Okay, four glitches to post about. First, spoilers for BF36.
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Okay. In BF36, equip someone who isn't Milanor or Elena with an item that raises or lowers morale whenever you move. Now, when you reach the point that Elena and Milanor have to walk on new flags and only at night, try to move them when it is evening or noon. The morale recovery/decrease will happen with the character equipped as though they had moved. <_< This works in both versions, and is so abusable since you can just keep trying to move them and it'll keep recovering... or going down if you're silly and equip an item that lowers morale to do this glitch.
Spoilers for BF31:
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In the part where you have to get Gordon to the church (don't yell at me, I don't remember which part that is!), get Nietzsche into the water to the left of the church. It doesn't matter which square of water, as long as it's one of the ones in that line left of the church. Now, move Gordon onto the church to advance to the next part... and look! Nietzsche is floating on a square that doesn't exist anymore.
In the English version, though, the water doesn't disappear by moving to the next part. However, it still may be possible, since the water will disappear if you allow the situation to change. I don't know if you can make it there in time, though, because of the sand. And I also imagine that you can do this with any character equipped with the Mermaid Fin or whatever.
Anyway, if you put her in a position where she can unite with someone, you get some very interesting effects...
![IPB Image](http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j307/AshXWalnut/Yggdra/Glitches/619f0b00.png)
The "terrain" you're on has no background, for one thing.
![IPB Image](http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j307/AshXWalnut/Yggdra/Glitches/342c364e.png)
And the other thing... it gives you a +90% terrain bonus. Tasty tasty. <_<
This next glitch is only in the Japanese version. You know how pressing R moves the cursor to a different character? Try putting your cursor over a character and pressing both R and A at the same time. Your character sort of jumps over there, goes through any obstacles, takes no MOV, and best of all, they end up on top of your character. This screenshot did the little "Sky Battle" glitch above to get Nietzsche up there, and then the R+A glitch to move Yggdra on top of Nietzsche.
![IPB Image](http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j307/AshXWalnut/Yggdra/Glitches/619f0b00-2.png)
And uh, this one probably isn't replicable, but I REALLY want post about it. :( Spoilers for BF18:
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Okay, you know how in BF18 Yggdra goes berserk on Gulcasa? Well, for some reason, instead of doing anything, she just sat there and did nothing! Yet, after a few turns, even though neither of them had even battled each other once, the story continued. Guess what happens.
![IPB Image](http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j307/AshXWalnut/Yggdra/Glitches/4845963c.png)
Yggdra ate Milanor, and for some reason even after the bridge was blown up and the background changed to show that, the bridge in the background was suddenly back to normal. Anyway, I attacked Gulcasa with Nietzsche, Yggdra, and Roswell since Milanor couldn't do anything with Yggdra sitting on him. Blah blah, nothing interesting happened. Eventually Aegina and her units left, and I kept attacking Gulcasa, and then I noticed that suddenly, Nietzsche and Roswell had the same white glow that Yggdra has wehn she's invincible in this battlefield. Hm. <_<
Anyway, that's it. Really. Other pictures just to more prove this glitch, even though it's worthless:
EXP screen with neutral Yggdra.Nietzsche with that invincible glow.Invincible Yggdra with other units in the union.Okay, only the first picture was necessary. But that was fun. Nothing else interesting happened after. :(
Oh, and I should add that I didn't find out about the Sky Battle, R+A, or infinite moralestuff glitches. Whoever added them to the
OTHER Japanese Wiki did. I just tested it and got pictures for you guys and provided information in English.