Lacrima Castle

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> 08D8945C (Needs assigning), Chapter 6 dialogue.
post Mar 14 2006, 03:07 AM
Post #1


Group: Gods
Posts: 2539
Joined: 25-December 05
Member No.: 16

What the...?

It's HUGE in here!

There's even sunlight... This is really inside a tree?

It's hard to believe...
that such a grand existence is so close to our home...

Ledah is somewhere here. We have to stop him.

Will there be another fight...?

I don't know, but we have to find him...
There's no worry of Utgard anymore, but still...

Let's hurry!

There's water below here.
Is all this water what sustains this tree...?

We have to catch up before the Retribution is started!

That's something I would rather not see.

Me neither.

But, what're ya gonna do when you catch up?


(Yeah, what are you going to do?)

...I don't know.

Ahhhh! Someone's here!

Run! If they catch you, who knows what'll happen!

Go, go, go!

There's nothin' around here.

Destroy... all intruders...

Who are they?

They couldn't be... The Cefiro?

Cefiro? Whuzzat?

I hear Yggdrasil has its own defense mechanism..
These Sprites, the Cefiro, are part of that system.
The defenses must've been activated.

But, we're not the bad guys!

We are still intruding, either way.
Trespassers are still trespassers...

Ein, what should we do?

We need to press on ahead... Let's do it!

Let's retreat for now.

They're still here...

Looks like they won't let us pass without a fight.

Hey, I was thinkin'...
Wouldn't this defense work on Ledah, too?


But with his sense of duty, he wouldn't be fazed at all.
Trust me. We need to catch up to him...

I don't think there's anythin' here, but...

Lemme see...


I-If you eat us, Ursula will beat you up!


Huh? Fairies!? Why would I eat you...?

The jig is up! Those wings and ugly face are proof.

That's right!

No, it's true!
We came here to save Yggdrasil.

She looks trustworthy.

We were hiding, y'know.

That's right, from the Cefiro.

They attack everything, so we were running away.

But you were too late, huh?

We don't trust you.

We trust everyone else.


Take us to our friend.


I'm MoMo.

And I'm LoLo.

What should I do?

We like you; you're nice!

Thank you!

We'll hide inside your clothes, so be careful.

*giggle* It's so warm in here!

Leave it ta us!

Sorry, but I can't...



No way!

Poor Fairies...

LoLo, let's go.


They left...

There's no way all this can be inside a tree...

It's even BIGGER here!

With this size...
...there's no tellin' what's in store for us.

We must be careful. We're dealing with the Cefiro.

Man, this sucks!

Intruders... Feel the power of our unit!


Ein, whadda we do? They're here!

We need to press on. Let's do it!

They're still here.

We have no choice but to defeat them.

Let's go before more Cefiro come out...

This block's unsteady. It shakes when I do this.

Is it about to collapse...?

I believe so. I see cracks everywhere.

If we stomp on it, it'll prolly give way.

Ein, let's stomp on it!

Let's be careful, then...

Go, Ein(note)

It look's like it's fine.


Th-That was close...

Are ya okay, Ein?

You almost fell...

I'd... rather not.

There's nothing interesting here.

It's wobbly over here.

I don't know how they did it,
but these blocks are suspended by magic.
Who'd cast spells on all these blocks...?

So all this is magic, huh...

It's the block that Ein jumped on.

It broke good, huh?

Hey, over here!

I wouldn't want to fall through here...

All the blocks look the same.
I'm already lost.

Oh, but they are the same.

Whadda ya mean?

I suspect that all the rocks here...
...are all under the influence of Yggdrasil.
They are created in the same fashion and size... a way to defend Yggdrasil.

Come to think of it, they ARE about the same size...

So, if I'd get lost...?

You'd probably never find the exit.


There's something in between the blocks.

It's another Mana Wisp.

It feels so warm.

I don't need it.

I don't see anymore light.
It seems the Mana Wisp is gone.

It's empty...

It's been sealed with magic.
It can't be opened ever again...

I guess we have to give it up...

The contents were blown away as well...

There's a chest...

Maybe I shouldn't.

Poison gas!

Now, what's inside...?

Ugh... Well, what's inside...?

An arrow trap!

What's inside?

There's treasure inside, right!?

Freeze gas!

What could be inside...?

What item merits such a trap...?

A magic lock!

You did it! It stopped!

Why would a chest need to be locked?

*sigh* It's locked...

I didn't make it in time...

I'm sorry to say it...
But this chest won't open ever again.


It's gonna blow!

It's disarmed!

Not bad, Ein!

*cough* *cough*

*sigh* So much for the treasure...

Everything's been blown to bits...

Alright! So much for that trap.

We did it(note)

Well done.

That was a piece of cake!

My, that was easy.






This is...


Let's make good use of it.

How lucky(star)

Isn't that nice.

The floatin' blocks here look like they fell apart.

It shows that this place is even older than we thought.

So we're probably going in the right direction.
We need to reach Ledah...

This wind's strong...


That was a strong one!

Ow ow ow...

Somethin' got in Lina's eyes! Waah!

That was quite strong...

Aren't we getting any closer to Ledah...?
What if we're going the wrong way?


...What do I do...?


Huh? Oh... Sorry, Fia. I was thinking about something.


Are we that unreliable to you?

Wha-What's wrong all of a sudden?

It's not sudden!

I think Lina's right.

Yep, yep.

Wha? What'd I do wrong?

We have traveled with you of our own will,
and we have experienced many trials with you.
But you're always off in your own world.
You never share what's really bothering you...
We may not be Grim Angels...
and we may not understand what's going on...
But aren't we friends? Didn't we travel together?
Tell us what's on your mind!
You always try to solve things on your own.
And because of it, you always suffer on your own...

Can't you trust in us a little more...?
Have faith in us a little more...

I... Fia...

Well said, Fia.
It may have been by chance that we all met,
but I've always believed that our journey was fate.

Lina's glad we met, too!

Cierra... Lina...

They've already said it for me.

If you weren't there that time, I'd still be alone.

...I understand, everyone.
From now on, I'll speak my mind.
Let's overcome these hardships together.
No matter how trying they may be...
Thank you for making me realize that, Fia.


Let'g go... to the center of Yggdrasil... for Ursula...
We'll stop Ledah!

*sigh* We got blown away...

Where are we?

There's nowhere to go but down, it seems.

Where are we? I don't see any paths around here...

How dare you set foot in this sacred sanctuary!


There's no time for that. They're comin'!

I know that we have no time.
But do we really have to fight...?


These are the growth rings of the tree.

Growth... rings...?

Is this your first time seeing them, Serene?

You can tell its age by looking at these rings.

Ah, I get it.

This was a very old tree.

But why was it cut? Did Ledah or the Cefiro do it?

Neither. This forest is well-taken care of.
If the trees are too close together,
they'll steal each other's nutrients and die.

So if they get too close, they chop the older tree.

Selectin' who lives and who dies... just like...

I can see rings in the stump.
It must've been pretty old...



Ein, stay on guard!

We don't have any time. We must find Ledah!

There's a big stump that we could jump on to.

But it looks like we can't come back if we did.

The wind's not stoppin'...

Yggdrasil is an enclosed area full of trees.
That may make it susceptible to wind phenomena.

How much more needless blood must be shed?
Of this tree... Of the Fairies...
Cefiro...! We mean no harm!

I have no time to waste with you!
Stand down!

I will slay all who oppose the will of the gods.

Ugh... I hope it's worth it...

I'm sorry to say it...
But that chest won't ever open again.

Alright! So much for that trap.

That was a piece of cake!

Let's make good use of it.

As I thought...
These trees are growing at an unbelievable rate.
They feel as if they were sentient beings.

Riiight. Sentient...


Uhh, these trees're growin' kinda fast.

Indeed, they are.

These platforms are surrounding the trees.

This platform is moving sideways, ever so slightly.

It's like they're protecting the trees...

There's nothing there anymore...

This area seems much more level than the one before.

It seems the trees are avoiding certain spots.

Maybe they're avoiding it on purpose!


Wh-What's wrong, Cierra?
Did Lina say something wrong?

That may be it!
The trees are carefully avoiding these spots...
It makes so much sense.

Each tree follows the will of Yggdrasil, huh...

Ein, can I ask ya somethin'?

What is it?

Umm... Well...
Was... Ledah your friend?

If he was...
If he was your friend...
then it'd be like facing me and Fia, right?

Do ya... really gotta fight... *sniff*

That's so sad...

Lina, you shouldn't trouble Ein.

B-But... Fia...

It's too high to jump back over there...

If ya only had wings...

Still, it's amazing how the platforms move about.

Yes, it is. It's like they all have their own orbit.

Yeah, they are pretty impressive, huh...

There's a pathway on the other side...

It's lower than here, so we can't come back if we go.

I guess that platform would be the outside one.

These blocks are curvy.

They're designed to surround the trees.

The stones are surrounding the trees?

Mmm, more like protecting the trees.

Protecting them, huh...

There's another platform down below.

It's too far down for us to climb back up here.

Hey, Ein...
How'd ya feel when you first came to Elendia?

Wha? That's kinda random. Where'd that come from?

I just wanna know.

How did I feel, huh...?
Well, I didn't know anything of the world...

Nothing at all...
But, because of everyone, I was able to come this far.

I feel the same way.
I feel like it's because of you and everyone
that I'm here today.

So, Ein... Thank you.

It's too high to jump back over there...

If ya only had wings.

The way the platforms are spread out is so beautiful.

This must also be the power of Yggdrasil.

Such power... Yggdrasil's a sight to behold.

There's a pathway on the other side...

It looks like there's no turning back after this.

That scared me.

Too bad it didn't hit.

There's another platform like this down there.

It looks like it's a one way trip.

Is that an enemy over there?

It might be a Cefiro.

It has yet to notice us.
Ein, what should we do?

Maybe I could use that rock we picked up...


Yeah! Ya got 'em!

Good job, Ein!

I feel a bit sorry for the Cefiro, but...

Huh!? You missed...

Shoot, it saw us!

It's coming this way!

*caw* *caw*

We can't run now!

Then all that's left is to force our way through!

If it doesn't notice us, we should just move along.

Halt! You're intruding on sacred ground!

More Cefiro!!

The Cefiro's still here.

We must defeat them in order to pass.

We should hurry on ahead.

It's already been opened.

How far has Ledah gone...?
We still haven't caught up yet! What if...

We'll make it. Let's just hurry, Ein.

That's right, we'll do it!

Yeah, you're right... Let's keep moving.

I've never seen such a place before.

Neither have I.

Is there a place in Asgard like here? Hmmm...

There's a pathway on the other side...
But, I can only cross over from this side...

Why did you become a Grim Angel?

Because I was picked, I guess...

Was your duty so important,
to lose your wings and come to Riviera?


To tell you the truth, I really don't know.

But now, I'm just glad I'm me.
Because of that, I was able to meet all of you.

We could drop down from here.

Looks like we gotaa jump for it, again.

That's a pretty wide gap.

Well, I have wings, so I don't have to worry.

Sorry, everyone...

But I think we can make it if we run.

Alright, then...!

Ein, I don't see any place we can go.

That's quite a distance to that platform.

I have wings, so it's nothin' for me.

It's a long ways to the other side...

But if we get a running start...

That was a close one...





There's a sword stuck in the ground...

I did it!

It's not budging...

It broke...

Ugh... Well, what's inside...?

I didn't make it...

I'm sorry to say it,
but this chest won't open ever again.

Alright! So much for that trap.

That was a piece of cake!

This is also part of Yggdrasil, I see.

Ein, look!

Black feathers!?

Ein, let's hurry.


The wind is so strong... I can barely open my eyes.
Now's not the time to be looking around.

I came to Elendia as a Grim Angel...
But I never imagined it would end up like this.

*chirp* *chirp*


Ein, whatcha gonna do?

We're gonna hafta beat 'em to get by.

I'm a Grim Angel.

I may have no wings, but I have Einherjar.
I believe in my purpose and will move ahead!

I guess we have to give it up...

Meow. (Ein.)


(Are you really ready to face Ledah?)


(You've been on edge, ever since Ledah reappeared.)
(I know you better than you know yourself.)
(So, just so you know...)
(I prefer the new you, the one I'm talking to.)

Thanks, Rose. It means a lot, coming from you.

No fair having Gateau all to yourself.

But, I wasn't--
...I give up.

(Compared to when you first came here,)
(you've become pretty strong.)

Have I? I can't really tell.


You shall not lay a finger on the Aquarium.


Ein, whadda we do?

We're gonna have to beat 'em to pass.

What's this "Aquarium?"

The Aquariums are what protect Ursula
as well as Yggdrasil.
If they're destroyed, then...

No one's left to protect her!

If the Sealed One was to infiltrate...
Ursula would vanish.

If that happens, the Retribution will...!
We have to stop Ledah from destroying the Aquariums!
Or else Riviera will...!

The wind is so strong, I can barely open my eyes.
Now's not the time to be looking around.

Destroy the Aquariums and actuate the Retribution...
No one else shall accomplish that...

Except me!

The gust's... too strong...!

It's pushing us back...

This is some wind.

Let's wait for it to die down.

The wind has become even stronger.

Ein, it's a tornado! We have to get through.

I know. Everyone, hold your ground...!


It looks like a dead end.

We don't have time to waste here.

Should we backtrack?

There's a monument...

This writing's pretty old. What's it say?

If only we had something from that time period...

We can't read it on our own...

I see...

This is the same language as the "Lala Sutra!"
I think I can decipher it.


I'll help.

It's simple once we find out the grammar.

Cierra, what'd it say?

Something's sealed away inside to protect it.

So... it's like a safe, then?

That's right.

But the seal has weakened over time.
We might be able to break the seal.

Try it!

I'm not confident I can, but I'll do my best.

My, I did it...

That's incredible, Cierra!

It was because the seal was already weak.

Somethin' came out!

A... mirror?

...It seems I've failed.

That's too bad.

Let's go, then...

We have to hurry...

There's a stone monument...

Ein, what kind of job do you do as a Grim Angel?

Er... Well... Working for the gods, I guess.

And that includes...?

I... uhh... never really thought about it, haha(drop)

That's just like you.

*gasp* Finally, fresh air!
That really sucked.
I was lying in ambush, waiting for the enemy...
Then I got scared, so I hid in the chest...
But the lid was too heavy for me to lift and--
.........Who're you!?


A-An angel!? Th-They've gotten this far!?
Then my waiting wasn't in vain!

You're a Sprite!? Something's wrong...

You're not a Fairy. You don't look like us.
Liars get a beating!

We're not the enemy.

Well, you don't look evil...
...Okay, I'll trust you.

Thank you very much.

Huh!? That sword you have there...
Is that a Mithril Sword?
If you want, I can power it up for you...

Power up the sword...

Hold on a sec.

Okay, here you go!

You don't want an upgrade? It's your choice.

I have a favor to ask you. Take me with you.
I feel so helpless-- I mean--I wanna come, too!

Huh!? I have company!

Another Fairy?

You're a Fairy, too.

There's not much room, so scoot over.

Yeah, yeah...

Oh yeah, I'm KiKi.

Nice to meet you.

What!? I just powered up your sword for you!

That's mean! *sniff*
Fine, then! I'll beat the enemy, myself!

I have a bad feeling about this chest...

I'm waiting for the enemy, so don't bother me!

It's already open.

These feathers...


Ein, these feathers are still warm.

He's nearby, huh...

There's something in the shadows!

An enemy!?


Oh, it's just a Fairy...

Sorry for startling you.

Why are you here?

It's dangerous right now.

Yes, I know. Could you take me with you?

Thanks. I'll heal you as a token of my appreciation.

Please take good care of me.

Oh... I'm not the only one?
Um... I'm PiPi. Nice to meet you.

I-Is that so...
Well, I must run now, so goodbye.

No one else is hiding there.

(Begone, vandals of the World Tree.)

They're here!!

Let's back off for now.

The Cefiro... They're still here...

We can't get past 'em without a fight...

Let's return for now.

We're almost to the Aquarium!
Let's hurry before Ledah destroys it!

Fighting Sprites just to protect Ursula...

Don't talk about Ursula like that!

I don't care! I'm not very happy.
Killing Sprites to protect Sprites...!


W-Why are you the one apologizing?

It's my fault in the first place...


Ein, why are you here right now?

To... save Riviera...

Then, that's all that matters.


Right, Serene?

Wha? Oh... yeah, huh.

Cierra, you're incredible!

Leave it to big sis!

Is there something inside the water?

Ein, there's a beautiful jewel in the water.

Wow, look at that shine.

Thank you very much. It's so beautiful.
I'll treasure it.

Is it okay for me to have it?

Hahaha. Thanks, Ein.

You sure? Lina's happy(note)

Are you sure you want to give it to me?

(Eh? You wanna give it to me?)
(I-I don't really know what to say...)

I'll keep it for myself.

(Everyone looks disappointed, man.)

We don't need it.

There's nothing in the water anymore.

There's nothing there.


It's you... Ein.

You're too late.
I just destroyed this Aquarium.

How could you!?

Ein... It seems that you're all talk.
You don't even know what the Retribution is...

The Aquariums are the units that protect Yggdrasil...
I've already destroyed the first and second unit.
There's only one remaining...
There will be no one to stop the Retribution.

The Retribution lies within Yggdrasil...?

Ledah, there's no need for the Retribution anymore!

We've already sealed away all the Accursed!
Riviera won't become another Utgard!
There's no reason to destroy it!

Hahaha... The Accursed...?
You were after such petty things as that?

(What do you mean!?)

The Accursed are mere tools of destruction.


They merely summon demons, and the Sprites' deaths
flow to the one who governs death.

The Sprites' deaths!?

Collecting souls. That has always been our objective.

Then, the soul-hunting at Rosalina Island was...!?

...all part of the gods' plan.
This is the gods' reasoning for Riviera...

Then what about my friends in eternal slumber?

That slumber is unchanging...
They will never awaken.

Ein, stop deceiving yourself!

So? So what!?
They still have no right to play with their lives!!
I will fight to protect all of my friends!
It doesn't matter whether I'm an angel or not!
Even if I'm going against the gods, I will fight!

Hmph. You have fallen far.
Without the Aquariums, Ursula will be unprotected.
And Riviera will be finished.

I won't let you do it!

Knowing you, you will catch up, no matter what happens...

So, I'll finish this now!

Come, Ein...!

Einherjar! No...
Everyone! Lend me your strength!

Tch... I never imagined I'd lose to you in battle...


Finish me!

I can't do that. You're my friend.

What are you talking about?
That is the most practical action to take... in battle...

No, I can't do it!

Then, I will.



*chuckle* All too easy...


I'm sure he's happy to have been done in by an angel.

I wasn't going to kill him...

What are you talking about?
What were you doing up until now?
That's what I would call hypocrisy.


Now then, hypocrite.
Do you know why I'm here?

I, too, am a Grim Angel.
With my Diviner, Skadi, I am sworn to Master Hector.
In order to revive the golden age of the gods...
Someone must become the one and only god.
Only then will Asgard gain eternal power.
That is what my master said, and his word is absolute.
I started collecting souls at Rosalina Island...
All for the sake of Asgard...
We have no need for a Grim Angel that loses to you!
Asgard needs an absolute god...
Someone like Master Hector!

I knew that if I left you to carry out your mission,
you'd defeat all the Cefiro for me.
I'll take over from here.
Go die in peace.

Ledah...! You're alive!

Go... Stop Malice...
She does not... follow... the will... of the gods...
She... has become... Hector's puppet...

Hurry... There's no time to waste...!

I can't leave you here!

How strange... You still think I'm your friend...?
Besides... I'm not one to die here. You know that...
Ledah... the Grim Angel... will not fall here...!
Now what are you doing!? I said go!

...Okay. But I'll be back...

What's in--Whoa!?

I'm sorry to say it...
But this chest won't open ever again.

There should be an Aquarium up ahead...
We have to catch up to Malice.

That murderer...!

But that Ledah guy was really good, huh.

Yeah. Just don't say it to his face(drop)

Um... Is Ledah okay...?

He said so, so I'm sure he'll be fine.

Besides, we have more important goals.
Deep down, I know it's Ledah's as well...

We don't have much time. Let's hurry!

The trunks are intertwining with each other.
It's like this is the root of all life.

We have to protect the Aquarium from Malice!

Without it, Ursula is open to attacks!

We must stop her.

Oh, no!

What should we do?

At a time like this... Everyone, let's do it!

We have no choice but to defeat them.

We're going after Malice!

The way the trees are entangled with each other...
...makes it seem like they're alive.

I can't believe Malice was a Grim Angel...

(She's a fearsome one at that. Prepare yourself.)

I felt like someone was walking above me...


Lina thought so, too.

We should look around.

Ein... This place...!

I know... This is the domain of the gods...

It's the place closest to to Asgard.
I can't believe it's materializing at Riviera...

Then this straining pressure is...

This atmosphere is too heavy for us Sprites.

Ein, why do you look so worried?

Yeah, this is nothin' for us.

Ein, let's get goin'! C'mon!

So this is the gate to the Retribution...

We don't know what will happen. Be careful.

The atmosphere is so straining...

My ears are ringin'.

My head hurts a l'il, too.

You guys...

Where is Malice...?

Hold it! You're not going any further!


We don't have time... Let's do it!

Looks like we're gonna have to fight 'em.

We don't have time...

MoMo! LoLo! Where are you two?

What's wrong?

Huh!? Oh, you're Sprites. I'm sorry.
I can't find my friends.
I don't know where they went.

Is that so...

I'm sorry, but I need to find them, so...


We're right here!

Oh, there you are! Thank goodness!
Let's go home.

(What should I say?)

Me, too.

Too bad, though... His shirt was so comfortable...

Yeah, it was.

Ein, goodbye!

I liked you a little(heart)

Oh, I must be on my way, too.

Wait up! Aren't you forgetting someone?

That's right, LaLa.
When I was with him, I was thinking...
We can't just run away forever.

I thought so, too.

Then, what should we do?

Well, you see...

We've decided to fight alongside with you.

Leave it to us.

Why me? I just came to find them...(drop)

Ahhh, more!?

I'm LaLa, nice to meet you.

I'd stay too, but I can't fight.
Good luck you guys.

Leave it to us!

I must be going, too.

Nice to meet you, but I can't fight.
I wish you the best of luck, though.

There's no one here anymore.

(There's something I've been thinking about...)

What's that, Rose?

(Grim Angels take orders from the Seven Magi...)
(So then, what about Malice...?)
(Is the destruction of Yggdrasil Hector's will?)
(If that's so, then the Seven Magi--)
(No, all of Asgard will go against you.)

Are you worried about me?

(Of course I am!)
(I mean, you're bad enough without me...)
(I don't know how you'd handle things on your own.)

*chuckle* The final Aquarium...
I shall destroy it!

Stop it!

So you made it all the way here.

But, it was all for nothing.


Now, all three Aquariums have been shattered.
Ursula is now open to attack...

I'm still here! I'll protect her!

Incompetent angel...
I'll play with you.

Just don't die so easily, or it won't be any fun.

Here I come!

Heh... Impressive...!

But playtime's over. You die now!!

Oh no, you don't!



Most impressive! Still standing?

Well, it's about time...
Come to the Maze of Shadows.
I'll be waiting for you there!
Hmhmhm... Haaahahaha!

It seems... I made it in time...


Ledah! Why!?

You are the most fit to carry out the mission.
It's simple reasoning.

But you shielded me...!

I understand now... Hector... is the source.
Malice revived the Accursed...
And Hector was the one that ordered it...
So he could begin the Retribution.
By returning Riviera to nothingness,
Hector plans on becoming the one and only god.
We were deceived by him.
I have failed... as a Grim Angel...

Familiar, long ago... you asked me...
...what I lost as a Grim Angel, correct?

That which I lost...
was my emotions...
Thanks to that... I could manage any mission easily.

You were nothing but a nuisance to me.
Thinking, worrying, doubting...
Watching you, I felt something similar to anger.
But I realize now that that wasn't anger...
I may actually have been envious of you.
You, who was as weak as a newborn child...
...returned far stronger than thought possible.
Ein... you might...
You just might... be able to find it...
The answer... I could not find...
no matter how hard I tried as a Grim Angel...

Farewell... Ein...



This... is...!?

(The essence of a fallen angel...)

Rose, I've been thinking...

(That's a first. What's on your mind?)

If it means protecting Riviera...
I'll go against Hector.


Riviera isn't a sacrifice for Asgard.
That's what I think. That's what I believe.

(I'm not surprised. That's so like you.)
(If you think so, then what is there to argue about?)

...Thanks, Rose.

What should we do...!?

He destroyed it...!

Now the world can see us...

The black-winged angel's coming...

I'm scared...


To stop the intruder...
I have released the ones that destroy all...

The Cefiro...!?

They're dangerous! They'll attack everything!

I know... But it will slow down the intruder.
I pray that Ein will make it in time...

I'm sorry, but there is no time to grieve...

There is nothing left to protect Yggdrasil.
You must do as Ledah told you...
Travel to the Maze of Shadows and defeat Hector...
Just as Seth, the Sealed One, and I are opposites,
so, too, are the Yggdrasil and the Maze of Shadows.
If the Yggdrasil's powers have weakened,
the Maze of Shadows must be weak as well.
See for yourself. That is the Maze of Shadows.

That's the Maze of Shadows!?

Hector awaits.
We will open the seal to the Maze of Shadows.

Everyone, pray.

I understand.

For Riviera's future...

To give everyone hope...

Where is the Maze of Shadows?

The Isle of Goriate.

And... how do I get there?

You can get there through Heaven's Gate.

Ein, I entrust my faith in you.

Leave it to me.

We shall accompany you.

Well, of course.

Riviera is in danger, after all.

Let's go!


All of our futures...
will be decided in this coming battle...
Let's go! This is it!

Where are we...?

It's such a beautiful place.

Are you here for the spring, too!?


Ein, here they come!

What do they mean by the spring?

There must be one nearby.

These are Healing Herbs...

Let's take one!

There's nothing important here.

There's something glittering in the water.

I'm not afraid of you, black-winged monster!

Why aren't you going anywhere?
It's not easy hiding here...

It's a Fairy!

H-Hmph! I'm not afraid of you, black-winged monsters!

Um... We're Sprites.

Huh? Hey, you are! Geez, don't scare me like that!

I should be getting out of here now.

You should try the water here.
It's so refreshing(heart) Bye bye!

I hear it only grows in the purest water.

So... that means...

This is pure water!

Hmm... Heilkraut, huh...

It might come in handy.

There's some Heilkraut growing here.

Hmm... He's doing well...
Thanks to him, it's been an easy job, so far.
The first Aquarium was razed so effortlessly...
Just two more to go...
Ledah's quite impatient...

Ein, something's been shattered here!

What is this...?

I feel some sort of pulse coming from it.
It's like something is seeping out of Yggdrasil.

From Yggdrasil!?

It's like it's losing blood.

It's been destroyed...
Just looking at it makes me worried...
What is this feeling?

I feel something horrible is going to happen.

It's like a crystal...

We should hurry...

!? What's this...?

Ein... These feathers...

These are... Then is this the work of Ledah...?

Most likely.

We don't know what's up ahead.
It may be best to have a drink while we can.

Here I go...

I feel like power's surging through me!

Really!? Lina wants some!

Oooh, this water's so good!

Hey, move over!

Let's all have some.

It's so soothing. This is quite delicious!

Alright, I feel happy!

Uhh, wasn't that Fairy swimming in it?(drop)

I'm sorry to say it...
but this chest won't open ever again.

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