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> 08D2610C (Needs assigning), Chapter 1 dialogue.
post Apr 19 2006, 08:58 PM
Post #1


Group: Gods
Posts: 2539
Joined: 25-December 05
Member No.: 16

Riviera should be just beyond Heaven's Gate.


Everything must seem new to you...
Just stay out of my way.


What's that!?

That horrible scent... Ein, those are demons!

Demons? It can't be...

I didn't expect to encounter demons here...
So be it...
We'll simply have to use our Diviners.

The weapons used by Grim Angels, right?

Yes... Mine is the spear Lorelei...

And mine is the sword Einherjar...

...Two powerful weapons.

Now, let's go, Ein!

I need more time to prepare...

We don't have that luxury...

They're coming...!

There's no time to backtrack, Ein.

Alright. Let's continue...

Huh? The enemy dropped something...

What is it? A bottle? What's inside?

It's a Potion. It restores health.

Hmmm, is that so? How lucky(paw)

Just don't waste any items you find.
They'll be essential to an amateur like you.

You're right. I'll use them sparingly.

Oh, by the way...
You can check your items by pressing SELECT.

I see... SELECT, huh?
I'll remember that.

Why are there demons at Heaven's Gate...?

Something's wrong...

Grim Angels, servants of the gods...


Report the situation.

We have encountered demons at Heaven's Gate.

As I thought. They must be under someone's command.
But, the gods' decision is absolute...
You must hurry and complete your mission.

So... To Riviera?

Yes. Riviera is the source of the problem.
Truly, it seems to have become another Utgard.
The ancient war must not be repeated.
That is the purpose of your existence.
Now, Ledah... Ein...
Hurry towards Riviera!
In the name of the gods, protect this world.

I understand, Hector.

Once you pass Heaven's Gate, you will be on your own.
I will no longer be able to contact you.
I entrust you with this task...

As you wish...

Was that an illusion?

That was Hector, one of the seven Magi.
He ordered us here.
It's the duty of the Grim Angels to defeat demons.

Seems like Riviera is turning into Utgard...
What's going on at Heaven's Gate?

It's our duty to find that out.

How old is this? It's falling apart.

Ein, let's get going.


Nothing unusual here.

Where are you going? Have you given up?

No, just ran into a dead end.
I was wondering if there was another path.

Aren't you being a bit hasty...?


Ein, I'll show you how to look more carefully...
Let's go back.

Hey Ein, is this place filled with demons?

I don't know. I guess so...

We can't afford to waste too much time here.
Let's hurry, Ein.


Heaven's Gate...
So much blood has been shed here...
Even so, is history bound to repeat itself?
...All for the sake of Asgard.

Why are you staring at the ground?

More demons!

Ook ook!

What are you going to do?

Me? ...I don't know.

Here we go!

Let's retreat for now.

We don't have any time to waste...

Alright, I'll teach you how to look around.

I'm ready when you are.

First look at the bottom right of the screen.

It says, "MOVE."

That's right, "MOVE."
That means we're in Move Mode.

Move Mode?

In Move Mode, you can move from place to place.

I see...

You can't examine anything in Move Mode.

Then, what do I do?

Try pressing the A Button.

The A Button? Okay.

They have no chance against us.

But, good thing I had that Potion.
With that and my Diviner, I'm unbeatable!

Ignorance really is bliss(paw)
You don't know anything, do you?


Look, the number of times an item can be used is limited!

That's not true.
My Diviner, Einherjar, can be used over and over.

That's because it's special! Ledah's Lorelei, too.
You saw numbers when you selected the Potion, right?

"Potion x 03"...? What about it?

That "03" tells how long the item will last.

So if I use the Potion 3 times, it'll be gone?

Bingo! But, you just used it, so... don't even have 3 uses remaining!

So, I better use my items more carefully from now on.


I pressed the A Button...

Now look at the bottom right of the screen.

It says, "LOOK."

That means we're in Look Mode.

Look Mode?

When you want to look around the room,
Press the A Button to switch to Look Mode.

So, the A Button is used to switch modes...

Keep that in mind.

So, what next?

Look Mode differs from Move Mode...
When the Trigger Icon appears, press the Control Pad.

The Trigger Icon?

It'll be displayed in the middle of the screen.
By pressing the Control Pad,
you'll be able to look around the room.

I don't really get it, but it sounds useful.

You'll get used to it.
Alright, go ahead and try it out.

So, press the Control Pad when the icon appears...

Once we drop down, there's no coming back...

That took a while...

Sorry... I know we're in a hurry.

We have to pick up the pace.

Alright, I'll do my best.

No, not yet.

Hey, look around, will ya!?

Oh, yeah. Sorry.
Press the Control Pad once the icon appears, right?

That's right. Now, c'mon!
Press the A Button to switch to Look Mode.

Hey! Where're you going?

Whoops, not this way...

Press the A Button! Geez, man.

There's a ledge below. We can drop down from here.


See? Looking around can lead to new discoveries!

Yeah, you're right.

You won't notice these things just walking around.

I'll make a habit of looking around.

Oh, but there's something I forgot to tell you...

What's that?

Every time you use the Trigger in Look Mode,
you lose 1 Trigger Point.

What's a Trigger Point?

Hmmm... How should I explain?

Well, just remember you'll need them to look around.
If you don't have any, then you can't look around.

How am I supposed to know if I have any or not?

In Look Mode, "TP" is shown at the top of the screen.
Why don't you check it out?

Is there any way to get more Trigger Points?

You can earn more by defeating enemies,
and by getting a good score in battle.

I better take battle more seriously, then.

Press the B Button to switch back to Move Mode.

I just found a place where we could drop down...
But, how do I get there?

You wanna move?
Then, switch back to Move Mode.


B Button.

Oh, yeah. Sorry, I forgot.

So, I have to pick which items I'll use in battle?

That's right--up to 4. You only have 2 now, though.

Wow, 4 items isn't very many...

Remember, you can't use items you haven't selected!

Got it. I better choose carefully, then.

Don't fall behind... Let's go.

You found "Drop Down" by looking at the "Cliff"...
When you look around and discover new paths... Move Triggers will appear.

I get it, now.
Of course, it helped that I just found a new path.

So, you shouldn't just give up at dead ends.

By the way, does moving require TP, too?

Only Look Mode.

Alright, then.

Some Triggers don't require TP, either.

That's confusing.

You'll be able to tell.
Red icons require TP, while white ones don't.

So, I should watch for red Trigger icons.


Not that way! Look at the Trigger icon!

Huh!? A dead end?

Looks like it...

Well, we can't drop down any further.
If you had wings, it'd be easy.


Oh, I didn't mean it like that.

I know. Let's look for another path.


This way looks pretty hopeless.


We're near the area we dropped down from.
The rest of the path collapsed...

There's something shiny under the rubble...

Let's check it out!

What is it?

A Mana Wisp... That's a rarity.

Mana Wisp?

A Mana Wisp is a ball of energy and light,
formed from the power of the Sprites.

It's spectacular...
Just looking at it makes me feel powerful.

That power will be yours if you touch it.

Should I?

I better not. It's too risky.

Hey! You don't believe me, do you!?


If you're done here, let's go...

A Mana Wisp, huh...?

It's quite a marvel...

Huh? I thought there was a Mana Wisp here.

Looks like it disappeared.

The energy has dispersed.
There's no way of recovering it now.

Mana Wisps aren't permanent things?

Nope. You should've listened to me.
Always touch one when you have the chance.

There's nothing here now.

Did this place use to be a temple...?
Heaven's Gate just keeps getting more interesting.

That's where we dropped down from...

You can't go back there anymore, y'know.

We better explore each area thoroughly, then...

Make sure you check stuff like this in Look Mode...
Wow! You actually listened to me for a change.

Haha... I always listen to you.

Yeah, right. Alright, let's open it.

Potions! These'll come in handy.

Well, better safe than sorry.

A chest...

Should I open it?

You're not gonna open it, are ya?

There's nothing inside.

This is pretty rough terrain.
Being an angel, walking must wear you out.

Not really. I'm used to it.

What!? But you're an angel!

True. But, in return for my Diviner...
I lost my wings.

So that's why you're wingless.
Then, what did Ledah lose?

Never mind.

It's the Sacred Scale that supports Heaven's Gate.
To think I would come to Riviera like this...
How ironic.


...Don't mind me. We must hurry, Ein.

Did the gods make that, too?

So, we made it this far...
How much further to Riviera?
I'm kinda worried.

You die here!

*hiss* Demons again!?
Go get 'em, wingless angel!

Stop saying that!

I wouldn't have my Diviner if I hadn't--

Enough chatter. For now, practice using Normal Skills.

Normal... Skills?

There are 2 types of skills: Normal and Over.
Over Skills are stronger.
But... You don't know any Over Skills, do you?

What about Slash?

That's a Normal Skill!
You need Experience (Exp) to learn an Over Skill.

How do you earn experience?

By using Normal Skills.

So, if I want to learn an Over Skill...

...Fight more battles. Now, let's go!


Let's back off for now.

We don't have any choice...

They're almost on us!


What should I do?

Looks like we have no choice.

It may be our fate.

I learned the Over Skill Double Slash.

You did it, Ein!

When you learn a new skill,
your stats (ex. STR, MGC) will also increase.

Hmm, I didn't know that.

You're kinda weak, so keep at it.

Alright, next is Lorelei!

It's useless... No matter how hard you try,
you won't be able to master an Over Skill.

Why's that?

Look, it depends on the user and the item...
Not everyone can learn a skill with every item.

How do you know?

Check to see if there's a meter or not.

Oh, I see!

Remember to check any new items you get!

Did a pillar fall? This place is dangerous...


A rock...

Maybe it'll come in handy.

There's no reason to pick up a rock.

These look like fragments of a pillar.

Where are we?

Looks like there's a cavern up ahead.

Man, Heaven's Gate is bigger than I thought.

If only that was our greatest worry...

Whatcha mean?

You'll see...

This chest has already been opened.

With all that sand inside, it must be pretty old.
What a bummer... There's no treasure.
Wouldn't it be nice if every chest had something?
I should warn you, though...
Some chests may have traps inside, so be careful.

It's filled with sand.

(Here goes nothing...!)

So? How do you feel?

This light... It's so...
I can feel the power surge through me.

Well, duh. Mana Wisps hold the power of the Sprites,
like I said before.

But, why was it here?
I thought Sprites only live in Riviera...

Huh? Do you know something, Ledah?

It's nothing... Let's go.

Now we've got to climb all these?

Looks like there's no other way.

Oh, well. Let's get on with it.

It keeps going up, like a staircase.

But, I'd hardly call it a path.

The path to Riviera seems to be in disrepair.

Higher and higher... I'm starting to feel faint.

I could be napping in Asgard.

If you're just gonna complain, why'd you come?

I'm your Familiar. I go where you go.
Besides, without me, you're hopeless.

Yeah, whatever.

Who do we have, here!?

More demons...

Whoa! Hey, Ein!

Don't worry! I'll use my Over Skill!

There's one thing I forgot to mention...
You must fill your Over Drive meter, first.

Over Drive meter?

Ya know, where it says "Over Drive"(paw)

Oh, that(drop)

Your Over Skill is Level 1, so... only need to build the meter to the 1st tier.

So, I can't just use it whenever I want?

I'm afraid not.

Man, way to burst my bubble...

Also, the meter is shared, so don't be selfish.

It builds as we are hit, and as we hit our foes.
Don't hesitate to use it. It'll be wasted if we lose.

I'll definitely use it when I get the chance.

Show them the power of a Grim Angel, Ein!

So, Over Skills deplete the meter.

Yep. The higher the level, the more the meter drops.

My Over Skill only lowers it 1 tier, right?

And in my case, the meter completely shatters.

That's because your skill is Execution Level.

You ended up not using your Over Skill, huh?

I didn't want to waste the meter...

Well, it would put all our eggs in one basket.
But, the meter builds up quickly...
So, you shouldn't worry about it.

Then, maybe I should be more aggressive.

Each of our Over Skills has its advantages.

We should think carefully before using them...

The path still continues upward.

Yeah, but here it's not as steep...
That's a relief, since we don't have much choice.

Very true.

The path to Riviera...
Looks like there's only one way in.

We can enter the cavern from here...
But, who knows what's inside.
You still wanna go?

Of course. It's our duty.

Just thought I'd ask.

It would've been a whole lot easier...
...if you'd just hit it.

Hey, nobody's perfect.

Hm? What's that?


A spider!

What should we do?

Throw that rock you picked up.



Bull's-eye! Great shot, Ein.

I didn't think I'd actually hit it.

Luck can be amazing at times...
But, it saved us a lot of trouble.
Let's go, Ein...
But, don't try that again.
Your luck won't last forever.

Ein, where were you aiming!?
That was nowhere near the spider!

The enemy has noticed us. It doesn't matter now.
I intended to defeat them anyways.

Huh!? You changed your mind?

The enemy noticed us. It doesn't matter now.
I intended to defeat them anyways.


There may be other demons nearby, so be ready.

It's actually pretty bright in here...

Thanks to the walls crumbling.

We're almost there, aren't we?

I think so...

Don't relax just yet. Stay alert.

Sunlight is sifting through the holes.

It's beautiful... but also sad...

Sunlight is sifting through the cracks.

The sun's shining in here, too.

That's strange. It's missing a panel...

Now that you mention it...

Stay alert, Ein.
This may have been destroyed on purpose.

Light is coming in through the cracks.
This may be intentional.

More climbing? We must still have a ways to go.

One slip, and it's so long, sucker(paw)

*giggle* There you are! Get ready!

Looks like there's no escaping.

I guess we'll have to fight.

We did it...

There's no time to lose.
We have to actuate the Retribution.

The Retribution?

The ancient power must be awakened to save Asgard,
but Riviera might be destroyed in the process.

It's that powerful?

I don't know for sure, but--

But, if we do nothing,
Asgard will be overrun by demons.

...So, we destroy the demons along with Riviera?

Isn't there some way to save Riviera, too?

Ein, why don't you just accept the inevitable?
It is a small price to pay.
After all, Riviera is simply Utgard...
You know that it was renamed after Ragnarok.

But now, it's peaceful... The Sprites are no threat.
How can we just--

Talk is cheap.
You forget that Sprites once served demons,
and they resided in ancient Utgard.
I could care less about your opinion of them.
Our duty as Grim Angels is to defend Asgard.
Is it not?

Y-Yeah, I know...

Destroyed the same way... Suspicious...

The light is coming through and...

Ledah, let's search the ground.
Maybe the light will give us a clue.

I see... Well, it's worth a try.

There's only one place the light doesn't shine.

Check it out!

The wall has been destroyed intentionally.
There's nothing else here.

The wall has been destroyed intentionally.

we are moving through the Cavern of Judgment.

I see...
We have little time.
Riviera may have already reverted to Utgard.
At this rate, another Ragnarok is inevitable.
Hurry, Grim Angels.


What are you hesitating for?
No one asked you to think.
You need only follow the orders of the Magi.
Now, finish your task.

Ein, concentrate on completing the mission.
We must fulfill our duty. Got it?


The step looks like it's going to crumble.


What did you do that for, Ein!?

Um, you might wanna worry about that boulder first!

Ein, do as I say!
...And stay calm.

We did it!


None of this would have happened...
...if you hadn't been so hasty.


Now start using some common sense.

It's warm from the sunlight.

It looks weak, too.

I hope it doesn't crumble beneath us.

It won't... I think.

The step is weak.
Hitting it may cause a boulder to fall.

Yeah, we know(paw) You demonstrated earlier.

*sigh* Again?

Alright, alright.

Whew. I hope you had your fun.

Oh, sorry...

That's enough fooling around.

Better just to leave it.

Another dead end! Is there another way?

A boulder hanging from a chain...

Once we jump off, we won't be coming back.

Let's make sure we're ready, then.

We're at the top... It's a long way down.

Looks like an accident waiting to happen...

Rose, don't say things like that!

Forget the sword. Let's go.

There's a sword stuck in the ground.

It's probably some sort of trap.

Should I pull it out?

I'll give it a try!

You sure? It's a nice- looking sword.

I'll get it this time.

Here goes!

It's in too deep...

Why was a sword here?

I wonder who broke it, huh, Ein?


Whew. A safe landing. Now, where are we?
...I hope those chains are as strong as they look.

...!? What was that!?

It seems we're being taken to the bottom.

Should we ride it all the way down...?

Why not? It must lead somewhere... Right?


Ein, a demon!

Leave it to me!

We're still descending. What should we do?
I see a ledge below...

Do you think we can make it?
Alright, let's jump!

No problem!

Shoot... I wasn't ready.

You suck, Ein(paw)

You don't have to be so blunt...

It seems we've reached the bottom.

You're right. The shaking's stopped.

I guess we didn't need to jump.

I suppose...

The shaking stopped...
It seems we've arrived at the bottom.

I saw a ledge we could have jumped to.

Really? Oh, well. Too late now.

I got it!

Now, you've got a new weapon!
Good thing you took my advice(paw)

That sword is known as the Dragon Killer...

It's no use. It won't budge.

Sure, blame it on the sword...


It broke...


Well, at least it wasn't a trap,
even if you did manage to botch it.

...Will that be of any use?

Now, you've got a new weapon.
Good thing you took my advice(paw)

Be careful. These rocks are unstable...

The wind's pretty strong, too...

Yeah, flying's not much fun for an angel without wings.

I'm sure it's not.

Enough chatter. Let's go, Ein.

Seems like there are chains everywhere.
That creaking sure is creepy.

The creaking of those chains is kinda creepy.

We have no choice but to cross here.

Is this really the only way?

Just don't look down(paw)

Hey, there's some angels!

Let's get 'em!

We can't allow any demons to stop us.

Let's go!

This isn't the time to fight.

You're back.

This time, you're mine!

Are you ready, Ein?

Let's get outta here.


I can't even see the ground...

If you fall, it's game over.

One slip, and it's game over...

You look kinda pale, Ein... Try not to lose your lunch.

At least I won't be coughing up any hairballs!

We don't have time to waste...

There's something stuck in one of the links.

I'll get it for ya!

Here ya go!

Thanks, Rose.

A bracer?

A battle item...
It will temporarily raise your strength.

You owe me one(paw)

There's nothing there.

How far does this chain go?

Hopefully, not much further. *sigh*

Complaining again?
Don't worry. It's not much further.

That's a relief.

What's inside?

A Fire Orb! It'll raise your resistance to fire.

I better leave it alone.

Don't you wanna see what's inside?

There's nothing inside...

Do you think we'll run into any more demons?

With our luck, yes.

But, it'd be nice if we didn't.

Highly unlikely...
Their numbers will only grow as we near Riviera.

Speak of the--devil... (Geez that was lame.)
So, what's the plan, Ein?

What's the plan, Ein?

We did it.

What's that sound?

It's coming from above us.

Ein! Look!!
A bell's falling!
But, the wind's blowin' like crazy!

Here it comes!

Nice catch, Ein(paw)

So, what is this thing?

It's an accessory worn by angels.

It'd look cute on you, Rose.

I'm not a housecat! I don't wear bells.

*sigh* So much for that.


What are you doing? Let's go.

Nothing else is gonna fall.

I can't believe all this is Heaven's Gate.

All the islands between Asgard and Riviera?

Yes. This is only a small portion of it.

This is the shortest route to Riviera.

You call this SHORT?

Another chest...

This is...!

Poison gas... Get away!

That was close...

Don't assume all chests are safe...
Some are booby-trapped, like this one.

Yeah, Ein. How about a little caution?

In that case, maybe I should let you open 'em.

*cough* *cough*

What happened!?

It's a trap... Ugh...

Ein, you hafta be more careful.

Not all chests are safe to open...
Some are booby-trapped, like this one.

I'll remember that next time.

Just be ready to run when you open one.

Nah, I better not.

Smart thinkin'. Not all chests are safe to open.
You'll just have to trust your instincts.

There's no more gas, is there?

I think it's all aired out by now.

Ein lost his wings when he received his Diviner.

What did you lose, Ledah?

Do you want to know?


It's not something I usually tell others...

What? You're not gonna tell me?

Ooh, perfect! Gran, it's dinner time!

Enough talk. Are you ready, Ein?

Dinner's ready to be served now, Gran.

Ledah sure is strong...

Who are you comparing him to?

There's nothing here.

There's something in there....

We don't have time. Let's go.

Look at all the cracks!
This place could go at any time, now.

Don't say things like that(drop)

There's something in the crack.

...It's too dark. You see anything, Rose?

Hmmm,I can't tell what it is.

That makes me want it even more.

Hmmm, looks like a sword.

Wonder how it got there...

Ah, forget it.
We have to get to Riviera.

That's right.

It's a deep crack...

There's something inside.

Should I try to get it?

I doubt it's anything useful.

Let's forget it, then.

The gate should be just beyond here...
Prepare yourself.

I'm ready.

Finally, we can get outta here.

Our duty awaits us at Riviera.

A Fairy? What's a Fairy doing here?

Does that mean we're almost to Riviera?

We're very close...
But, there should be some kind of barrier preventing entry.

Why don't we just ask her?

*sniff* Waaaah...

Please help me! I don't know how I got here,
and there are demons everywhere...

You're not a demon?

Of course not! I'm a Fairy. My name is NoNo.

But, what are you doing here?

I don't know. All of the sudden, it all went black.
And when I woke up, I was here.

A distortion in space... I see.
Ein, time is of the essence.
We must get past the gate.

What's wrong!?

There's no time to explain. Let's go.

What about the Fairy?

I told you, my name is NoNo!

Just leave her.
Our duty takes priority.

But, we can't just abandon her, can we?

Yay(star) Here's my thanks!

This, too...

My wounds are healed... Thank you!

That wasn't necessary.

Alright, to Riviera(star)

I'll heal you if you help me!

Should I let her come?

Yay! Here we go(heart)

Next stop, Riviera(note)

Please, don't leave me alone!

It's not our problem. Come on, Ein.

Uh... Okay. I wish you luck...

*sniff* Waaah...

I feel sorry for her...

I guess I'll try and pull it out.

You got the last one... this one should be a cinch!

I hope so.

Don't break it this time!

Uh... Okay(drop)

Good luck!

This time, I'll do it for sure!

Whatever you say...

Longinus!? So, it really exists.

The spear that Diviners are modeled after.
It was supposedly lost during Ragnarok.

Can I keep it?

Longinus should be in the hands of the gods.
Angels aren't permitted to wield it.

Why was it here?

After a thousand years, it suddenly reappears...
Is it the will of the gods?

Rosier, an angelic weapon.

It's powerful, but not very durable.
Use it carefully...

I almost had it!

Are we there yet? I'm beat.

Demons have slowed our progress significantly.

...!? What was that voice?

It is the one who's placed demons in your path.

It was a warning...

You can expect a warm welcome...

So, we are finally on the threshold...

At last...

Do you feel it?
...The presence of a powerful being.
The aura is much stronger than our own...

It's fading, now...
I wonder why...

I feel a presence...
You feel it too, right Ledah?

I feel a presence...
I didn't notice it before...

It seems we've reached the gate.

So... This is the gate to Riviera...

Actually, it's up ahead...

Well, it's about time!

From here, there's no turning back.
Ein, are you up to the challenge?

Of course I am! ...I think.

Geez, I'm ashamed to be your Familiar.

Stuff a sock in it. Let's go!

The presence is getting stronger. It's nearby.
Ein, take this.
Use it if necessary.

What's this...?

It will restore all of your HP.

Really? Thanks!

About this presence... What exactly is it?

The source of the trouble lies beyond here.
We must confront it to prevent another Ragnarok...

That's a lot to ask for just the two of us.

Ragnarok... The war between the gods of Asgard...
and the demons of Utgard.
Once the fighting began,
the world was drenched in blood...

You talk too much for your own good, Familiar.

Grim Angels, servants of the gods...
The time has come for us to turn the page.
We, the chosen ones,
must write a new chapter in the book of history.
Do you understand? You must climb these steps...
...and pass judgment in the name of the gods.

A woman!? What's she doing here?

Hmph. So you've come, Ursula...
Grim Angels, she is your enemy.
Pass judgment on her!

...A4 CF A4 D0 A8 5D A4 D1 A8 5E ...... A4 D2 A8 5F A8 60 A8 61 A8 62 ...A4 D3 A4 D4 A8 63 , A4 CF A4 D5 A4 D0 A4 D6 !

That summon spell was in the Sacred Tongue!

So, does that mean she's from Asgard?

Cease such heresy! She's nothing but a ghost!
...A casualty of Ragnarok.
She defends the Sprites... She is our enemy.

(But, she seems so godly...)
(And, that beast seems so strong...)

She stands in the way of your mission.

Ein! Don't be fooled...
Prepare yourself!

D-Did we do it!?

Ursula still remains!

Now, pass judgment on her.

The Retribution must not come to pass.

Why must Riviera suffer due to the arrogance of the Magi?

Silence! Our judgment is final.

Take this...!

What the...!? She has no body!?



Grim Angels...!?


W-Where am I? What... happened...?
Where is... everyone? Ledah... Rose...


Enemy of Riviera, your pain shall end.
Your rage shall be your blessing here...

Fall into eternal slumber, peacefully...
Sleep well.

Ein just disappeared!

...!? What happened?

He was taken away. Useless fool...

No way! Ein!!

Hector, you have to do something!

I'm afraid it's too late.
Some sacrifices are unavoidable.
Just forget about him.

Are you crazy!? I can't just forget him!

Now go, Grim Angel!
Actuate the Retribution!

This angel's still here...

That's weird.
He should be gone by now, shouldn't he?

And he's still in pain.

Could it be that he's not a threat?

An angel? Nah, couldn't be.

But, he's in agony!

Maybe he has a pure heart...

Ya think?

Is it possible?

Could he be...?

Let's tell Ursula.

She'll know!

You are correct. Indeed, he has a pure heart.
Perhaps this young one is...

Yes... ...I know......

I agree with you all.

Let us entrust him with Riviera's welfare,
as well as our future.

Looks like a palace...

Well, it WAS a palace, long ago.

Heaven's Gate has fallen to pieces...

Even the palace is in shambles.

That's the fate of all material things.

I know. But, still...

Save your sentiments for later.

This statue has an ornament on it.

Maybe all of them did!

Which means...

Not many demons have been here.
It's well hidden.

So is that why it hasn't been ransacked?

That's right(heart)

It looks valuable.

I'll keep it as a souvenir.

You loot the place for a trinket?

It doesn't seem right...

I agree.

It's a magnificent work of art.

Well, it is from the era of the gods.

See how the ornament sparkles in the sun?

It sure is pretty.

Is there anything useful lying around?

You're not expecting to find treasure, are you?


I'm sure you'll run into plenty of enemies, though.

What's inside...?

Maybe I shouldn't...

I have no interest in ancient ruins.


Aren't you the least bit curious?

Angels! What are you doing here?

You're not getting away this time!

Ein, you're making too many mistakes.
A battle like this shouldn't take so long.

There's something in the statue's hand.

Let me check the statue's hand.

Light's streaming down!

I feel lighter on my feet.

That's a nice necklace she's wearing.

It's a shame about this statue.
Even the sword is in bad shape.

The sword is covered with rust...

Who knows? It might come in handy.

I don't see any use for that...

One man's junk is another man's--
Hey! How about we polish it and sell it?
...Of course, that may have to wait 'til later.

A wise decision. One prick...
...and you'll need a tetinus shot!

It'll disintegrate with time.

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Feral Phoenix
post Apr 21 2006, 09:02 PM
Post #2

Angelus Artifax

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You suck... =_=;; I've been ripping the script too. Except that I actually have roles ASSIGNED, and I have stage directions.

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post Apr 22 2006, 04:46 AM
Post #3


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Yeah, but I'm automating it.

I had this ripped, but I didn't post it. It somehow disappeared from my very big files of text rips.

Think of it this way: I have it complete, you have it detailed. You can work with what I have.

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post Apr 22 2006, 01:45 PM
Post #4


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I have no idea who is who :<
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post Apr 22 2006, 03:06 PM
Post #5

Metroid Queen

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XD Big chunk of text with no names. Neat, Rai. I wish I had your 1337 hax skillz.


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Dr Strum
post Apr 22 2006, 04:30 PM
Post #6

Can Lead the Nation with a Microphone

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If you noticed the bit at the top, the "(Needs assigning)", he wants you to put down what face is associated with each piece of dialogue.
So that something CAN be done with all of this.
Why do you think it's in the projects forum?

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Feral Phoenix
post Apr 22 2006, 04:37 PM
Post #7

Angelus Artifax

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I think I'll just finish my own and post it.

Really, I don't just have the text, I have the *SCRIPT*. Once I have it done (I'm in the middle of fixing the secret area), you'll see the difference.

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post Jun 9 2006, 05:27 AM
Post #8


QUOTE (Feral Phoenix @ Apr 22 2006, 04:37 PM)
I think I'll just finish my own and post it.

Really, I don't just have the text, I have the *SCRIPT*. Once I have it done (I'm in the middle of fixing the secret area), you'll see the difference.

I know I am new here, but I am pretty good at the game, anyway I am also working on the script, if you need any help (which judging by how much you contribute to the site, you won't need any) let me know.
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post Jun 30 2006, 01:19 PM
Post #9


Group: Knights
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Rai, I'm willing to help out with these ingame scripts, I just need a template on how you want it to be done.

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Dr Strum
post Jun 30 2006, 03:17 PM
Post #10

Can Lead the Nation with a Microphone

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First, it's been done already, you should have checked one of the other topics.
Second, these posted scripts are technically obsolete, and are still here merely for reference purposes.

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Sol Falling
post Jul 26 2006, 04:07 AM
Post #11


Are these scripts obsolete? So, nothing is going on with them anymore? Hm...unfortunate. Well, I guess I can try to participate in other sections of the forum then.
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post Jul 26 2006, 06:10 AM
Post #12


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Sturm says they're obsolete, but he doesn't know how to translate the completed scripts he has in his possession.

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Dr Strum
post Jul 26 2006, 06:24 AM
Post #13

Can Lead the Nation with a Microphone

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Rai doesn't know what he's talking about.

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Sol Falling
post Jul 27 2006, 06:40 AM
Post #14


mm...well, if the completed scripts are in Japanese, translating them wouldn't correspond to the English version most of us are playing anyway.

But, on the other hand, if both this script and the script Dr. Sturm has are taken directly from the game, then they should correspond, and the portraits and characters speaking could be directly transferred (with some simple translation on the part of the character names). The triggers could be translated too, though that might take some more work--it might be easier to just identify those by playing through the game.

In any case, I'll still contribute to this script, I think. I'll wait till I have beaten the game at least once, however, before I start.
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Dr Strum
post Jul 27 2006, 06:49 AM
Post #15

Can Lead the Nation with a Microphone

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It is the English script, but there's a lot of pseudo-code in it. It does have all the triggers, faces and face transformations, names and items and such mentioned in it.
As I said, these scripts posted are obsolete.

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