If it's English, don't bother. There are only two (Colette's Holy Judgement and Llyod's Falcon Crest) and only Llyod's you can actually use - Colette's is all luck.
False, there are three in the English version, and no more in the Japanese version unless you're playing the PS2 version in which case there is no English equivalent so the term "English version" would be a misnomer.
Trusty Bell: Beat it. Going to work on my second play through soon, get all the Score Pieces and go through the optional dungeon.
Yggdra Union: BF22. Third play through.
Blue Dragon: Finally entered final dungeon having saved Torripo. I've beat one of the what I'm told is thirty bosses in the final dungeon.
This post has been edited by Dr Sturm: Jun 21 2007, 06:10 AM
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