PSP version only; BF23/BF24 Spoiler)
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To recruit the only Mystic Witch, Pamela, you must be on Hard Mode. Place Nietzsche next to Pamela in either of the battlefields she appears in, and she will join you at the end of the battlefield, regardless of whether or not you defeated her.
How do I get each ending?
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For Ending A:
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To get "Power Traded for Wisdom" you must leave BF48, you cannot engage Marietta if you wish for this ending.
For Ending B:
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To get "The Dark Ages Reborn" you must fail to stop Gulcasa from reaching the flag in BF45.
For Ending C:
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To get "The Advent of Ragnarok" you must engage Marietta in battle in BF48, and defeat her.
For Ending D (PSP version only):
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To get the extended version of "The Advent of Ragnarok" you must defeat Marietta in BF48 on Hard Mode, then clear BF49.
How do I defeat the boss of BF48?
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Marietta's A.S. Shield will stop her from losing any union. She cannot be criticalled, instant kill attacks will fail, she cannot be afflicted with statuses, etc. However, she loses Morale (invisibly) for every battle. You must union all your units against her every turn, and when she is down to 1 Morale, her A.S. Shield will turn into an S. Shield. From here, you must use Crusade on her, to kill her, and "win" the battle.
How do I get this card:
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In BF23 or BF24, with Nietzsche selected, you must find Pamela and defeat her. You only have to defeat her once to get the card. In BF23, she is directly north of your starting position, and BF24 she is in the far, lower left reach of land. Also, note, that Pamela is trying to escape the entire time you are on the field, so you must hurry to her in both situations.
Dragon Killer:
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In BF26, there is a lone square that must be teleported to. Move to that square and you will get the card. To teleport, you must have either Roswell at night, or Rosary equipped with the Warp Shoes.
Kiss of Death:
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BF27-3: on the right chunk of the map, the top-most square has this card, however, you can only get it visiting at night.
Extra Contents and sections therein:
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To unlock the extra contents section on the main menu, you must view any ending. You will now have the extra contents section. For each individual section:
War Chronicles (BF44 Spoilers)
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In BF44, after Gulcasa returns to the battle, the square with the cursor on it will appear. Step on it for the Mesala Tablet.
Characters (BF18 Spoilers)
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In BF18, once Nessiah's troops have "retreated," step on the indicated square for the Mirror of Truth.
Cards (BF47 Spoilers)
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Nessiah is equipped with the Rev. of the Gods item that you must get to unlock the Card section.
Items (BF39 Spoilers)
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On the indicated square of BF39 lies the Item Manual.
Sound (BF28 Spoilers)
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Step on the indicated square of BF28 for the Old Music Box.
Credits - Unlocked along with Extra Contents.
Everything is unlocked as soon as the item is received, the scene viewed, or whatever. All that needs to happen is for you to save.
I may have forgotten other frequently asked questions, but these are the big ones.
This post has been edited by Rhiannon: Sep 3 2008, 03:58 PM
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