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> Aegina sketch/draw
Stubborn Boy
post Jun 19 2007, 03:51 PM
Post #1


Hi, newbie here... I sketched the top part of Aegina from her portrait but randomly drew the bottom, so it doesn't look proportionate...


Is there anything I should do to make it look better? Thanks very much in advance =D
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Suzu Fujibayashi
post Jun 19 2007, 08:30 PM
Post #2

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*Squints at screen*
Kinda hard to see, since it's kind of light so... But I'll give it a shot.

From the waist up doesn't look so bad, but yeah as you said the bottom half looks really odd. She looks like she has no hips or anything, what you could do is do what you have but you need to like er... Give her hips... Yeah.

And I'd think, perhaps, she might wear armor for bottom. I'm not sure as we obviously can't go off the sprite but... This is better then I can do.

Argh sorry if I sound weird, I'm a horrible art examiner-person.

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