QUOTE(aerozero @ Jun 30 2011, 09:39 PM)

I'm VP elect for one of the organizations on campus, and I've been trying to plan ahead for events next year, but nothing has been going the way I want it so far.
Trying not to let it get to my head, otherwise I'll go insane...or even more so then I am now ugh
Oh, that's a bummer. :( Well if you're the VP, then isn't there a President position? If so, is he/she helping you at all? Maybe if you got more people to work with you on your ideas then they would turn out more like you envisioned them, but I dunno... maybe that's not the problem. Well, as unhelpful as I am with just my silly suggestions, I hope things start working out for you.
Been having a blast in this online character design class that I've enrolled in. We're five weeks in and I can see the improvement in my drawings every day. I'm revisiting some old designs from a couple years ago and fixing them up with my new style.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left.