QUOTE(Fujibayashi Suzu @ Apr 10 2007, 01:53 PM)
I know the feeling Feral @_@
The public library blocks FF too classifying it as 'Pornographic material' <.<;
Hmmmm interesting idea... Something I could try, but I'm not sure yet.
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And Kylier doesn't hate Yggdra. She's jealous of her because she thinks Milanor has a crush on Yggdra and is ignoring her.
Well, that and
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because Fantasinia banished Kylier's race, the Vanir, to live in Lost Aries.
That and she just seems to dislike nobility.
Ho hum. Must finish The Tainted and Rexnos' oneshot.
And go read Suzu's lovely fic.
@Another: I just want more reviews from knowledgeable reviewers 'cause I need to know what scenes worked, which could use improvement, if my ideas were cute etc. I'm sure most people are like that. :< I need to know, for example, if the whole "Gulcasa teaches Yggdra to ride a dragon" scene worked as well as I feel it did. (Oh, the sexual tension so thick you can cut it with a knife!! *such an idiot for her OTP*) And maybe people's guesses for where they think I'm going.
It would be interesting to see the story from Kylier's perspective.