Rhia is a huge snake, and eyes of ancient wickedness (as opposed to contemporary wickedness, which really declined after post-modernist wickedness took hold). Leaf and his friends enter her house, and Leaf blows soap bubbles. Rhia thus tries to turn the scene into a strip show, but magic gemstones keep Leaf's pants on.
Rhia was raised on rats, which were initially few in number. However, evil schemers bred the rats, and flooded the city with them to spread hunger and disease, so that they—calling themselves “Ratcatchers” could emerge as saviours and gain sway over the people's hearts and minds. The citizens fled the city, and Rhia rose from the depths to claim it for herself. Its former residents founded a new city elsewhere, and called it “Norats”, to honour the fact that there were no rats there.
Though it first appears as if Rhia falls for a blatantly obvious diversion attempt—how easy she is flattered by compliments!—she tries to eat a leaf, but because snakes are carnivores, she dies. DUN DUUUUUN DUUUN DUUUUN DUUUUUUN