This is the list of the names of data, such as facenames, the first face being "face001". Or at least that's how it should be. Whether the numbers should be hexadecimal or decimal, I don't know.
Also, there will be information about how the data is currently presented on the site, and possibly how it will be in the future.
text - Game script and whatnot. I don't know how this will work yet. I don't know how to utilize it yet. I don't know anything about how this will work. No names yet. Refers to: [face] (artificially). Referred by: walkthrough (artificially). sprite - The idle sprites for the monsters. They are named "monster[0x#].png" (aka "monster" followed by their hex number followed by file type) because of lack of foresight. Which is what this topic hopes to prevent. They SHOULD be renamed "sprite[0x#].png". Actually, I can do that, but I don't know if Sturm would take it. Obviously, the numbers are hexD. They are also two-digit, including placeholders (example: 04 instead of 4). Refers to: none. Referred by: [monster] (artificially). face - The face collection. What it is: Decimal numbers "#.jpg" and "#.gif". 3-digit. It SHOULD be renamed as "face#.jpg". It should stay decimal because the game didn't assign these numbers, I did. It should keep placeholders because it keeps them in numerical order when you list them by filename. The whole collection should be redone, as some of the data was lost in compression. Refers to: none. Referred by: [text] (dunno how though) (artificially). battle - The monsters and their positions in each battle. Currently has no name. Listed as a decimal number, no placeholders. The number is actually one more than the game's value for it. It's just in the PHP database as a page. It should be renamed so that if I scatter Shifen's HTMLized guide with the words "[battle013]" (which is the plan), Sturm could easily convert the "[battleXXX]" into the actual battle data, or a link to the battle page (probably as a pop-up). Or not. I don't know enough about PHP to know what would be easier. Refers to: [monster]. Referred by: walkthrough (artificially). monster - The monster stats. Also has no name. Also a decimal number with no placeholders. The number is four LESS than the game's value. Should become a hexdecimal two-digit with the prefix "monster", such as "monster00". This allows less conversion needed when the list of monsters is referenced. Refers to: [skill] (or [mskill]) (artificially), [sprite]. Referred by: [battle]. item - The data here is the name of the item and what attacks each character has with them. Hasn't been translated yet, but it should be named "itemXX" (hexadecimal with placeholders) since G I B and DarkPhoenix have so kindly given us a reference table to work with. Refers to: [skill] (or iskill). Referred by: walkthrough (artificially). skill - The abilities used in battle by either side. Also not translated yet. Actually, I'm thinking that we should split this into iskill (item skill) and mskill (monster skill). Refers to: none. Referred by: [monster] (artificially), [item]. cg - The CG collection. Not gonna say much about this, because it's completed data (i.e. there's nothing more to be done with it). Unless we want to incorporate it into the HTML Walkthrough. Refers to: none. Referred by: walkthrough? (artificially).
Maybe also work in the info collected in the Origins thread into notes in the pages of the respective namesakes.
Sorry about the awkwardness of the data. Sometimes it seems that I speak English as a second language, and don't have a vocabulary that can comfortably accomodate the ideas I have. Feel free to tell me how to use language. Also feel free to make comments and ask questions.
Artificial references are ones that aren't made by the data, but by us. Such as matching up skills and sprites to monster stats.