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> What games are you playing?
post Dec 27 2008, 05:59 PM
Post #1576

The Ruler of All

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Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World.
Not very far yet, only got to the ruins beneath the stone dais in Asgard.

It's not as good as the first, but I enjoy the fact that I'm only this far in the game and I've seen up Marta's skirt twice.

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post Dec 28 2008, 01:19 AM
Post #1577


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Disgaea 3: Item Worlding after beating the story and finding a chest with a weapon stronger than the stuff the shops sell when maxed out.

FFVI Advance: Started over, playing this because I want to fight the bosses again. :/

Yar har ho.
Yo ho har.
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post Dec 28 2008, 09:45 PM
Post #1578

The Ruler of All

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QUOTE(WhiteKnight @ Dec 27 2008, 08:19 PM) *

Disgaea 3

Is that any good, by the way?

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Don't bother fighting back, Ein - you won't win.
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post Dec 28 2008, 10:20 PM
Post #1579

We'll soak this parched earth with our own blood.

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The Disgaea series hasn't had much change along its three incarnates and two ports/remakes of the first, from what I gather. Chances are if you liked the first two, then you'll like the third.

I've yet to play it, but I have it.

[20:15] Irysa: I hate myself
[20:15] Irysa: I made myself some curry
[20:15] Irysa: and then
[20:15] Irysa: I realised
[20:15] Irysa: I wasn't hungry
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post Dec 28 2008, 10:31 PM
Post #1580

The Ruler of All

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Sounds fine, as long as it has some changes. I wouldn't want to play almost the exact same game every time.

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Don't bother fighting back, Ein - you won't win.
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post Dec 29 2008, 02:43 AM
Post #1581


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Then don't play NI games.

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post Dec 29 2008, 02:46 AM
Post #1582

We'll soak this parched earth with our own blood.

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Or rather, just don't play Disgaea. All of the other N1 games are somewhat different from each other. <_<

[20:15] Irysa: I hate myself
[20:15] Irysa: I made myself some curry
[20:15] Irysa: and then
[20:15] Irysa: I realised
[20:15] Irysa: I wasn't hungry
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Dr Strum
post Dec 29 2008, 02:49 AM
Post #1583

Can Lead the Nation with a Microphone

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FF9: I fear I might have activated the Chocobo glitch. That pretty much explains to anyone who's played the game how far I am without spoiling it for anyone who hasn't.

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post Dec 29 2008, 02:54 AM
Post #1584

We'll soak this parched earth with our own blood.

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QUOTE(Dr Sturm @ Dec 28 2008, 09:49 PM) *

FF9: I fear I might have activated the Chocobo glitch. That pretty much explains to anyone who's played the game how far I am without spoiling it for anyone who hasn't.

What's annoying here is that I've beaten the game and I don't know what you're talking about. :/

[20:15] Irysa: I hate myself
[20:15] Irysa: I made myself some curry
[20:15] Irysa: and then
[20:15] Irysa: I realised
[20:15] Irysa: I wasn't hungry
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Dr Strum
post Dec 29 2008, 03:01 AM
Post #1585

Can Lead the Nation with a Microphone

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Look it up on GFAQs.

Писатель всегда будет в оппозиции к политике, пока сама политика будет в оппозиции к культуре.
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Lloyd Seegymont the Rasier
post Dec 29 2008, 03:59 AM
Post #1586

Keeping the forum afloat

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Infinite Undiscovery: Leveling Capell to level 45

blues477 (10:29:38 AM): found you
(10:29:40 AM): you motherfucker
LoRdXrAsLeR(10:29:48 AM): D:
(10:29:54 AM): NO DON'T
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post Dec 29 2008, 09:01 AM
Post #1587


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The Battle for Middle-Earth - Evil Campaign. Currently finishing up optional (but helpful) missions before heading to Minas Tirith.

The Sith Lords (PC) - Light Consular, level 14. Currently I'm on Nar Shadaa and have just got the message from Visquis to go meet him. I plan on shifting to the dark side after I get Mira.

"Where the hell have you been?! Didn't you get my messages?"
"Sorry, I was being raped in prison."
"You shouldn't be out enjoying yourself when you've got work to do."

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post Dec 29 2008, 01:53 PM
Post #1588


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100% TWEWY

FFCC: Rings of Fate. Stalling for the endgame

Etrian Odyssey: Got to the 9th floor, stalling.

Phoenix Wright: Last chapter, second day.

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post Dec 30 2008, 02:35 AM
Post #1589

something off-color and witty

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Extremely late to this fandom but I don't care. Just got past the blue... dinosaur.
It ate my patapons. I sad. I need more Tatepons now.

Generation of Chaos - Aedis Eclipse
I dunno, chapter 7 Lower World or something like that.
Extremely disappointed since I enjoyed how hectic the first PSP Generation of Chaos was with the massive maps (and the holy high hell what exactly am I supposed to be doing lack of tutorial fun). I feel like Aedis Eclipse was dumbed down considerably and... I dunno. A lot easier. But then again I'm still at the beginning. To anyone who has sat through it, I guess. Is there ever more than one enemy group? I miss that 8(

Disgaea 3
Still at the beginning. Trying to retrieve Almaz's title or something like that. My characters are getting pwn't so bad. They need levels ):. I'm ashamed to say that Mao and Almaz are the only two who are at a respectable level.
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post Dec 30 2008, 06:16 AM
Post #1590

Nerd nerd nerd

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Bleach: Shattered Blade - Trying to get Hitsugaya's stupid gigai set or whatever it is. I have to win 15 matches with him and I feel like I've already won 20 million because I play as him so much. And then after that I have to win 15 times with a bunch of other people I can't play as (like Matsumoto, oh god).

Kingdom Hearts - Almost done with Neverland. Sora flies! :D Halloween Town was amazing, too.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left.
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