Lacrima Castle

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> 08D97CD8 (Needs assigning), Chapter 7 dialogue
post Mar 14 2006, 03:10 AM
Post #1


Group: Gods
Posts: 2539
Joined: 25-December 05
Member No.: 16

I never imagined coming back here like this...

(This is where we met Ursula for the first time.)
(Seems like so long ago.)

Yeah. It all started back then.

But, we have to end it...
For Ledah's sake, too.

(That's true.)

What was that!? I felt the ground move.

(What should I say?)

Maybe it was a tremor.

I hope that's all it was!

I think it was just your imagination.

Yeah, whatever!

I wonder what was going through my mind back then...
I was blinded by my sense of duty...
It feels like ages ago.

It's just a bunch of rocks...

There's nothing there.

Are we near the Isle of Goriate?

I don't think it's very far...



Ein, what should we do?

My mind's made up. Let's fight!

Let's retreat for now.

They're still here.

Looks like we need to beat 'em to get past.

Now, let's hurry!

I'd rather forget the last time I passed through here...
All I thought about back then was Asgard...

Don't be so hard on yourself, Ein...
I think it's good you feel this way.
It means you've grown.

But, have I?

Yes, you have.
Everyone struggles and makes mistakes.
That's how we all grow.

You always seem to know the right thing to say.

Yeah, Fia, that was great!

Actually, I heard it from Grandfather. *giggle*

(About Ledah...)
(I think maybe that was a teardrop, ya know?)
(If you think of it that way, then, in the end,)
(he must've regained what he'd lost.)
(I'm just speculating, though.)


It's empty...

It's been sealed with magic.
There's no way to open it.

Oh, well.

I wonder what was inside...

What was I thinking back then!?
I was blinded by my sense of duty...
It feels like ages ago.

Where am I? What happened to us?

Thank you for fulfilling your promise...
Hector and Seth have vanished...
There is no one left to actuate the Retribution.
Riviera is saved.


It was a long journey.
Only you could have accomplished such feats.

But... I lost one of my friends...





All hope is not lost.



Ein... Why am I...?


I'm alive... I'm alive, Ein!


Huh...!? What happened...?


Ein, I...

I called her soul back from death.
This is my final gift to you and to Riviera.
I have used the last of my power.


Since my opposite, Seth, has disappeared,
I shall soon follow.

But... But who will protect Riviera?

Those who live there...
Those who have a future.

I believe in them... And you...

Farewell, savior of Riviera.
You have my blessing, o honorable angel...

This is...!

It's a * Chip... What should I do with it?

I don't need this.

I feel really strong.

I hope I don't look too muscular...

Heheh... Now I'm even stronger.

I'm Super Lina!

This is indeed a blessing!

I can feel the power surge through me.

Hmhmhm... Now, I can use even more powerful spells!

Nothing can stop me now!

Can I use magic, now, like Cierra?

I hope with this new power I can be of service...

I feel almost invincible!

Even witches need physical strength.

I won't lose to no demons!

I hope I won't get hurt anymore...

There's more to fighting than taking the offensive.

I feel as if I could fly again.

I feel lighter... (Maybe I lost weight(note))

No demon will escape me.

Yay(note) Lina can run faster!

I shall make good use of this newfound speed.

I feel revitalized.

Life is flowing through me...

This power... It's so invigorating.

I feel bigger!

It's such a warm feeling...

There's a sword stuck in the ground...

I did it!

It won't budge...


It broke...

I don't need it.

There's a chest...

Maybe I shouldn't.

Poison gas!

Now, what's inside...?

Ugh... Well, what's inside?

An arrow trap!

What's inside?

There's treasure inside, right!?

Freeze gas!

What could be inside?

What kind of item is worth so much trouble?

A magic lock!

You did it! You prevented the lock from activating!

But, why does it need such a fancy lock?

*sigh* Now, it's locked...

I wasn't quick enough...

There's no way to open it.


It's gonna explode!

I disarmed it!

Not bad, Ein!

*cough* *cough*

*sigh* So much for the treasure...

Alright! That takes care of that.

We did it(note)

Well done.

That was a piece of cake!

My, that was easy.





Check it out!


Let's make good use of it.


Not bad.

It's all shaky! This is fun(note)

The rock here is very brittle...

It's old, so be careful.

Be careful in battle, too...

The ground's trembling... Is it an earthquake?

I don't think so. ...Is it just me,
or is this the only area that's shaking?

It must be because of that round weapon they had...

The ground's unstable... We should cross quickly.

Let's hurry.

Helpless Sprites... I'll blow you away!

I've made up my mind. Let's fight!

Yup, still here.

We're gonna hafta beat 'em.

We did it...

This chain has seen better days...
It could snap at any moment.

It's gonna break?

Well, not if we're careful.

This chain could break at any moment...
Be VERY careful.

Is everyone alright?

It must be that round thing they're using.

Yes... I agree.
That round thing must have some kind of power.

It smells funny.

I wonder what it is...
I've never seen anything like it before.
I don't think it's magic...

Ick... It still smells funny...

It's from that round thing, huh?

It's like a ball of compressed energy.

But, unlike magic, it doesn't require chanting.

I'd hate to be attacked here...

Let's not dilly-dally.

Come here! We'll turn you to ashes.

Or are you afraid of us?

Yeah! They're afraid of our bombs!

More demons!

Ein, what're we gonna do?

They're persistent, aren't they?

I guess we have no choice but to fight them.

Let's move on.

It's not in very good shape.
There's no telling when it'll break.

We can't afford to fall again...

Fear the power of the bomb. We'll blow you to bits!

Ein, it's that round thing again!

Watch out!

We did it this time!

Thank goodness...

Ugh... They did it again.

Is everyone okay?


Lina's fine!

I'm okay.

I think we need a new strategy...

Sorry. I'll be better prepared next time.

We finally made it across...

I've had enough high-wire acting for one day.

Me, too.

It seems stable.
I don't see any damaged links.

I don't wanna see that round thing ever again!

Me, neither.

It seems stable...
I don't see any damaged links.

How many times did we fall?

I've never seen such a weapon before...
I have a bad feeling. Let's get going.


It's shaking!

We're gonna fall!

I better not.

What could be inside...?

So this is the Isle of Goriate...

We Sprites consider this a terrible place.

Somewhere on this island, Seth is being summoned...

If that happens, Ursula will disappear.

Then, the Retribution might occur... We have to hurry.

This is where things get rough.

We'll just have to do the best we can.

*sigh* Not more stairs...

Finally. But, I guess we did fall once on the way.

Finally. But, I guess we did fall a few times on the way.

Seems like this stairway will never end...

I'd just fly up there, but then I'd be an easy target.

*chirp* *chirp*

Trouble ahead!

What should we do, Ein?

They've got nowhere to run. Let's get 'em!

We need to settle this. Let's get going...

There's a giant hole, now.

This is as high as you get!

Ein, what's the plan?

Aww, they're still there...

We have no choice but to defeat them.


They're still keeping watch...

We'll have to defeat them, then.


What's the matter, Ein?

I don't know... I feel like someone's watching me.

It wasn't Lina!

Not you. Someone I need to be more worried about.
It feels like a Grim Angel...


Most likely.

Ein, I can see light through the crack.

Maybe we can widen it.

It's rock. Wouldn't that be difficult?

I know!
Why don't we use that round thing...?
You know, the thing we took from the enemy?

But, we don't know how to use it...

Don't worry...
All we have to do is light the string.

How do you know that, Cierra?

I was watching the enemy use it.

Good thinking.

Why, thank you.

There's a deep crack in the surface.

Don't worry. All we have to do is light the string...

Wait a minute... This one doesn't have a string...
I guess we won't be able to light it after all...

That stinks!

I know...
If we had one of those round things the enemy had,
we might be able to blow it apart...

Too bad.

There's a deep crack in the surface.
If only we had that round thing the enemy was using...

Should I use it?

This should do the trick...

That was more dangerous than I thought...

Yay(note) It worked!

*whistle* That's a big hole!

I think we can get through now.

It's too dangerous.

This is... like a whole nother world...

It's dreadful...

(The path is so winding...)
(I can't see what's up ahead.)

If Riviera became Utgard...
is this what it would look like?

Don't worry, Lina...
We won't let that "if" happen.

That's right.


It's hard to walk here...

Yeah. It's like the ground is clinging to your feet.


Don't they have anything better to do!?

I guess not. We're gonna hafta beat 'em.

...Oh, my!

Cierra, what's wrong?

Ein, the path... I think we're slowly sinking.


Why didn't you say something sooner!?

I just realized it... What should we do?

We can't turn back now. Just keep moving.

Alright! Let's get moving!

I feel it again...

That sense of rage?

Yes. It's getting stronger and stronger...

We're finally here.

The Maze of Shadows...

We can do it, Ein!

*chuckle* Where do you think you're going?
Few can enter this sacred ground...
Do you really think you're one of them?


Hmhmhm... So you came, Ein.

I won't let you summon Seth!
The Retribution is not the answer!

Seth's resurrection is going just as planned...
A few more souls, and it will be complete.
Master Hector's ambition shall be realized.

Are you insane!? How many will you sacrifice?

All of them.

Sprites exist solely for that purpose.

The destruction of Riviera!?
Is that what the gods intended!?
If that's what they want...
then we don't need the gods!

How delusional.

No, the gods would not have wished for such a thing!

What do you want from the gods?
Power is not good or evil. The strong should rule.
Angels will live in bliss under Master Hector.

The Grim Angels are not Hector's soldiers.
They are the executors of the gods' will!

When you became a Grim Angel, you also swore
that you'd be the blade of judgment.

No, I only pledged my allegiance to the gods!

Are you betraying us?
You've allowed yourself to be swayed by the Sprites.
Without Ursula's help, you don't stand a chance.
Let's settle this, once and for all.

Malice! Why do you side with Hector?
Grim Angels are supposed to be...

Supposed to be what?
I owe everything to Master Hector...
Do you know what I gave up to become a Grim Angel...?

My future!


That's right.
I sacrificed my future to become a Grim Angel...
I can't let that be in vain.

Malice, don't try to stop me!

(The wound I received from Einherjar still burns.)
(I've yet to fully recover from that last battle...)
(But, I have to settle this now.)
(There is no future for me...)
(If that's the case, then I have nothing to lose.)

This shall be the final battle, Ein.

Your corpse will rot here for eternity!

I knew it...

Still... I... I cannot die here...

W-Wait, Malice!

The ground's giving way!

Everyone, hurry!

We're sinking!

Let's get outta here!

It's difficult to walk here.

Well, at least you've got wings.

I'm too tired to fly.

Yeah, right.

Now, now. There's no reason to argue.

Yeah, there is!

Where does this path lead?

So, she sacrificed her future...

Can your future really be lost?

I don't know...
But, if I had to give up mine...
I don't think I could bear it for very long.

Makes you think, doesn't it...?
We usually take our futures for granted.

It's too quiet...
I haven't heard a single sound...

Serene, thanks for sticking with us.

No problem, Ein...

What will you do after this?

Whaddya mean?

After all this is over.

I never really thought about it.
My village is gone, so I'm not sure what I'll do.

I see.

(Why can't I just tell him I want to go with him...)

Hey, there's somethin' on the ground...
What are those?

Black feathers!?

Black feathers? That means...

They can't be Ledah's... They must be Malice's.


Wait a minute!
I never thought about it before,
but the black feathers at Yggdrasil...
Those might not have all been Ledah's!

What do you mean?

When we found those feathers...
I thought we were on Ledah's trail...
But, like Serene said...
Malice has black feathers, too.
Malice may have snuck into Yggdrasil...
...while we were busy with Ledah.

I see...

But, why didn't she do it earlier,
when we were fighting the Accursed?
She should've been able to do it then...

Lina doesn't get it.

Oh, my...
We'll explain it to you later.

The Dark Progenitors...

Pure evil...
Are others reviving, too?

I feel like we've been walking in circles...
But, I also feel like we just got here.
Does time even exist here?

Lina, thanks for all your help.

What's wrong, Ein? You're acting weird!

We couldn't have made it this far without you.
So, thanks.

No big deal...

You did most of the work, Ein.

What are you gonna do when this's all over?

When it's all over...?

I wanna go home to Elendia and play with everyone!
I'll play until I drop!

(I hope Ein comes back to Elendia, too.)

This place is so confusing...
Where are we, anyway?

Still no Malice...?

If she thinks she has no future,
then she has nothing to lose.
She has nothing to live for, either...

Fia, sorry it came to this... Sorry I got you involved.

I know you're probably upset with me...

Actually, I'm happy.


Remember what I asked you before,
to tell us what's on your mind?

I remember.

Well, you finally told us.

Have you been blaming yourself all this time?

Well... If you hadn't saved me...
then you and Lina wouldn't be in the middle of this.

I see.
Well, I look at it another way...
Because of you, I was able to meet everyone here.

(And that includes you...)

Ein, say something.

Like what?

Lina's scared...

Don't be, Lina...

I'll find that murderer!

Tryin' to make herself look like a victim...
What about me!?



You have us, now.
Let's just do our best.

Okay... Thanks.

I hardly feel like I'm walking...
It seems like we're being pulled into the darkness...

Don't worry!

You have us!
There's nothing we can't handle!

You're right. I shouldn't worry.
What was I thinking?
I'm the adult, here; I should set a good example.

Ein, let's keep going.

Something's not right... I can feel it in the air.


I am the source of what you refer to as "demons."

What's... this?

They call me "fear" in your world.
I am Aghart, a Dark Progenitor.

A Dark Progenitor!?

Let your fear flow! It will feed my rebirth!

Stay on guard, everyone!

There's no time!

Something's coming!



It can't be...

They call me "fear" in your world.
I am Archangel, a Dark Progenitor.

A Dark Progenitor!!

Look out!

I'll fight for the sake of Riviera!

(Ein, don't push yourself too hard, okay?)


(Because, if you keel over,)
(then there'll be no one to feed me(paw))

Is that all I'm good for?

(By the way...)
(I have a favor to ask...)

What's that?

(When this battle's over,)
(make sure you take me on your next adventure.)

My next adventure?

(Yeah, wherever you go next.)

You mean, you actually like the outdoors?
You're one strange cat.

(I take after my master.)

I guess so.
But, haven't you had enough excitement?

(I know I'm just a Familiar.)
(But, I want to see the world!)
(I don't care if it sounds crazy!)

I don't think it's crazy.

(Thanks, Ein.)
(If I ever write a story about this,)
(I'll dedicate it to you,)
(my master and my friend.)

I look forward to reading it.

It's so quiet.
It's like the calm before a storm.

That's not very reassuring.

So, the Dark Progenitors are like pre-demons, huh?
They're evil, but they still get to be reborn...
Well, what about us? What happens to us when we die?

Even I don't know the answer to that.

But, if I'm reincarnated,
I'd like to be a Sprite again.

I want to be a...

Just like you all.
That way we can meet again.

That's a wonderful idea, Ein...

Even if I was reborn...
I wouldn't want to be anything different.
As a Grim Angel...
I was able to learn so much about the world.
And also, I was able to meet all of you.


Stirring up trouble in Riviera...
It might be fun to try something different...


I'm joking, of course(drop)

Some things you just shouldn't joke about(tic)

S-Sorry. I guess that wasn't very funny(drop)

Aren't you overreacting a bit, Serene?
He was just trying to lighten the mood.

Lighten the mood?

Yeah, we're all pretty tense right now.

I guess you have a point.

Sorry, Ein.

Don't worry about it.

Only demons are born here...
Is darkness really that strong here...?

Cierra, thanks for all your help.

Is something wrong, Ein?

No... I just wanted to say thanks.

Really? Then now, it's my turn.
Ein, thank you.
Because of you, I have learned so many things
about magic... and also about friendship.

I'm glad to hear it, Cierra...

Let's do our best.
I've grown even fonder of magic, lately.
After this, I plan to study it more thoroughly.

No wonder this place is called a maze...
Is there some sort of secret to it?
All we know is that demons who die are reborn here...


They call me "fear" in your world.
I am Isher, a Dark Progenitor.
Let your fear flow! It will feed my rebirth!

Everyone, get ready!

I won't run! I'm a Grim Angel!


They call me "fear" in your world.
I am Death, a Dark Progenitor.
Let your fear flow! It will feed my rebirth!

Stay on guard!!

I'm not afraid of death.
If that's my fate, then so be it!

What exactly are they, Ein?

To put it simply...
They're the essence of demons.

So, they're kinda like spirits?

Not exactly.
They're what demons are made of...
They're closer to pure evil than to spirits.

Pure... evil...

Sorry, Lina. I didn't mean to scare you.

Are we going up?
Or down?

I can't tell...

I can't even tell if we're going forward...

Sorry, everyone...
But, we just have to keep on moving...

This place is so confusing...
Where are we going...?

Rose, thanks for all your help.

(Are you gonna get all sappy on me, now?)

I couldn't have made it this far without you.

(I'll take that as a yes.)
(But, please continue...)

Really... You were more help than you can imagine.

(You're just saying that.)

No, seriously.

(Well, to be honest...)
(Even though I'm your Familiar...)
(I think of you as a dear friend.)

Thanks, Rose.

(But, don't just thank me...)
(Thank the others. They're your friends, too, right?)
(I'm sure they'd appreciate it.)
(After all, they stuck with you this long.)

You're right, as usual.

This place is so confusing.
Where are we, anyway?

The darkness is thickening...
It's not natural... It must be someone's doing.

Alright! Let's get going.

(Ein, you seem stronger and more confident, now.)

Do you feel that!?

Is Seth already being summoned...!?

Oh, no!

It can't be!

If Seth is revived, then...

Riviera will be...

Don't panic... We WILL stop the Retribution!


You have done well in making it this far.
You truly are a Grim Angel.
I admire your victory over that incompetent Ledah...
Now, return to my side and actuate the Retribution.
Then, bear witness to the birth of a new god.

What's wrong?

You betrayed us-- Ledah and me.
You used us for your own twisted ambitions...
...and now, he's dead.
Along with the Sprites you sacrificed to raise Seth...

Now, you plan to destroy all of Riviera!?

Apparently, my plans are beyond your grasp...
To begin anew, everything must be turned to dust.
Do you not understand that? Besides...
The destruction of Riviera was Asgard's decision.
It is the will of the gods.

Is that really their wish?

The Retribution would have been actuated, eventually.
I simply facilitated the decision...
Asgard never cared about the Sprites.
This is Riviera's fate...
It is this future the gods desire!
You will rue the day you turned on me! On Asgard!
Die, Grim Angel!

How have you become so strong...?
By Ursula's hand...? Tch... That meddlesome wench...
Where did she get that kind of power?
And you, Grim Angel, defying me... How dare you!

Hector! Stop!
I won't let you escape!

I have to put an end to this!

Another one!!

They call me "fear" in your world.
I am Lindwurm, a Dark Progenitor.
Let your fear flow! It will feed my rebirth!

We have no choice... Let's defeat it!

I have to keep my promise to Ursula...
I can't fail!!

My name's Lina!

I'm Fia.

If you're fighting demons, then I wanna help!

Are you looking for magic ingredients, too?

Where are you, Hector!?
"Asgard never cared about the Sprites."

That can't be... The gods wouldn't think like that...
"This is Riviera's fate..."

No way...

I don't feel any heat from the flames around here...
Are we still in the real world?
Or, am I starting to imagine things?
Alright, better stay calm...

Well, we've come this far...

Indeed we have...

We're with you, Ein...

Yeah, count on us...

We can do it, Ein...

Alright, let's finish this together!

He's not here, either...

Hey, Ein... I wanna tell you something...
We're glad that you're trying so hard...

You don't have to do it all yourself.

But, I...

That's right. We're here to help you.

Yeah, Ein... You can count on us.

Please, don't push yourself too hard, Ein.

Okay. I'll try not to.
Thanks, everyone.

(A lot sure has happened...)

I don't have any doubts, now... Let's go!

I still need more souls for Seth's rebirth...
Just a few more...

Forget it, Hector! Your scheme ends here!!

You still dare to defy me?

Ein! I win!


What are you doing!?

Hey, let go of me!

Ow... Stop it!

Ahh! No!

Master Hector!
Use this Sprite's soul to revive Seth...!

Well done, Malice.

Complete the ritual! For the sake of Asgard!
Take what is rightfully yours!

Alright. This will be the dawn of a new era!



Fina...lly, my fu...ture...
has... be...en re...deem...ed.........

Thanks... for... the adventure...
I'm glad... that we met......
Please... stay... just as you are...
That is my last request...
You look so much more mature to me, now.........
I never told you this, but......
I... I think I......
*cough* *cough* Good...bye...

Cierra! Nooooooo!



I've always felt... so guilty...
Meeting you...
Being so happy...
When... all of my people... were dead...
But now... I can be reunited with them...
It's so dark.........

Serene! Nooooooo!



Ein... When this is... all over...
Let's go play...
I wanna go home... Home to Elendia...
I... want to... go... home......

Lina! Nooooooo!



Ein... Please...
Take care of... Riviera... and... Elendia...
I was so... fortunate... to have met you...
I wish I could have told you... how I really feel......

Fia! Nooooooo!

The final soul has been sacrificed...
Now is the moment I have waited for...

Seth's rebirth!

The Sprite of Death...

I wAnt poWEr...
GIvE iT tO mE...

She is but a child...
A wretched creature that innocently craves power!

You killed Cierra for THIS!?

You killed Serene for THIS!?

You killed Lina for THIS!?

You killed Fia for THIS!?


What's so funny!?

Even a false angel had her uses.

Malice was not a true Grim Angel.
She tried to become one, but failed.

What do you mean!?

She lacked the skill...
So, I fashioned a Diviner for her...
It looked just like the real thing.
I needed a pawn, you see.
And she thought she was sacrificing her future!
She actually believed she was a Grim Angel!
I'm sure she was happy to be my puppet.
Because otherwise,
a failure such as her would have been completely useless.

(Is he out of his mind!?)

The gods... The Grim Angels...
Who needs them?
I have no interest in the traditions of old.
Nor do I have any use for a world such as Riviera...

I shall become an omnipotent god,
and I will forge a new world!

Hector! This is insane! It's unforgivable!
You're a disgrace to Asgard.

Who are you to judge me?

I'm a Grim Angel...
It's my duty to pass judgment!
Now, you and Seth shall pay for your sins!

What are you babbling about?
You think you can win?
Once I've merged with Seth, you don't stand a chance!







I am Ein. It is my duty to pass judgment on you,
as I have done on countless demons.
When I became a Grim Angel,
I gained more than just Einherjar for my wings...
In Riviera, I found friends,
as well as the courage to do what's right!
This world doesn't need an absolute god!
And it doesn't need the Retribution!


It's over... It's finally over...

The maze's falling apart!

Let's get outta here!!

There's nowhere to run!

The place is crumbling!

It's going to collapse!

Everybody, run!!

There's nowhere to go!

(Are we gonna die?)
(It doesn't seem fair.)
(Is this the will of the gods?)

I defeated Hector and saved Riviera,
but I wasn't able to protect Cierra...
Why does it have to end like this!?

I defeated Hector and saved Riviera,
but I wasn't able to protect Serene...
Why does it have to end like this!?

I defeated Hector and saved Riviera,
but I wasn't able to protect Lina...
Why does it have to end like this!?

I defeated Hector and saved Riviera,
but I wasn't able to protect Fia...
Why does it have to end like this!?

(I just had a horrible thought...)
(What if this was all part of the gods' plan?)
(What if we're just puppets in their show?)
(Do we really have any control over our future?)

This path goes under the Isle of Goriate...

There's something down there?

So, this is what's holding up this island of darkness?

I guess we'll just have to find out...

All I see is darkness... Any volunteers to go first?

I'll slice you into shreds!

I've made up my mind... Let's fight!

Don't they have anything better to do?

I guess not. What do you think, Ein?

Feel the sting of my arrow!

Aww... They're still here.

What did you expect?

Ein, let's take a look up ahead.

These scratches look like they're from a sword.

This place seems like some kind of fortress...
Was it used during Ragnarok?

It's a dead end.

But, there IS a chest.

Well, maybe it won't be a total waste of time.

Should I open it?

Better not.

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