Only if you happen to have the most retarded Raid Leader in the world.
For the record:
DPS = Damage Per Second
DoT = Damage over time
Dkp= dragon kill points.
Its for instances (i.e. MC, AV)... every time you down boss you get DKP to use to get items that drop.
The guy who ran out and aggro'd more Mini Whelps was Under the Influence of Fear ( Skull over his head ) which makes you run all over the place in crazy directions.
Whelps is a shortened term for Dragon Whelps, aka, the young ones. They can be shit hard at that level though.
While this is going on, they're fighting Onyxia, the biggest Dragon boss in the game. Who's fucking hard.
And that makes it not funny?
This post has been edited by Chaos Seraph: Jul 19 2006, 02:03 PM
[13:27:43] [Sabator] peter would be the worst batman ever though. "turn on the bat-signal" "right!" *turns on huge foglight, beams an image of striped pantsu into the sky*