0: Before January: Numerous FTP or shell logins from various IPs around the world. In other words, they could've modified everything on the site. 1. January 4, 2014: PHP files were modified to record user data, including IP. 2. January 15: Javascript files were modified to run an off-site script. Unknown what the script did. 3. January 16: Google started detecting the off-site script, reporting lacrimacastle.net as having malware. Site taken down. 4. January 28: Both modifications finally cleaned up. Site back up.
Because of point 0, and because the database password is stored on the home directory, you should assume that all of your passwords are compromised. Change any passwords of accounts that have the same password.
They might've also stolen cookies. But eh, that just means they can log into your account and post spam, or edit spam into all of your old posts.
Edit: If you're having trouble, come to IRC.