I downloaded some sound files a while back, but there seems to be some kind of problem with them--when I try to play them, whenever there's a moment of silence on the actual track, the sound stops. The track continues to play, but there's no sound at all. If I stop or pause it and actually move the bar to a spot on the track past the point where it glitched, it'll play normally, but it will stop again the next time there's silence.
It's strange.
Do you know what causes that kind of thing and if it's fixable?
It depends what kind of file it is. If it's a WAV, it could be an EOF within the silence chunks, or there might be a loop setup that errors when it hits the silence chunks. Or something else. I haven't really dealt with WAV in a while. Or any sound format.
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I could try. I don't know what it is though. They're mp3 sound files, and I've downloaded things from the same person off the same site in the same format before that were fine.
It may just be my out-of-date player, but then the other stuff has all worked on it before...