Also, I wasn't calling you a tourneyfag. Unless you're some crazy person that preaches to everyone about how awesome Scizor is. But I haven't seen you do that yet, so.
Also, I guess I should give reasons for why each Pokemon is where it is. Maybe it'll give people a better idea of how these tiers work.
Paras: PARASPARASPARAS. And he makes us cry. Wynaut: WYNAUT? Wobbuffet: Because Wobbuffet is just that awesome. Spoink: Because he makes us cry. Slowbro: Great stats all around (except for speed, but Trick Room remedies this) and a really nice movepool. And a silly face. Ludicolo: Because it's a dancing sombrero pineapple duck. And because Ludicolo team actually almost beat Slowbro team. Starmie: Too fast to have Thunderbolt AND Ice Beam and Surf and Psychic or Recover. Total asshole. People who fight Walrus know this. Jolteon: Crobat tactics. Be faster than everyone else, and slam them with a status effect that will most likely incapacitate them for a few turns. THUNDER WAVE. Aerodactyl: He's Starmie-esque. His movepool isn't as good, but he's in the same max Speed group as Jolteon and Crobat, so he is an asshole. Crobat: Same as Jolteon, but replace Thunder Wave with Hypnosis or Confuse Ray or something like that. And his face just LOOKS so mean. Flygon: This cannot be disputed. Flygon has Levitate and learns Dig. Instant asshole. Gengar: He has a pretty INTIMIDATING smile, but he hasn't caused enough rage to be higher than Almost Asshole. Skarmory: Same deal as Gengar. Salamence: I don't remember why we decided this. I blame Intimidate, speed, attack, and Dragon Dance. Mantine: The Mantine Effect is why. No matter how much Special Defense you think 400 is, it's no match for a 4x weakness to Electricity. Mantyke: The proof is in the picture I linked. Scizor: WELL I JUST DON'T LIKE HIM VERY MUCH. AND MANTINE EFFECT. SCIZOR DIES.
And since Miltank doesn't exist, I won't go into detail about that.
