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> Wow, a real update!, This is the really real world!
post Apr 16 2019, 05:27 AM
Post #1

I'm really moved by the chicken bone

Group: Gods
Posts: 2033
Joined: 23-December 05
From: Minnesotablarg
Member No.: 4

As people surely know by now, Yggdra Union is now out for people who have phones. Specifically, iPhones and Androids. We also did some stuff tonight though. I can't believe it.
  • Updated release dates on the game gateway because it hadn't been updated since like 2012 and it also neglected Australia entirely, just like the world does every day. YUMobile is there now, too!
  • Added official Gloria Union art of characters, cards, and banners. And by that I mean we just finally made them accessible since they'd been on the site for ages, and really, they were just snatched from Sting's openly-available fankits. Thanks to me for wrangling with labyrinthine code alone and apparently copying and pasting the right things and making sure all 50 files of nonsense code had what they needed for this simple task of displaying some pictures.
  • Added the YUMobile LINE Stickers. These are seriously adorable, and get pretty funny if you can read Japanese too. Thanks EmptyWizard for getting those together for us, and thanks Walrus for wrangling with code for hours when I could have done it (inefficiently) in much less time.
More is coming (RAI'S GONE AND DONE IT GUYS GET HYPE), maybe even as soon as tomorrow, but I think it might take a bit more time so I thought I'd just post this now. I'm also going to remind everyone that we have a Discord server now. It turns out it didn't die after New Years! Get in there if you haven't already!

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