No one in the last 9 or 10 pages psoted this so I am. Well if you are so curious this happens at Chapter 5 at the Underground Lake at the second scene.
Basically the party arrives at the "entrance" of the lake and you could decide to "wade" through it. If you fail well Ein drowns but gets saved by Serene.
Dialog after drowns *sometime later* So who gave him CPR...?
Ein : Ugh... Cierra : Ein! You're awake! Ein : ...Huh? I jumped in the lake, and... Fia : Serene jumped in to save you. Ein : She did? Serene : That's right. Now my clothes and my wings are soaked... If I catch a cold, it's all your fault! Ein : Sorry... I thought it was shallow. Serene : So you just jumped in!? Ein : ...Yeah. Serene : ... ... ... ... Cierra : Anyway... Thanks to Ein, we know we can't cross on foot. Lina : Yep!
Yeah and Ein loses 15% Max Hp temporary of course...
This post has been edited by zesler: Jun 25 2007, 03:33 AM
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