No Anime, currently...
Manga: Black Cat - Really fell behind on this one. I can't remember where I am. Bleach - On number 19, I think. It's been a while since I checked. Chrno Crusade - Finished this series last year. It was so much better than the Anime. XP And it's pretty affordable, too, since there're only 8 issues. Culdcept - Waiting for the sixth (or was it seventh?) one. Godchild - Finished number 4 a long time ago. Never bothered to go buy the next one, although I want to.
You can probably tell it's been a while since I paid a visit to any bookstores. I've been playing on the Wii instead. >>
I might check into Death Note, too. A lot of people I know are into that now.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left.