Since Strum suggested it, I'll be posting new CG I capture (using an SV Capture Module on my PSP) as I play Riviera. They aren't perfect, I tried my best to get most of the important details of each CG. Also be warned, I'm playing Riviera at a pretty slow pace and I'm really busy this year, so I can't promise a certain time when I'll upload more CG. Also there is no guide out yet and I can't read Japanese at all, so I'll probably miss a few along the way. Anyways, enjoy!
I finally got Serene (yay!), and I'm at the Accursed fight part, I've updated my 1st post, but I'm missing 2 CGs, the one where Fia sends the skeleton to heaven and the one where they get cornered on the tower. They somehow got overwritten as I captured more pics. I might go back and get them, if I don't feel like being lazy :P