Dum Spiro SperoPactio was such a simple spell. And yet somehow, it always seemed to cause so much trouble: In their friendships, in their love lives, in their battles… Still, while facing down all the might of Asgard's strongest, there are worse things for Nessiah to have to fall back on.
It's a new epic. Ish thing. Whitewash, who's done a lot of short and well-written drabbles for YU and Riviera, is my cowriter/beta on it.
And it's going to be nice and long--we've got a seriously out-of-control plot mostly written out.
The basics:
-DSS takes place after Yggdra Union. Canon has been slightly altered in places (for instance, Roswell and Rosary both lived); you can probably check Precious to see how each of those edits works.
-As such, there are spoilers. Lots and LOTS of spoilers.
-This is also taking from the PSP version a little bit in that Mistel, Pamela, and possibly Bly (as of right now, we don't know if he actually joins the party or stays in Lenessey since he's apparently an NPC). However, we won't get to anything that includes any of them for a while, so Whitewash and I will be safe to discover their story circumstances before writing them.
-You will probably notice that this is the continuity that my oneshot
Unworthy is based in. DSS will not include Unworthy; Unworthy is a side story.
-DSS contains a few spells from the Negima! manga; however, it has no further affiliation with Negima! or any of its characters or plot themes. DSS was originally known as the pactio project because it grew from a series of pactio contracts made by the main characters involved in it.
-Nessiah is the central character. Other main characters include Gulcasa, Kylier, Yggdra, Roswell, Rosary, and Milanor--and eventually Nietzsche, Elena, and Mistel--but the story centers around Nessiah.
-The main romance in this story is essentially a love pentagram. The first love triangle will be introduced around chapter 5 or so, and then the second one (the triangles share an angle/...er, person) will be introduced in a later story arc.
-I've drawn out all the pactio cards for the contracts we plan to make, and once each contract has been made and its properties have been revealed, I'll post them here. Hopefully in this thread. You can look at them all on my DevArt account now, but there are spoilers there (for DSS and the game), so be warned...
-This story does include heterosexual AND homosexual pairings. Consider yourself warned.
Anyway, I've been having fun writing this, so please read and review~? I'd hope that the people here who like what I write will be able to enjoy it, too. :D