The only thing I can think of is try to use your neighbor's wireless internet. That will bypass most detection methods.
Do you use wireless or wired? Where is your internet gateway? You know, the thing that communicated with your hi-speed modem? Some of them are wired, some are wireless.
Type windows-R. Then type cmd [enter]. Now type ipconfig. Write down the four numbers where it says "default gateway." Put http:// followed by the four numbers into your browser and tell me what you get.
My guess is the gateway is logging your traffic and your dad is grabbing the data from the gateway. The gateway is probably password protected. If you know the make and model and have physical access to the device, you can do a reset (erases all settings), access the device using the default password, and setup your own password.
Your other problem is you live in Australia where ISPs like to meter bandwidth. It's becoming more popular for ISPs to meter your bandwidth here in the United States. However, we're still at a point where most ISPs don't monitor your bandwidth. If you lived somewhere else it would be less of an issue.