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> Various fanart and icons., It's been a while... *sweatdrop*
Feral Phoenix
post Jun 27 2007, 06:53 PM
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Angelus Artifax

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キス - It's FINALLY done. Gulcasa and Yggdra, as seen in several preliminary stages on the peonz artz thread. This took me freakin' forever.

Fly - Gulcasa, out to fry and/or Genocide some people. The pose turned out awesome; I love his hair's ability to fly all over the universe like that. I was at a loss for what to use for the background, so I ended up doing a faint Brongaa sketchie to fill the void/for symbolic purposes, or something like that.

These next few fanarts are just for viewing purposes and should not be added to the fanart section of the site. Thx. ^_^

While working with Whitewash as to the plot, completion, and several revisions of her fic Things Will Change (go review that, it's good), I sent her a few drawings for storyboarding/fangirlish/Feral's-a-nerd purposes.

Here we have Gulcasa being disagreeable. Is he ever agreeable in the first place? I don't know. But he sure is stubborn.

This scene actually never got added at all. But it's cute so I'm sharing it. He's so much easier to look after while he's asleep, isn't he, Yggdra?

This scene was cut from the final version for pacing purposes and various other stuff. Possibly also to respect Gulcasa's... "privacy"? I dunno. He hates reacting to things this way, and especially hates being seen like this.

For some reason it won't let me put up icons. (Ash... >_>) So those will have to wait. If they are ever to be posted at all.

This post has been edited by Marionette: Jun 27 2007, 07:46 PM

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post Jun 27 2007, 07:15 PM
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We'll soak this parched earth with our own blood.

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From: Gensokyo
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I agree, your links are broken.

[20:15] Irysa: I hate myself
[20:15] Irysa: I made myself some curry
[20:15] Irysa: and then
[20:15] Irysa: I realised
[20:15] Irysa: I wasn't hungry
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