QUOTE(Atma @ Jan 13 2010, 10:25 AM)
This is disgusting.
The PSP and the DS work very differently form each other, which is fine. I adore both systems. But some things were never meant to be ported. KITN is one of these things. There is no fucking way you could possibly replicate the battle system faithfully on the PSP. There is no need for this port to exist. I don't care what extras it's going to have, unless they somehow change it to play like a dream using button control, which I highly doubt since the battle system was made specifically for the touch screen, or even re-do the whole battle system in some balls-out way, which I also doubt happening, I'm not gonna buy it. It's 120% not worth it.
The Yggdra Union port worked because it always just relied on regular button control and nothing exclusive and/or gimmicky to a system like touch control. KITN did. They're taking away a large chunk of what makes it so damn good and unique.
I absolutely adore KITN, which is why I'm so angry, because this is nothing but pure pandering. It's disgusting on many levels. What the fucking fuck, Sting. Don't be a douche like this; you should know better.
All we can really do is hope some miracle level porting magic happens, but I'm not holding my breath.
These are the features of the DS that Kitten used:
- Touch screen, for moving the wisp around.
- Dual screen, for... basically nothing that didn't have to do with the fact that they were using the touch screen (like keeping the controls from being too precise, or blocking the view).
So if you're not using the touch screen, you don't need the dual screen. And the touch screen isn't necessary, since it's just controlling in Bullet Hell. Bullet Hell's been done with DIGITAL controls (with buttons to control speed), and the PSP has a (crappy) analog stick, so it's at least doable, especially since this time both hands will be on the handheld and thus they have the freedom of using the buttons on the other side to help with speed control (though I doubt they will, but the point is that the PSP port has potential). In fact, it's possible that Sting had planned a PSP remake all along, since there's really nothing like drawing minigames to prevent them from porting it.
This will probably be a dividing issue for LCN, but I'm on the wait-and-see side.