I'm going with the general consensus, although I was totally thinking Fire Emblem instead of Riviera and Yggdra Union when I thought "weapons triad." Milanor's at a weapon disadvantage to begin with, factor in Ein's Grim Angel strength and the thief's odds don't look so good.
... Although I don't know how aesthetic appeal has anything to do with who'd win a fight. Ein would still definitely win in unarmed combat, but I would think it wouldn't be from the looks department. >>
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I mean, to get that second bath scene he had to take out Soala's giant golem, and he didn't bother to pull out a weapon or anything. I'm pretty sure one stray thief isn't much of a threat if he can beat a giant golem by whacking it a few times with a fist.
This post has been edited by H. Tsukiyono: Aug 12 2007, 08:53 AM