I don't like _________. You don't understand the meaning of the word sarcasm, and you assume that everyone is serious even when they're not. You pretend to be five different people, or maybe they're your friends, who just happen to give off the exact same vibes as you. No, it's not exactly the same, but there is a very strong feeling of "I know this person" coming from your five people, and the feelings all match up to lead into the same person. Very negatively.
I wouldn't mind the fact that you lack a good grasp of English, if it wasn't for the fact that you try to make it seem like you don't by throwing out words that you don't understand. You also throw some of them out in an attempt to fit in more with the community. You see a word used often, you think "Oh, I must use it if I am to fit in!" but the use is just so stilted. If you are going to use the words, let it be natural, don't force it uselessly. You want to fit in, but you never will. Accept it and stop trying to pretend you're just like us. Stay, if you want, but as yourself, not the user "Yourself." Because you're not Yourself. You're yourself.
And you go overboard with everything. And I don't like your sense of humor. I've noticed that those two things are extremely common in people I don't like that stay at LCN. Interesting. You go overboard, talking for five days about what nobody cares (See? Just like this!). Making your horrible jokes that are less jokes and more "Let's be over-the-top and offensive because we think it's their style." Too bad you forgot the thing that makes a joke what it is rather than this sentence and the sentence after this sentence. It wasn't a joke, but I guess you would probably think it is. Especially if I said breasts. Horrible. And I'm not even going to get started on those you defend. Because you do not discriminate. And that's not always a good thing, contrary to what racism tells us. Discrimination is the difference between "I like Stalin" and "I like Jesus."
Your response? I'm interested in seeing where this will go, despite the fact that I really just wanted to whine because it's unbearable keeping all of this inside for months and months and feeling like nobody agrees and making no sense because of it. Maybe even saying random things. And I hope my sentence structure in this is as bad as I felt it was when writing it.
![IPB Image](http://i.imgur.com/bpZ0M7C.png)