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> Riviera Art Collection
post Nov 4 2019, 04:41 PM
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Group: Arcs
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Posted this in a few places already but remembered this place existed too so I'd thought I add it here.

I made a 'art collection' group around a month ago for the sole purpose of collecting and showing off Riviera art on Devintart. I'd thought it would be really convenient to have all Riviera fan art in one place instead of all over the place on different platforms like pixiv, tumblr, etc.. And since it's a group anyone can join and contribute art or just look at what's already been posted. There's already more than 400 pieces of art uploaded so feel free to come look at the great art :)

All of the original artists are credited when possible of course and has links to whatever platform they use in the description.
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post Nov 6 2019, 10:24 AM
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This is actually super convenient and helpful, though I'm not the bigggest fan of reposting art.

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post Nov 7 2019, 01:19 AM
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QUOTE(EmptyWizard @ Nov 6 2019, 05:24 AM) *

This is actually super convenient and helpful, though I'm not the bigggest fan of reposting art.

Same. I try to avoid it whenever possible and thankfully Devintart has a feature where you can request art to be added to a group so the original poster/creator will still get the views and favorites from that art even though its in that group. However, they need to approve the request of course and the majority of the art uploaded on the site was made years ago and the artists are no longer active on the site. Same thing applies to art from other websites like pixiv. I do @ them though so if they ever do come on and don't want the art to be uploaded there they can just message me and I'll remove it from the group.
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