QUOTE(Rhiannon @ Jun 16 2006, 05:54 PM)
[*]Battlefield 32-specific help
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I don't remember who exactly discovered this, but it's extremely useful during the part where Yggdra is leaving with Joachim. Simply move Gordon one space to the left of the bridge he starts on. You'll notice that Gulcasa will move all of his units into position for a massive union, but will not move forward to attack you. So you can wait this part out safely and be ready to take him on when he loses High status.
[/list]Feel free to add to this list and such if you think of anything else.
Doesn't work for the PSP version, one of Gulcasa's dragon knights moves up and attacks Gordon with a 2-knight union. Then tried retreating Gordon to one square to the left on the top bridge, lost him.
BUT. Put Elena in a 2-man attack union, behind Gordon and voila, Gulcasa stayed out of the unions.
And was somehow arsed to test this twice, worked both times.