Yes, we do want full YU faces. EVERYONE SAW NESSIAH OUR FACE COLLECTION SUCKS. But maybe this will be less work or easier for you! And I really want it.
Thanks to finding an option to "disable SFX" on an emulator, I found that it gets rid of the flashing it does when a clash is just starting. So, now what do I have? Forts.
But it's not complete. I think they're different sizes, which makes no sense, so maybe I screwed up somewhere. But anyway, the final boss's card skill lets me see very high. So high that I can see that what I have of this fort is only half of what's really there. But there's no way for me to get that like this. I would have gotten the background from that battlefield to show you, but I don't have any saves anywhere near there and I can't bring myself to ask Chef "HEY CAN YOU GET ME A SAVE FOR THE FINAL BATTLE" for like the millionth time.
Also, don't tell me to do it with Griffon Riders. I tried, they don't fly that high.
So what I need is to BECOME the final boss and be able to use the card skill, or... I need you to just rip them from the game. I posted it on the forum for all to see so they can whine to you if you decide not to help me and then they'll believe it when Sturm says you're at fault for the impending death of LCN. Also, because maybe I can accomplish this with cheats. Anybody can give me cheats.