QUOTE(Dr Sturm @ Jul 31 2008, 02:33 PM)

you should do the work for yourself.
These are video games. They are supposed to be for entertainment or enjoyment, not WORK. He will get nothing more out of it doing the "work" - he won't have developed mentally, emotionally or physically at all from an extra playthrough.
You want to know why people get so angry with you Feral? It's because of shit like this. You expect everyone to be nice to you and do everything for you, yet you say shit like this - he makes a simple request (not even a request, he asked if you were capable of doing it) and you jump on him as if he's your slacker older brother who's always mooching money off of your grandma because she's too kind to realize he's using her.
I agree.
Nice analogy.
BTW, can I get the short version of how to get Rose's good ending?
I know you need the Magic Icicle... but that's about all.
Also, one time, out of PURE CURIOSITY, I cheated to get all of the extras, and one of Ein's voice files (it must've been an attack) said "Blazing Rose!" What's up with that?