Hello Everyone, I just joined in yesterday after finding out Lacrima is still alive and kicking. I'd like to thank Zeta of VGChat about it :D
I'm 17, female and I love Final Fantasy 7, Tactics and Valkyrie Profile. I like almost any kind of music but I'm more of an orchestra lover. I also love to Draw Stuff, specially Roswell, Nessiah, Gulcasa and Ledah :)
I recently bought a ps2 last December 2007 and hoping to buy some decent Ps2 games here and there, but I'm really looking forward for the Shin Megami Tensei Series and hopefully, Persona 3.
I played some GBA games like Yggdra Union, Tactics Ogre, Riviera: The Promised Land, etc. and Computer games, and I've been a fan of RTS' games. I'm not really fond of FPS' games but it doesn't mean that I don't play them some time here and there.
I also played MMORPG's before, but my favorites were Granado Espada, Rising Force Online and Ragnarok Online. O2 Jam and Audition weren't bad at all too.
Overall, nice to meet Everyone I hope I can have fun here too ^^
English isn't my first language so please forgive me if I have grammatical errors here and there.