Lacrima Castle

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> 08D77780 (Needs assigning), Chapter 5 dialogue.
post Mar 14 2006, 03:05 AM
Post #1


Group: Gods
Posts: 2539
Joined: 25-December 05
Member No.: 16

The Elder said...
that one of the Accursed is most likely in this area...

There should be a path underground.

So, we just need to find it, right?

This is the last Accursed, Ein.

You're right. Once we seal it...
Riviera will be safe! Stay alert, everyone.

I'll try my hardest!

S-Spare me... I'll give it back!

My backpack!

What should I do?

I can't let you get away with that.


As long as we get the backpack back.
It's important to us.


Th-Thanks... You can take this, too.

What's this?

It's a Thief Manual.
It explains how to disarm traps n' stuff.

That's awesome!

Sorry 'bout all that trouble...

...Ein? What are you saying!?

Oh... Sorry...(drop)

I gave it back, y'hear me!?

And... he's gone.

Can you hear that? It sounds pretty noisy.

It could be the thief.

Heheheh... Suckers!

Like takin' candy from babies...
So, what've we got?

(That's my backpack!)

That's the thief, alright.

Let's see... Teddy bear, rope, some arrows...
What the--!? This is junk!

Let's see... Teddy bear, rope, broken arrows...
What the--!? This is junk!


Who's there!?


How dare you steal from a little girl!

Lina's angry!

Ah, c'mon... It's just a lousy bag.

You're goin' down!

It would be wise to surrender.

It might be a demon...

There's a brick house.

Think anyone's inside?

It's abandoned.

Like takin' candy from babies...
So, what've we got?

It's kind of a dump.

This really is an ideal hideout for thieves.

This place doesn't look too stable...

Eeyuck... It's filthy!

Ooh, a sign.

It's hard to read...


Who was that?

There are people here?
Who could live in a place like this...?


What's wrong?

Lina, your backpack!

!? No way...

No! I swear, it was right here!

I bet it was that guy who bumped into you...



I didn't take it!

It must have been stolen.

Hmmm... Ca ti n... Th ve ...
I think it says, "Caution: Thieves"

It's already too late for that!

This sign's been through a lot...

Isn't Mireno a cemetery?


Are we really allowed to be here?


I don't want to upset the ghosts...

Lina, are you scared of ghosts?

No! I'm not!

What was that?

It sounded like water splashing.

An abandoned house... Well, it's spacious.

Was it a rich house?

Spacious, Ein? I think you mean empty.

That doesn't seem to be the case. Look!

There's a chest!

So, what's inside?

...It could be a trap.

Look at that dusty chest.

Let's check it out.

This place doesn't look so good.

There's water in here.

The well hasn't dried up yet.

I see water... Dunno if it's drinkable.

(I highly doubt it.)

Where do you think the entrance is?

I'm not sure.

This path leads only to death.


What should we do, Ein?

We can't just run away. Let's go!

Let's retreat for now.

This path leads only to death.

There's still demons in here...

We're not going to get through without a fight.

It's too late to run... Let's go!

We're not even to the cemetery yet...

Let's hurry.


Brace yourselves!

Oops... Off balance...

Would we even fit?

It's pretty high up.

(Don't we have a rope or something?)

Nope... Why don't we jump?

The rope's...

It's in my backpack...

Oh, yeah(drop) Hmmm... Why don't we jump?

From here!?

Sounds good to me. What about you guys?

Let's go!

That isn't going to work!

No, not yet...

Are we gonna jump?


Maybe we should wait.

It looks dry. What's down there?

Let's use the rope.

A rope, eh...?

...That should do it.

We're to climb down the rope, correct?



Ein! Lina!
Now is not the time to play around!

We'll hold off for now.

Yeah, this'll be perfect!

This place doesn't look too sturdy...

It's dusty... That's about it.

Hm? There's no water.

Did it dry up?

The tree's completely dead.

It won't ever be pretty again?

It's just a dead tree.


Nice! I got it!

Good work, Ein!

We can use this to climb down the well.

It may come in handy...

This is harder than I thought...

Don't give up, Ein.

Let's see, here...

Wyvernzem... It's a powerful claw...

Did you hear that splash?

I bet it's the thief!

Did he jump in?

I hope not. If so, we won't be able to follow.

Why's that?

You'd sink with all that equipment on!


(Ein, I feel like we're being watched...)

(What should I say?)

(Is someone keeping tabs on us?)

I don't sense it anymore. Was it the thief?

(Is it really...?)

Huh!? Was that a bird...?

I believe we were being watched...


Calm down, you two! There's no time for that...

I never expected a place like this inside a well...

Ein! Are you alright?

I'm fine!

C'mon, let's all go in.

I wish I had wings like you...

Ha ha ha...



Cierra, are you okay?

Are you hurt?

I'm fine.

But, it looks like we're stuck down here.


It just couldn't support the weight.

Uh, Ein...?


N-No!! I didn't mean it like that!

Oh, Ein...

What a meanie.

I'm sorry...

No, don't worry about it.

(Mental note: go on a diet...)

Yeah, I'm fine.
This mound of dirt broke my fall.

Lucky break, I guess.

Let us continue.

We should have a look around.

Yeah, you're right.

Everyone seems to be alright.


A-Are you alright?


No serious injuries, thank goodness.

There's a whole cavern down here!

Is this the cemetery the heretics used?

In demon worship? I'm not sure...

My eyes are adjusting to the darkness.

Mine too.

Ein, look over there!

I hadn't noticed that when it was light...

It's just Light Moss. It's harmless.

Allow me.

It's just moss, why's it so special?

You can't eat that.

You're a pig, Ein!

...Look who's talking.

We don't need it.

Cold air is blowing from farther inside...

I really don't like it here...

Monsters could pop out anywhere, huh?

D-D-Don't say things like that!



Calm down, Lina. We can handle this.

What do you think, Ein?

We can do it. Come on!

They haven't moved.

We must defeat them to proceed.

We don't have a choice. Let's go!

I don't wanna be here!

There's nothing in here.

Shoot... I was hoping for something cool.

Ah! It's dark!

I'm sorry, geez!

Let's try to keep moving.

Ah, yes, Gateau should be able to see.


Cats have excellent eyesight.


(I'm not a cat!)

My eyes are starting to adjust...

I don't think we can turn around, now.


I can't see a thing...

Maybe there's a switch around here...


Huh? Fia?

Don't scare me like that!

Sorry... I couldn't see.

Stop making excuses.

I'll just... go over there.

(Hey, it's pretty soft over here...)

What the...?

Watch your hands, you jerk!


Serves you right!

But, I didn't mean to...


I'm guessing that chest was the trigger...

I see.

What? Empty!?

Empty again!?

What did you expect?
Raiders have known about this place for years.

Ooh, that ticks me off!

The light...


Sorry... I just lost it.

Serene, will you take care of it?


Flattery will get you nowhere.

I'll give it a try!

...Nothing's happening.

I think it has to be Serene.


Well, here goes...

It's so dark...

It got pretty dark in here.

(So, why don't you just throw the chest again?)

Makes sense, I guess.

What if that makes it darker...?

I'm not taking the blame for this!

It's light again.

That thing's really messed up...(drop)

I was scared!

(The switch isn't the chest; it's on the wall...)

Hm... I'd rather not.

Would you mind, Serene?

Here goes!

Yay! It's light again!

the Six Priests set traps for intruders who came here.

So, even though they're old...
Some of the traps might still be working.

(It's just never easy, is it?)

Look at all those stalactites...

They might come down at any moment...
We should keep moving.

So, these are the Mireno Catacombs...
I thought they'd be more spacious.

Think of it like a maze.

Something about this flower is strange.

It looks poisonous. We should avoid it.


Are you sure?
In that case, I will look, too.

I'll check the other side.

!? Did it just move?

It m-moved...

It's a demon!


I'll handle it!

I can burn it up with my magic(note)

I did it!

That was cool, Cierra!


I'll handle it.

That was cool, Serene!


How's it smell?

This plant is dangerous, Ein.

Does it smell good?

Hmmm... *sniff*


Did it just bite you!?

I knew that plant would prove dangerous.

I'll toast it with my magic!

Yes, it's wise not to get near it.

This chest's already been opened.

Here too, huh?

Serene, don't...

I know, I know, stay calm, right?

This chest's already been opened.

There's something written here...

Could it be an epitaph?

What do you think it means?

Um... I don't get it.

(Holy Land...? Path...?)

An epitaph of the Six Preists.

(Names engraved on the Ankhs...?)

(Name... Initial...)

Maybe later.

How far does this keep going?

It's like a really long hallway.
...Just walking deeper and deeper.

Perhaps this is another trap to confuse us.



Don't let it get to you.

I feel like we're being watched...

Ein, above you!

Why are you with them, comrade...?

That voice is echoing in my head!


Not you!



(Why me!?)


Now, come!
Reap their souls and come to my side.

Give their lives over to Death!


Then, Serene...

You're a vampire!?

No, you've got it all wrong!

But, we can't fight Serene!

I told you, it's not like that!!


These are Arc wings!

Serene's not a demon!


I know... Sorry, Serene.

No, it's okay.
The wings are similar, but...

How could a cute girl like me be a demon...?

I'm not some stupid vampire.

Then, you will die.

That's my line, sister! You ticked me off!

So much for those vampires.

There's a chest...

Not right now.

It's empty...

There's water nearby, Ein.

How can you tell?

Take a look at the wall.
It isn't dry.
In fact, you can see droplets of water...


Now's not the time for discussion...
Those are demons!

We don't have a choice. Let's fight!

They're still here.

Defeating them is our only option.

You're right. Let's go!

I'm not sure this is the right way...
But, we need to try.

It's been sealed with magic.
It will never open again...

I guess we have to give up, then...

The contents were blown away too...

Fia, there's more water on the wall.

We must be close to its source.

They might come down at any moment...
We should keep moving.

Ein, look out! Above you!


Whew. That was close.

We should watch the ceiling.

If we did that, we'd trip.

It was just an idea!


Ugh... That was really close...

(Ein, you okay?)



Look out!


Owww... This is serious.

(Let's get out of here.)

*rustle* *rustle*

It's awake!

What's inside?

It's Wyvernzem, a powerful claw weapon.

It's a chest...

Or, maybe not...

Poison gas!

Now, what's inside...?

Ugh... Well, what's inside...?

An arrow trap!

There's treasure inside, right!?

Freeze gas!

What's inside...?

What item could be worth all that...?

A magic lock!

Wow, good job! It didn't activate!

But, why does it need such a fancy lock?

*sigh* Now it's locked...

I wasn't fast enough...

I'm sorry to say...
this chest will never open again.


It's gonna explode!

That oughtta do it.

Not bad, Ein!

*cough* *cough*

*sigh* So much for the treasure...

Everything's been blown to bits...

Aha! So much for that trap.

We did it(note)

Well done.

That was a piece of cake!

That wasn't so hard...




Check it out!

Let's put it to good use.


Not bad.

It fell...

I hear something...

What is it?

It sounds like water.

We must have reached the water's source.

The wind's blowing up ahead.

It's pleasant.

(There's probably a lake nearby.)

Do you see that glowing pattern?

Is it a magic circle?

It must connect to somewhere else.

Maybe we can cross the lake with it.

It's submerged!

We have to clear away the water...

Yay! The water's gone!

There's something in the water.

There's something at the bottom of the lake.

I think... It's a chest.

Yeah, it looks like a chest!

But, there's no way to reach it...

That's too bad.

It's underwater.

(What would somebody hide that deep underwater?)

I can see the underwater chest...

We already opened it, remember?

Should we open the chest?

...Should we?

Maybe I shouldn't...

The water's gone!

Was it because of the ankh's power?

Whatever it is, now we can walk through.

We need to drain the water...

Check out the lake.

Rain water must have collected here.

How big do you think it is?

Serene can find out!

The ceiling is too low.

Yeah, I can't really fly in here.

If it's shallow, we can wade across.

It's pretty shallow.
Come on, ev--*gurgle*



*gurgle* *gurgle*

Ein! Are you alright!?

*cough* Barely...

I don't think we can wade through that.

It's pretty deep, actually...

Let's find another way around.


Ein, don't push yourself so hard.

Ein! You're awake!

...Huh? I jumped in the lake, and...

Serene jumped in to save you.

She did?

That's right.
Now my clothes and my wings are soaked...
If I catch a cold, it's all your fault!

Sorry... I thought it was shallow...

So you just jumped in!?

Thanks to Ein, we know we can't cross on foot.

There has to be another way.

Well, so much for that idea...

The contents were completely blown away...

We have to drain the water...

The water's sparkling.

Is there something down there?

It's a Mana Wisp!

That explains the sparkle that Ein noticed.

Something's shining in the water.

Maybe it's a gem.

I feel like I'm being pulled in.

It's a Mana Wisp, alright.

I can feel its power.

...I'd better not.

*sigh* It disappeared...

It's still wet...

Look, there's a magic circle!

It's blue this time.

The water's almost drawing me in.

There's nothing here...

Maybe it's connected to another shrine.

Follow me.

Let's not.

Can you see that dark shadow in the water?

The boulder's black.

(I didn't know boulders came in black.)

It looks strange, but it's normal enough...

I wonder why it's black.

(The boulder's moveable!)


You're right... There's a path underneath...

C'mon, let's push it out of the way.

We're moving it?

We might as well try.

Alright! It moved!

Good work, everybody.

Hm...? What's this?

There's cold air blowing from inside.

It's dark in there.

......!! Please be careful!
I feel a strong evil presence.

I'm scared...

(Even for a random hidden stairway, this is odd.)

I don't think we have much choice.

We have to defeat the Accursed...
This is where it may be lurking!

(Hm... This feeling...)
(No, it's not one of the Accursed.)

Wait for me!


We'd better not...
I think it'd be too dangerous to go down there.

(Let's cover it back up, then.)

Yeah, let's push the boulder back where it belongs.

...It won't budge.

Ein, there's a seal on the boulder.

What? A seal!?

Yeah. It's almost like it's resisting us...
And, that power is getting stronger.

What do you mean by that?

...I don't know.

We definitely shouldn't go down there.

What was that!?

The evil emanations have subsided...
The path to darkness has been sealed off.

I have a bad feeling... Let's leave it.

It's a strange boulder.

A powerful seal's been placed on it.

We should probably leave it alone.

Look! It's another glowy thing!

It's a different color than the last one.

Maybe it leads to a different shrine.

The water seems to draw me in.

What will you do?

Let's go.

No, not yet.

There's water here, too.

We can't go any farther.

The magic circle disappeared...

That was a dirty trap!

I should've known...

There's a magic circle here, too.

I didn't realize it was underwater.


This must go to another shrine.

The pattern seems a bit different...

There's still water here.

We can't get through it.

Look! A chest that's not open yet.

Let's open it!

C'mon, open it!

Hm... Maybe not.

The chest is sealed.

You'd need thief skills to crack that thing...

We must give up on this chest.

Ein, hurry up and open it!

Maybe I can try it with the Thief Manual?

There's nothing inside...

We finally got past that lake...


Look at those stalactites...

They could come down at any time...
We should keep moving.

Maybe not right now.

Huh? What?

It's not a magic circle!

Was this a trap!?

Look out, Ein!

Maybe later...

...Huh? It's locked.


It's actually a trap for thieves.
You can't disarm it unless you're skilled.
...Probably only a master thief could do it.

We're not thieves!

Does it really involve all that?

Yes, we need both a thief and magician.

A thief...

Of course we aren't!


(I guess we'll just have to give it up.)

Remember earlier?
That thief gave us a book, right?

Oh yeah, the Thief Manual.

It'd be risky... We aren't experienced thieves.

That's true.

Okay, Ein...
Fia and I will be chanting the spell
while you disarm the lock.


Yes, please.


Here we go...


Shoot... I messed up.

We can try again.

Let's keep trying.

Look at that sword in the ground.

I got it!

It won't budge...

It's won't budge...

It broke...

Ein, above you! Look out!

Whew, that was close.

We better watch the ceiling.

You'll trip if you don't watch where you're going.

Ugh... That was a close one...


Ouch... This is serious.

(Let's get outta here.)

It's treasure, right!?

I hope it's worth all the hassle.

You did it! Now it's disarmed.

Why would someone need to seal a chest like that?

*sigh* It's locked...

I didn't make it...

this chest will never open, ever again.

I disarmed it!

Everything's been blown to bits...

So much for the trap.

That wasn't so bad.

This is...

Isn't that nice.

This area is somewhat unsettling.

What's that thing?

It's a deceased person's resting place.

I wish I hadn't asked...

You... possess great strength.

Um... He's not dead.

I entrust you with my sword... and my will...
Now... I can finally--

Huh? That tombstone's different...
Look, there's a sword chained to it.

Think it's still good?

It looks sturdy enough.

But, it appears to be a sealed sword...

Sealed sword?

Are you certain?

I guess I'll help undo these chains...
...Then you can just take it.

What thief dares remove my sword?
Death to all thieves!

It's coming this way!

Good idea.
There's no reason to cause trouble.

Yes, I agree.

We should stay away from that tombstone...

The way's blocked by fang-looking things.

It won't budge.

This looks like an ancient seal.

Is there a way we can break it?

It's a switch-controlled seal, so...
If we find the switches, that should do the trick.

Switches, hm...?

We need to find those switches...

Those fangs are in the way...

(There's three of them, in case you didn't know...)

Yucky! There's two of 'em!

There used to be three. One has disappeared.

They must be related to the stake somehow.

I'm sure that's the key to opening the seal.

Why don't we check out the other stakes, then?

There's still two left.

We're almost there...

Just one more!

The seal's gone!

We did it.

Yay(note) Let's go!

We should be careful.

Yes, we must enter with caution.

...What are you talking about?

"Ladies first" doesn't apply here.

There's an exit, right?

Don't worry.

Aw, this place isn't that bad...

Waaah! I don't wanna stay here...!



It's been sealed with magic.
It will never open again...

I guess we'll never know what was inside.

The contents were blown away...

It's dark in here and I'm scared!
Why can't the dead be outside where
it's sunny?

We pounded the stake in.

It's quiet.

This limited area makes it easy for us
to hear when enemies are nearby.

Yeah, but it works the other way, too.

This chest has already been opened...

What's the point...?

Guess I'll look anyways...

Empty again, huh?

Take this!

I know that feeling.

It's empty.

I'm positive it's empty.

There's an inscription...

There's an inscription.

We pounded this stake in.

Huh? W-What the--!?

"Encoding..." That's a special type of magic.
Only high level priests can master it...


When a certain person reads the spell, it will activate.

But why Ein...?

(Because he's the person.)

(You're an angel, remember?)
(And that's a priest's seal, get it?)

Should I read the inscription again?

Not now.

As guardian of the priest, I will destroy you.

Ein, what should we do?

The ghost's still here.

We have to fight...

We can't back down. Let's go!

I will destroy those who defile my master.

What should we do?

The demons are still here...

More thieves...? You will die like the others.

What do we do?

Those demons are still here.

We have no choice but to defeat them.

There's no choice. Let's go!

I will protect my master's grave.

What's the plan, Ein?

We have to fight. Let's go!

Thieves will not touch this grave.


Any ideas, Ein?

We have no choice but to fight.

We can't turn back. Let's go!

An angel... No, that can't be... Thieves!

Okay, Ein... what now?

The demons are still here.

I think we have to fight.

We can't run away. Let's go!

There's something inside!

Is this a stake?

Why's it just sitting out here?

Don't just run around, Lina... You'll trip and fall.

Look, Ein... A stake!

Are we pounding this one in, too?

Look over here, Ein!

It's a stake.

There's a stake...

Let's pound it in.

Good luck, Ein.


Not bad!

Now Lina won't trip over it.

I wouldn't have tripped! ...Thanks, though(note)

But still, what purpose does this stake serve?

Is it a trap?

Only Lina would fall for a trap that lame.

Serene's a meanie!


You're so strong...

You pounded it all the way into the ground!

Nice work.

*huff* *huff*

Nothing's happening...

It didn't move.

I'm not interested in stakes.

Then, what are you interested in?

...What AM I interested in?

I'm interested in learning about the Arcs...

You should tell me about them one of these days.

I lost my wings...
Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever fly again.

Maybe you can teach me one day.

Huh!? Oh, yeah! Of course!

All I've been able to think about lately
is defeating the Accursed.

Now, what's inside...?

Ugh... Well, what's inside...?

There's treasure inside, right?

You did it! It didn't lock!

Why would this chest need a magic lock?

*sigh* It's locked...

I couldn't do it...

I'm sorry to say that this chest
will never open again.


*sigh* So much for the treasure...

Alright! So much for that trap.

That was a piece of cake!

My, that was easy.

Let's put it to good use.

Looks like yet another creepy area...

Don't say that, Ein!
I don't wanna think about it!

We've traveled pretty far south.

Have we?

Where have you been?

I've had my eyes closed.

It'll be okay...

Yay! It's ours!

What's written inside?

Someone left something on this grave...
Can we take it?

Should we?

Lina, you shouldn't do that...

Don't worry!

The fruits of my magic research...
No one shall lay a finger on it!

Ein, what should we do?

We can't give up. Let's go!

We shouldn't steal.

How strange... Leaving a book as a memorial?

Good thinking, Ein.

I don't think it's something to be happy about.

It's best to give a person what they enjoy...


Oh, well.

Now I'm interested.

No touching, Cierra.

Don't blame me if you get cursed...

...I was joking.

There's a book.

We have no business here...

There's nothing here.

That's because you took the book.

Sorry, Fia... I should have listened to you.

Sorry, Fia.

I don't see any traps on this chest.

So we can open it?

I find it odd that only this chest doesn't have a trap...

It was pretty hard to find...
Maybe we're the first ones to find it(note)



See? It's all good(note)

What's happening!?

Thieves, pay the price for your foolishness.


I knew it...

They're coming!

Thank you, Ein.

Huh...? We aren't opening it?

Huh? It's not opening.

It might be a trap.
It's best that it remains shut.

It's easy to walk when there's no grass.

Of course there's no grass; we're underground.

Grass doesn't grow underground?

Most plants require sunlight to grow.

Oh, right... The sun.

Y'know all these souls and ghosts and stuff?
Why do they hang around here?

Perhaps they have something left to do...

Really? Like what...?
(If I died here...)
(Would I wander Riviera, too...?)

It's huge in here!

How many graves are there here...?

There's a stake sitting here.

That's weird.

Lina... Don't run around so much--you'll trip.

I won't trip!

Ein, there's a stake.

Are we going to pound this one, too?

Look, Ein!

How should we handle this?

But still, what is this stake here for?

Only Lina would fall for something like that.

You're so strong...(heart)

You sure nailed it!

It didn't move...

Hmm... Good question.

You should tell me one of these days.

Huh? Wh-What the--!?

When the right person reads a spell, it will activate.

(Because he's the right person.)

(You're an angel, remember?)
(And, that's a priest's seal. Get it now?)

...Not now.

The ghost's still here.

We have to fight....

Those demons are still here.

We have no choice but to defeat them.

We have no choice but to fight.

Okay, Ein... what now?

The demons are still here.

I think we have to fight.

Time to look...

Something's inside!

Where are we?

It looks like some sort of shrine.

A red crystal...

Using the power of the ankhs, we can control
the water level of the lake.

Another one!

If we use the power of the ankhs, we should be
able to control the water here, too.


I can't. There's water on the other side...

There's one here, too!

Now we can drain the water further.

We might be able to cross!

Which ankh should I offer?

I can hear the sound of water...

Should I remove the L Ankh?

Should I remove the T Ankh?

Should I remove the A Ankh?

Should I remove the I Ankh?

Should I remove the Y Ankh?

Should I remove the X Ankh?

*cough* Something's wrong with the air...

Venoma are releasing poison spores... *cough*

It's quite toxic.

They're fungi... *cough* ...that grow... *cough*

Talk about it later! Let's get outta here!

The air's stagnant...

We need to get outta here.

Waaah! I wanna go home!

Venoma... Just breathing burns my lungs...

*cough* *cough* Ein, let's hurry...

It's been sealed with magic.
It won't open ever again...

I guess we have to give it up...

The contents were all blown away...

Is there really anything here?

Who cares? The whole area is poison!

*squish* *squish*

There are demons here!

In this poison!? What should we do?

We'll have to fight. Let's go!

We have to defeat them before we can move on.

You know...
We should just cut down all these Venoma.

Serene... *cough*

Aren't I always?

Step back, I'm gonna wail on this thing!


That will only release more spores into the air,
making it even more difficult to breathe.

Really? *cough*


Thanks, Ein.

Go Serene and Ein!

Ein, you can start over there...

Aww, why not?

The spores are poisoning the air, and cutting down
the Venoma will only release more spores...

I see... *cough*

In a way, Venoma are worse than demons...

Where's the Accursed...?

Hey, Fia...
This one's shaped differently.

*cough* That's a Venoma Bud.
It's sometimes used in medicine.
I wonder how people are able to gather it...
From what I understand, Venoma plants melt
when exposed to normal air.

(We could probably take it if we had some way)
(to protect the Venoma from outside air.)

Protect it, huh?

Nice one, Ein! You're pretty smart... *cough*

It worked...

(This isn't the best time to take crazy risks.)

If only we had something to put it in...
We might've been able to take it.

A Venoma Bud...
It's difficult to breathe just standing here.
We need to hurry.

The poison is getting stronger...!?

We must find the Accursed quickly.

We're almost done. Just one more Accursed...
After that, Riviera will be safe...
Hang in there, everyone!

I know...!

I can burn them... *cough* With my magic...!

Leave it to me, Ein.
Here I go!

Lina, too!


It might just make things worse.

I'm sure burning them would work...

Don't! Excessive heat could strengthen the poison.

We just need to get through here, fast.

*cough* I should've studied barrier magic...

It's probably another trap.

We're not falling for it this--*cough*

I'll check it out.

Sorry, Ein... It just opened... *cough*

You don't need to apologize, Lina.

Huh? It opened?

I assume thieves never made it this far...

*cough* Ein, let's move on quickly...

We need to keep moving.

That's true...

*cough* *cough*
C'mon! Let's go...

This is rough...

I sense great hatred and spite...

Another angel... in my holy land...
My fallen comrades... crave... your deaths...

This is the final Accursed...!


Riviera will be saved, at last!

Saved, huh?

It's do-or-die time...

Let's do it.

I shall at last have my thousand years of revenge!

Alright...! We defeated all of the Accursed.

We did it, Ein!

Riviera no longer needs to fear demons.

Thanks, everyone. I couldn't have done this alone.

Oh, it was nothing.

Lina worked hard!

A peaceful Riviera...

(Ein, look!)

What the--!?

I... will not... die...
I shall... return... and have my... revenge...!
May that thought haunt... your sleepless nights!

All the Accursed have been sealed...

Riviera was supposed to be saved...
But now, a more horrific darkness
is threatening to envelop the land.

The name of that darkness is...

Light has yet to shine upon Riviera...
Its future is still shrouded by darkness...

Let's see...

There is treasure inside, right!?

What could be inside...?

What item would require such a trap...?

You did it! It stopped!

Why would a chest need to be locked?

I'm sorry to say that this chest...
won't ever open again.

It's disarmed!

Let's put it to good use.

Underground maze, huh? THAT'S a surprise...

Serene complaining? THAT'S a surprise!

The air's too thin here... ...It's hard to breathe.

How can we be under the lake? It's so dry.

It's like a totally different world...

The air's cold...

What if the lake fills back in?

I wouldn't worry about it.

We need to fight. Let's go!

I don't think they're going to leave.

Defeating them is the only way to advance.

Running's no good... Let's go!

I just heard a voice...

Who was it?

Yeah, no kidding.

I didn't say anything!

I feel strong negative energy...

What do you think it could be?

Look at this funny icicle, Ein!

Water must have dripped down and frozen...

I think I can chop it down...

You're cool, Ein(note)


What was that about?

I didn't really get the point of that...

I think he messed up.

What's it feel like?


Whaddya mean, "Wha?"

You were a popsicle!

Ummm... What?

You were frozen solid as soon as you
touched the icicle.

Yeah, and thawing you out wasn't easy.

If we hadn't stopped Cierra, you'd be toast.

Serene! I said not to tell him that!


It's not important.

That was embarrassing.

...I was trying so hard to look cool.

The end's gone.

That's because Ein chopped it off.

Did I do something wrong?

I don't think anyone cares about the icicle.

I froze when I touched this...

Hey, Ein's trying to touch it again!

I guess it can't be helped...

Look! I'm not touching it!

Just looking at the icicle makes me cold...

(Actually Ein, it's already cold in here.)

I'll warm you up, little Gateau.

(Mmm... That's much better...)

Oh my...(heart)

I guess my swordsmanship could use some work.

That's an odd shape.

You did it.

I'm afraid of what Cierra will do if I touch it again...

It looks so cold... It's ice blue.

The ice you cut is lying here.

Let's keep it as a souvenir.

Won't it just melt on the way back?

If we hurry, it should be fine...

If we hurry, huh?

What's below the catacombs?

It might have something to do with the Accursed.

I guess we'll have to see for ourselves.

A big piece of ice!

Wow... How'd that happen?

It's not natural. I'm sure magic was involved.

That makes sense...

I can feel the magic.

Really? Cool!

It's nothing, really.

Probably not--I'm better with fire magic.

Lina wants some, too(note)

I wouldn't play around with magic like that...

Ein! There's something inside the ice!

IN the ice!?

I believe it is.

Good eyes, Fia.

Thank you... I'm proud of my eyesight.

So... What item is it?

No... It's doesn't look like it.

If it was, they'd be frozen anyway.

I believe it's an item.

Yes, there is quite a lot of ice here.

But, what does that have to do with what's inside?

Just don't stick your tongue on the walls!

And why would I want to do that?

Great, you guys...

Now, Fia's confused.


Yeah, don't confuse her!

(Look who's talking.)

The ice is in pieces.

(Of course it is. We broke it.)

This ice really confuses me.

(I think this is a new low for you, Ein...)

I'm not so sure about that...

(We should stay away from it.)

What's that?

It looks likes a magic circle.

Maybe something's sealed inside.

What do we do, Ein?

...No point in running. Let's go!

We shouldn't run. Let's go!


Another one!?

Is that a Zombie Dragon!?

Who dares awaken me...?
You will pay dearly... with your lives!

We're going to have to fight it!

Th-There's no other choice. We have to fight!

This is the Key to Hell!

The Key to Hell...
So, this is what the Zombie Dragon was guarding.

W-What the!?

It's definitely not good, whatever it is.

It's too dangerous... Let's go!

Go where!?

There's only one way we can go: forward.

Waaaah! I'm scared!

Lina, hurry!

(Ein! Above you!)

That was close!

Quick, Ein! Come on!

Alright, let's go.



At least we're still alive.


Quit crying! We need to get going...


It looks like a sword.

I think it's worth closer inspection.

We have to do something about this ice, first!




Melt the ice... Burning Flare!


I'll cleave it in two... Serene Spark!

I'll do it... Cutesy Shot!


M-Me!? ...I'll try.



I have a bad feeling... Let's not touch it.

Whatever you say.

What item's worth such a trap?

I'm sorry to say that this chest...
wil never open again.

That wasn't so hard, was it?

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