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> The wait is OVER!, *big sigh* Downloads appu~!
Feral Phoenix
post May 18 2007, 05:16 PM
Post #1

Angelus Artifax

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Okay, so the world knows that Feral finished short manga of chapters 0 and 3 of the original five Riviera drama tracks and her own set of Yggdra Union-themed brushes quite some time ago, right?

Well, with some "help" from the admins (uh... suggestions for places to go with the usual insults appended), she has FINALLY got them up and available for download in rar format (sorry, people who don't have winrar yet!! I don't have enough clearance on school computers to use winzip!! *flails*).

Chapter 0 (Introduction Corner) - These files are all in PNG format and they're a bit bigger than those in Chapter 3. Oh, well; that makes it easier for people to read my footnote on Ledah's use of pronouns. I cleaned up Teru's translation a bit in a few places where it was clunky/where something in the Japanese didn't get put into the script; hope that's not a problem.

Chapter 3 (One Afternoon...) - These files are all in JPG format and they're smaller than the ones in Chapter 0. Molan was a lot of fun to draw, as were the "squaremouth" moments for all the ladies. |D And it was also fun to depict Lina's mature side for once.

Yggdra Union brush set #1 - They're in Photoshop CS2 format (ABR), but I've included the imagepack and preview if you have another program. Uwawawa. I didn't get the chance to use all the fonts I wanted, 'cause this school's selection is crappy, but eh. Hopefully I'll be able to get PS on my own one day and then use all my gorgey downloaded fonts. If you use these to make icons ( if...), I'd love being credited. On LiveJournal, that's feral_phoenix (as if you don't already know that).

Let me know if the links are okay. I am sooooo sorry it took so long to figure out where to host this crap. @_@~

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post May 18 2007, 07:39 PM
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Heh, very cute ^^

And nicely told too.

I especially like Drama 4: Private School Riviera

I even made a sketch (though never finished it) of that Drama...maybe I'll remake it...after I finish the more recent drawings.

This post has been edited by FlameSpark: May 18 2007, 09:08 PM

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Feral Phoenix
post May 21 2007, 12:17 PM
Post #3

Angelus Artifax

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I'm working on Chapter 1 (the Malice one) right now; 2 and 4 will take the most work, so I wouldn't expect them until next school year if I were you. (@_@) Although I already have the uniforms designed for Chapter 4...

I'm glad you enjoy. ^_^ I worked really really hard on this.

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Dr Strum
post May 21 2007, 02:42 PM
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Since you decided to post these, they're over dramatic. No puns about them being dramas; you make certain points ridiculously over-serious.

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post May 21 2007, 04:45 PM
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Drawing is nice. I love Meute in this. Chapter 0 is fine, but as Sturm said, 3 is really overdramatic. Its one brooch. :\

[13:27:43] [Sabator] peter would be the worst batman ever though. "turn on the bat-signal" "right!" *turns on huge foglight, beams an image of striped pantsu into the sky*
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Suzu Fujibayashi
post May 21 2007, 10:22 PM
Post #6

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Drawing is quite nice indeed. =o
And is Reiche a guy? I can never tell. My instinct says girl, but that's just because everyone else in that whole place is female save like. 3 people (Not counting Ein). *Shrug*

Uwaaaa that's such a long wait for some of them chapters. D:

But then again, I have no idea how hard it is do to stuff like this so @.@

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post May 22 2007, 12:54 AM
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I like the drawings , ....COOL >:D
Good Job , you work is totally gooooood
i wait for others chapters @_@
Meute is cute!

Nothing To Make @@
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Feral Phoenix
post May 22 2007, 02:39 PM
Post #8

Angelus Artifax

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They overdramatize Molan losing her mom's brooch on the track anyway. (I mean, what's with all the heroic music while they're looking?) So I used Lina and Molan wondering why Fia was being serious about it and the point where Ein shows up with it to poke fun at it. :/ Besides, stuff like that is really important to little kids.

WOW, I have Chaos' stamp of approval. Rare!

We don't know Reiche's gender and probably won't for sure until we get an English-speaking voice actor for him/her. Teru uses "he" and I've always thought Reiche is a guy as well, so there you go.

@Suzu: Once it's all drawn/inked, the only problem is scanning it. If I've got Chapter 1 done by finals and the library is open this time, I should be able to get it up too. If not... uu, we've got a problem, Houston.

@RuikiaKarine: ^_^ Wouldn't have been able to do it without you~

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Dr Strum
post May 22 2007, 02:57 PM
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That's not what I'm talking about. When Lina says she lied about how well she slept, you make it a DUN DUN DUN REVELATION moment and it ends up retarded as all hell.

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