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> Why is he called "Black Knight" Gunther?
post Oct 17 2019, 12:39 AM
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Group: Arcs
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Why is it that Gunther is referred to as "Black Knight Gunther" in the game? It's quite apparent that his armor is white, the exact opposite of black. I don't believe it's a translation error as "黒騎士" does indeed translate to "Black Knight," though I think "黒’" (kuro) can also be translated as "dark" which probably would have made more sense given the context.

According to the art book his "cursed" design was done before his human form so I imagine that they had to be aware that his armor was white. Then again, I have found similar examples elsewhere while looking online, such as this Yu-Gi-Oh! card, "Paladin of the Cursed Dragon". This card's original Japanese name is "闇竜の黒騎士" which would literally translate to "Black Knight of Dark Dragon" even though again, the knight in the image is clearly wearing white not black.

Another question I had was whether or not the whole name discrepancy between Jamie & Nordich was a mistake or intentional. Satoko Kiyuduki comments in the art book that she didn't realize until later on that Nordich was Jamie because they changed the prince's name to Nordich midway through the project. However, I'm not sure if that means that they somehow forgot to update his name for his werewolf form or if they chose to leave it as Jamie so as not to spoil the reveal early, though the latter explanation doesn't really make sense in the context of the game unless Yelma renamed him with the intention of keeping him as a pet or something like that.

This post has been edited by RosenkreutzXIII: Apr 2 2020, 08:08 AM
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