I don't know what off-topic stuff you people are talking about. This is the only post in this thread so far, after all.
Anyway, I beat Yggdra mode. The controls theoretically should be fine since you can adjust the speed, but I could never get used to doing that. The game was incredibly frustrating for me since I couldn't dodge things properly half the time, but I imagine that won't be a problem for everyone, and I'm guessing those who never played the DS version will have no problem at all.
I'm uh, happy that the music quality is up, but I feel like it got a lot quieter (or maybe just certain instruments) too. Or maybe it's just the PSP's silly speakers, who knows. Either way, I don't like that.
As for new content, there's practically nothing new outside of the story for Yggdra mode. There are no new scenes, no new bosses, barely any new attacks (aside from her Extra Skills, Yggdra just steals all of Maria's attacks), no new characters to recruit, no new music, and uh, one new item (the Sweetberry, which just replaces the Black/Silver Wings on Yggdra mode and has the same exact effect). Unless I just somehow conveniently missed even hints of it having anything else, but I doubt that. Even if they had somehow added a touch screen to the PSP, I'd still be disappointed with the game.
Only Atlus can save it now, by doing to it what they did to RiviPSP.
