Hello, I'm GoldenTalesGeek. My user name is stemmed from the fact that "Golden Sun" and "Tales of" are 2 of my favorite RPG series, as well as the fact that I'm not the least bit ashamed to admit that I'm a geek.
I got into the "Dept. Heaven" series by accident, honestly. A few years ago. I was at GameStop purchasing a DS Lite and I had some extra money left over. So, I looked around in the bargain-priced games to see what they had. "Riviera: The Promised Land" caught my eye instantly, because of the very nice cover art. I looked at the back of the package to see what it was about, and I could tell it was an RPG unlike any other that I had seen or played before. I bought it immediately, because I always love games that are different from the norm. I played through it multiple times to see the different endings, something I hadn't done since "Chrono Trigger" on the SNES. My favorite "Riviera" pairing is Ein/Serene, if you can't tell by my avatar.
When I heard about "Yggdra Union", I had to purchase it online because every gaming store I went to in an attempt to find it was not successful. I enjoyed that one, too. It was a tactical RPG unlike any other. There were a few times where my brain was aching from trying to figure out a strategy, but it was well worth it.
I got "Knights in the Nightmare" a few days after it was released in the USA. I'm still in the process of getting through it, but it's proving to be one of the most unique and challenging RPGs I've ever played. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for the "Dept. Heaven" series.
If there's anything you wish to know about me, feel free to PM me, or ask me on this thread. Just don't get too personal, okay? There are some things I'd rather keep private.